[00:56] ss -ant |grep -E ':80|:443'|grep ESTAB| awk '{print $5}' | cut -d":" -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr -- why doesn't this work on jammy. Its supposed to check for established connections on ports 80 and 443, which are the standard ports for HTTP and HTTPS traffic, respectively. It then sorts these connections by IP address and counts the number of connections for each IP. [01:38] lunatiq: what do you mean "doesn't work"? What does it do instead? I can see it overcounting, because it would catch connections to ports beginning with 80 or 443, also possibly some ipv6 connections [02:07] rfm it prints 15] [02:07] 3]2606 [03:48] lunatiq, those square brackets sure look like it's pickiing up some ipv6 addresses; I think you're going to have to actually write a script instead of just pasting something you found online [07:00] Hi guys, I have an Ubuntu 22.04 server running on a Hetzner machine, with HestiaCP on it. I cannot for the life of me install mailman. I have tried with venv (which gives me python errors). Is it better to set this up on a new machine e.g. on Debian which seems to have packages of mailman available? Any other easiest mailing list system? [07:04] Hi guys, I have an Ubuntu 22.04 server running on a Hetzner machine, with HestiaCP (Exim4) on it. I cannot for the life of me install mailman. I have tried with venv (which gives me python errors). Is it better to set this up on a new machine e.g. on Debian which seems to have packages of mailman available? Any other easiest mailing list system? === shokohsc51081298 is now known as shokohsc5108129 === shokohsc51081298 is now known as shokohsc5108129 === bbezak2 is now known as bbezak === esv__ is now known as esv [14:36] is PHP 8.2 a PPA for 22.04 LTS? [14:37] rfm, I didn't find this online. Someone from another channel gave it to me. === dbungert1 is now known as dbungert === utkarsh84 is now known as utkarsh2102_real === utkarsh2102_real is now known as utkarsh2102 === mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson [21:13] ah yes [21:13] the experience of booting Ubuntu 22.04 over PXE [21:13] https://i.imgur.com/Pe50ZVH.png [21:17] Yup, the 22.04.3 ISO doesn't work via PXE [21:17] 22.04.1 works [21:31] the disk had some partition table https://i.imgur.com/uqSyK7J.png [21:31] and now I can't format/wipe [21:31] can't set as boot device [21:33] *sigh* [21:33] the disks were previously formatted as ext4 (no partition) [21:33] and subiquity's partitioner is too dumb to know what to do with it [21:33] wipefs --all from shell or live system [21:33] I had to wipefs -a on the disks so it would let me repartition [21:34] there was *nothing* wrong with the Debian installer... why they had to implement this dumb thing, I'll never understand [21:35] the name of progress! [21:36] when you create a partition, you need to "leave as unformatted", else they won't appear in md creation [21:36] why they couldn't leave a "use for md" or something, hell knows [21:37] *sigh* every time I install a 22.04 box from the ISO it enrages me === shokohsc51081294 is now known as shokohsc5108129 [22:02] and for some reasons, after you install it, it won't set up itself as the default boot entry [22:02] actually [22:02] it didn't even create the efi entry [22:02] dear god [22:16] the RH installer from 2004 was more useful than this trash