
JuestEriC^^: that file does not exist00:05
Juestbut a subdirectory called /etc/default/grub.d exists00:05
Juestthat only contains one file that does nothing and it mentions its going to be removed from future releases00:06
Juesti also noticed my system failed to start ssh service00:06
Juestsomething didn't go well with the upgrade00:08
Juestfrom 20.04 to 22.0400:08
kotgcHi, is there a channel for VMM and KVM install questions?00:09
Juestkotgc: maybe not in this network, i've just searched in alis and came up empty, only a #kvm channel without a topic set and not a lot of people00:14
kotgcJuest, thx00:15
EriC^^Juest: that's why you get the weird menu i guess00:19
JuestI've got no idea how that file just disappeared00:19
Juesthow can i regenerate it with ubuntu defaults?00:20
EriC^^during the update did it ask whether to replace blabla the edited vs maintainer or something like that?00:20
Juestonly one file, nothing else00:20
Juestand it was not that00:20
EriC^^1 sec let me see which package has it00:20
Juestshould be grub-efi something?00:20
Juestsomething went pretty wrong during the upgrade :/00:20
Juestis this a known issue perhaps?00:20
Juesti've read about upgrade issues when it came out00:21
Juestnot fixed?00:21
EriC^^Juest: try ls -l /usr/share/grub/default/grub is that there?00:22
EriC^^Juest: also pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep grub"00:22
EriC^^no idea about the bug being known and stuff00:22
Juestit is there!00:22
EriC^^ok, i couldn't find /etc/default/grub in any package, but that file seems to be the same, and part of grub2-common00:23
EriC^^paste the dpkg thing though, might give some insight and what to do next00:23
Juesti also remembered that i've had to make changes to /etc/default/grub to work around a pci bug with my hardware that causes spam in the kernel00:24
EriC^^you can probably find what you used in /var/log/syslog logs in the first line when it boots in the kernel parameters00:25
EriC^^if that's more convenient00:25
Juestlet me tell you, the packages are all ii and those are: grub-common, grub-efi, grub-efi-amd64, grub-efi-amd64-bin, grub-efi-amd64-signed, grub-imageboot, grub-pc-bin, grub2-common00:25
Juesti consider the boot options i used lost, it doesnt really seem to affect the system performance00:26
EriC^^i guess for starters try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub{,2}-common" see if /etc/default/grub appears00:26
Juestgrub-common and grub2-common?00:27
Juestthe package came like that00:28
Juestno /etc/default/grub00:28
Juestreinstalled and nothing changed00:28
Juestit was removed in the upgrade00:28
Juestwith the upgrade due to packages00:28
EriC^^Juest: i guess copy over the /usr one00:30
EriC^^Juest: sudo cp /usr/share/grub/default/grub /etc/default/grub00:30
EriC^^then 'sudo update-grub'00:30
Juestdone on my own before your copy message00:32
Juestim not really going to be able to find the boot options with just 'less /var/log/syslog'00:33
EriC^^zgrep -i "kernel command line" /var/log/syslog.*00:35
Juestgot it00:37
Juestthank you EriC^^, i wonder why things were changed00:39
EriC^^no problem Juest00:40
Juesthow can i figure out if the upgrade screwed up anything else?00:50
Juestshould i look up about upgrade problems further?00:50
Juestor where i can read about the changes from lts to lts?00:50
EriC^^Juest: you could run debsums if you want to see if all the installed package files are right00:52
EriC^^sudo debsums | grep -v OK$00:53
JuestEriC^^: that's not the problem, i want to know about package changes that came through with this release that are impactful to the user01:03
Juestas you saw with the grub configuration01:04
chasyxxcan i chat02:03
=== oulaw-marine is now known as outlaw-marine
=== laith is now known as lflin16
lflin16Hello world!06:42
hay207Hi, is it ok for these packages to be removed?08:35
hay207to solve a dependency error08:36
hay207An error in updating plasma-workspaces which depends on libxmlb208:38
hay207Also this: https://pastebin.com/sY3uGAna08:41
toddchay207: yes but update and ugrade after to verify the unmet dependency issue08:59
toddcThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:00
toddc libappstream4 : Depends: libxmlb2 (>= 0.3.13) but 0.3.6-2build1 is installed09:00
toddcThe following actions will resolve these dependencies:09:00
SteelRosehi there! anyone here using Chef?09:34
ficherohello and hi11:11
ficherois this music player xmms or sum still aiv11:11
ficheroi can't remember its name11:11
geirhaLooks like xmms is no longer maintained, but qmmp looks like it's still maintained11:20
=== presuffrage is now known as CrazyEddy
ZumoGood morning, as anyone had an issue with the keyboard layout in 22.04?11:36
Zumothe number 5 Alt-Gr key should input the euro sign and is input ½?11:37
ZumoI've tried changing keyboards11:37
Zumofrom english to portuguese11:37
Zumoand used "sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" to reconfigure the keyboard to iso10511:38
Zumono go still some weird characters11:38
forccon_Hello. How can I test an old version of Chromium in Ubuntu?11:39
JAdamsalguien habla español11:45
mozambiquecan I amke a request12:00
mozambiquecam I make a request12:00
mozambiquehere it goes12:01
mozambiqueNumber 21720812512:01
mozambiqueDear Prof Bjarne12:01
mozambiqueThere is a internet problem12:01
mozambiqueThe kids from all over can't do download and play online games at the same time12:01
mozambiqueCould you have a look?12:01
feitnomoreHello... I have a Dell Mini 3080 that I upgraded from 22.10 to 23.04, and my eth0 (pci NIC) stopped working... It works for a few minutes after reboot and them stops. I am getting tons of r8169: rtl_ephyar_cond == 1 (loop: 100, delay: 10) and r8169 rtl_eiar_cond == 1 (loop: 100, delay: 100). I tried adding pcie_aspm=off to my grub, but that did not help. Any clues?12:04
=== esv__ is now known as esv
YakovI want to browse stack overflow site from ubuntu in dark mode12:30
Yakovcurrently i'm using dark theme for ubuntu, it works well for OS environment, some sites are also dark, but stack overflow still white12:30
Yakovplease advise if there is working solution12:30
_________in firefox you can choose dark "website apperance" in settings; if nothing else works, use darkreader.12:31
YakovDark Reader12:32
YakovDark Reader is an open source eye-care browser extension this?12:32
Yakovapologize for offtop:looking for social chat to discuss some eye related topics in IRC12:33
_________yes, that's dark reader12:34
Yakovwow, it works :)  thanks brother12:36
BluesKajHi all12:42
=== jake1 is now known as sybariten
migbitsdid anyone saw thisn plugins failing on their execution when i came in13:28
migbitsis this a problem?13:28
=== VlA is now known as V1A
leftyfbmigbits: huh? This is an ubuntu support channel13:30
migbitsleftyfb, and I'm runing a irc client which i instaled plugins but don't know how they work13:31
leftyfb!ot | migbits13:31
ubottumigbits: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:31
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest4424
ficherogeirha: thanks ...13:41
migbitshola estamos igual13:46
migbitshey i started downloading recomended security updates for nvidia and etc and while installing my pc is without signal13:48
migbitsit just went off mouse moving doesn't show image13:48
migbitsis this a mistake?13:48
migbitsi had the proprieraty drivers from the device manager13:48
migbitsweren't this updates for proprieraty nvidia then?13:49
hwpplayer1I couldn't activate kernel live patch service within my pro subscribtion13:49
hwpplayer1Is it about kernel version ?13:49
hwpplayer16.2.0-33-generic is my kernel version13:51
hwpplayer1TheRedQueen: Are you the Ubuntu staff or community member ?13:54
mybalzitchthey're a bot13:54
feitnomoreHello... I have a Dell Mini 3080 that I upgraded from 22.10 to 23.04, and my eth0 (pci NIC) stopped working... It works for a few minutes after reboot and them stops. I am getting tons of r8169: rtl_ephyar_cond == 1 (loop: 100, delay: 10) and r8169 rtl_eiar_cond == 1 (loop: 100, delay: 100). I tried adding pcie_aspm=off to my grub, but that did not help. Any clues?14:01
=== phonemic1 is now known as phonemic
ficheroi prefer xmms14:47
leftyfbfichero: can we help you with something?14:49
migbitsno yet14:51
ficheroi just installed latest security patches and there was no image on my screen for 20 minutes i had to force shutdown15:02
ficherothere was a lot of nvidia packages15:02
pragmaticenigmafichero: are you still not seeing an image on the screen? your support question is unclear what you need help with.15:04
ravagei had the same problem when updaing the nvidia packages on 22.04 in a GUI session15:09
ravageafter the 20 minutes you need to just reboot and it should boot. try "sudo apt -f install" in a terminal when you are back in the system15:10
kuckleheadIs there a repo that I can put in my apt-list for google chrome or do I really have to download the debian package and install it manually15:14
pragmaticenigmathe debian package offered by google installs the repo for you15:14
pragmaticenigmakucklehead: right on the download page, it tells you the .deb file installs the repo. look for the word "Not" in bold text: https://www.google.com/chrome/?platform=linux15:19
hermanoLooking to create an SSH key if it missing and do nothing if it exists:15:22
leftyfbhermano: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/cTmmgvh8nm/15:24
lunatiqis PHP 8.2 a PPA for 22.04 LTS?15:26
lunatiqit is15:29
leftyfb!latest | lunatiq15:29
ubottulunatiq: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:29
leftyfblunatiq: php8.1 is the latest in Ubuntu 22.0415:30
pragmaticenigmalunatiq: The 3rd party PPAs for PHP are ones that I would be extra careful using15:34
hermanoOr should this question be move to #linux15:34
leftyfbhermano: you should probably ask in #bash15:34
hermanoleftyfb, thanks.15:34
BinarySaviorafter OS wakes from a suspend / sleep state, I notice the scroll wheel on my mouse has significantly less sensitivity16:15
BinarySavioris there a way to restart the mouse?16:16
pragmaticenigmaBinarySavior: does unplugging the mouse and plugging it back in fix it?16:16
BinarySavioryes pragmaticenigma16:17
pragmaticenigmaThat's what I would recommend to continue doing. Or refrain from using the syspend/sleep modes16:18
pragmaticenigmayou could also try testing with a different mouse16:19
osseI'm unable to boot Ubuntu with kernel 6.2 properly. It just (seemingly anyway) hangs at [ OK ] Mounted /home.  Comparing the outputs of journactl -b for a boot with 5.19 and 6.2 I see that with 6.2 gdm-x-session is started which fails spectacularly, but with 5.19 gdm-wayland-session is started.16:31
osseDo I need to reconfigure 6.2 ? I can't remember configuring any such stuff manually before'16:31
ano_hi, I've got a question about mounting a cd drive17:01
ano_I want to backup my old cd game from cd to iso so I can play it during travel. until now I have copied everything using two commands. One was reading sizeblock and amount of blocks, and then later I copied everything using dd17:02
ano_but when it came to cd2 (yes, that goog old cd-swapping times :D  )  it was unable to read it17:03
loswedsededis there a tetris app for ubuntu?17:04
ano_and I saw that cd is somehow different. In file explorer I can see mounted two directories - one "normal" with files, and second mounts as audio cd with game soundtrack. So probably one disc contains two partitions. Am I right??17:05
ano_so how can I read the "whole" disc, not only one of it's partitions17:06
ano_comand I was using was : isoinfo -d -i /dev/cdrom | grep -i -E 'block size|volume size'17:07
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pragmaticenigmaano_: This isn't the right forum for what you are asking. What you are asking, could be considered piracy. That goes against the rules of the channel.17:13
ano_ok, sorry. I really didn't mean no piracy, but ok, I'll seek the answer somewhere else17:28
Guest302@pragmaticenigma Well it depends on what is inside the cd17:39
feitnomoreHello... I have a Dell Mini 3080 that I upgraded from 22.10 to 23.04, and my eth0 (pci NIC) stopped working... It works for a few minutes after reboot and them stops. I am getting tons of r8169: rtl_ephyar_cond == 1 (loop: 100, delay: 10) and r8169 rtl_eiar_cond == 1 (loop: 100, delay: 100). I tried adding pcie_aspm=off to my grub, but that did not help. Any clues? I am using old kernel, but wanted to move forward to the new one17:49
leftyfb!repeat | feitnomore17:49
ubottufeitnomore: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/17:49
feitnomoreThanks! just posted there18:16
=== paul is now known as Guest5898
laurafirefox and chrome will not work i cannot connect to internet18:30
tomreynosse: whether gdm starts with Xorg or Wayland is defined by the "WaylandEnable=true|false" setting in the [daemon] section of the gdm configuration file in /etc/gdm3/18:34
tomreynit's possible that - independently of this setting - gdm will fall back to Xorg in case you're using nvidia proprietary drivers (which may be the case with the one but not the other kernel version you mentioned).18:36
tomreynfeitnomore: are you referring to a "Dell OptiPlex 3080 Mini Tower" there (a "Dell Mini 3080" does not seem to exist).18:38
tomreynfeitnomore: see if you have a "cut here" line in dmesg / journalctl -b   when running the 6.2 kernel, similar to this linux mint user on bug 203270618:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2032706 in Ubuntu "r8169 transmit queue 0 timed out (after upgrade from kernel 5.x to 6.x)" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203270618:42
tomreynsee also the possible workaround in the mail thread leading to the upstream (kernel.org) bug report + patch: https://lore.kernel.org/netdev/37b1001d-688c-fa35-0d8a-cbbbae5e6fa8@gmail.com/T/18:44
tomreynloswedseded: apt search tetris && snap find tetris    may tell18:47
topcat001loswedseded: I love this one: https://www.victornils.net/tetris/19:03
topcat001BinarySavior: You can also reset the mouse from the command line and see if it helps. See https://github.com/jkulesza/usbreset for a very simple utility.19:05
topcat001BinarySavior: The utility is just a wrapper for this ioctl() call: ioctl(fd, USBDEVFS_RESET, 0).19:06
tomreynshould be part of package usbutils19:08
tomreynthough this has more code added on top of the original alan stern mailing list post https://github.com/gregkh/usbutils/blob/master/usbreset.c19:12
BinarySaviorthanks topcat001 & tomreyn19:25
tomreynyou're welcome19:25
=== laith is now known as lflin16
Yakovhow to get my image DPI with ubuntu?19:58
Yakovis this image 300 dpi or 72 dpi? https://people.math.sc.edu/Burkardt/data/tif/autumn.tif19:59
xamindarplease for the love of all that is sane, how do we complately remove snaps and switch back to native, fast-running, apps?20:07
tomreynxamindar: there are not equivalent debian packages for all packages which have been replaced by snaps in all ubuntu releases.20:15
tomreynyou can install or download other builds of the respective software, though, where available, or build it yourself.20:16
=== laith is now known as lflin16
tomreynYakov: i'm not really sure, but gimp seems to think it's 345x206 pixels at 72 ppi20:25
xamindartomreyn: dang, so we can't even get around them by using the debian versions. that really sucks20:34
Yakovhow do you see that?20:39
YakovImage - Print Size  X: Y: ?20:39
topcat001Yakov: an easier way is this: `identify -format "res: %w x %h dpi: %x x %y\n" /path/to/image`20:42
topcat001identify is part of ImageMagick20:43
Yakovyes, I was looking for cmd, but was lazy to understand syntax20:43
topcat001there you go :)20:43
Yakovknowledge base psychology for it specialists just updated20:44
topcat001Yakov: FYI the format syntax is explained here: https://imagemagick.org/script/escape.php20:44
Yakovcan you share your paste?20:45
Yakovwould be easier for me20:45
topcat001what do you mean by my paste?20:45
Yakovwhat did you paste to your cmd (wihtout path)20:47
tomreynYakov: which ubuntu version do you run there?20:49
topcat001Yakov: I typed the exact command I used.20:49
YakovUbuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)20:49
tomreynso you just need to install the imagemagick package and run the comand provided20:50
topcat001yes I guess I didn't understand the request :)20:50
Yakovtopcat001 I'm installing Imagemagic... Asked you to share paste to let me just change path and name to file20:52
topcat001Ah I get you now. Ok: https://termbin.com/a2qo20:58
topcat001I also added the file name in case you are running this in a loop from a script.20:58
Yakovi'm having crazy slow limited thai internet, they cut you till 100kbs after you reach 50 gb per month20:59
Yakovsupernova@supernova-BOHB-WAX9:~/Desktop$ identify -format "%f: res: %w x %h dpi: %x x %y\n" test.tiff | test.tiff: res: 154 x 30 dpi: 300 x 30021:17
Yakovis there some kind of analog for C++ (native or lib) ?21:18
JuestEriC^^: i realized that the upgrade disabled the plymouth ubuntu logo21:19
pragmaticenigmaYakov: there probably is, but that would be beyond the abilities of anyone here. There are channels on libera for programming help, they might be able to help you find a library  in one of those channels.21:31
pragmaticenigmaYakov: you could try first in #c++-basic or #C++-general21:32
Yakovyes, sure21:33
topcat001I'm very comfortable with C++, but this is off-topic.21:33
Yakovthere could be short answer which is in context of our previous conversation...  could be something famous like openCV or other... nvm, sorry for offtop21:35
topcat001I don't have any specific recommendation, just try one of the many hits on google :)21:36
=== Syntax_0 is now known as Syntax_
gimMr Bungle22:03
gimanyone on here22:04
gimHola Johansel22:08
gimwho is the person that keeps the man awake22:12
geniigim: Do you have some question relating to the support of Ubuntu?.. since that is the purpose of this channel...22:14
gimi want to go to a chatroom22:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:15
geniiThe channel the bot mentions is the one for more casual conversation of Ubuntu users22:15
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»22:16
genii..and Alis is a way you can search the network here for channels relating to your specific interests22:17
=== octav1a is now known as Sharktavia
jwashhi everyone, can you reccomend a remote desktop protocol to use ubuntu to ubuntu on the same wired network. x2go and vnc are both slow.23:22
geniijwash: I generally use x2x but it won't work if you're running Wayland23:46
jwashi'm not sure if i'm using wayland, i'm on ubuntu 22.04 both computers, also both use xfce23:47
geniijwash: https://itsfoss.com/check-wayland-or-xorg/23:49
jwashsays x1123:51
jwashand tty, but i feel sure it's also x11 on remote computer because it's 100% the same install23:52

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