[18:58] Hello can anyone tell me where I can download the new Ubuntu Studio 2022 logos in svg format [18:58] StudioUser58: Sure, but can I inquire what for? [18:59] does it matter, they should be publicly available like all the other ubuntu flavor logo's, anyway I want to make wallpaper art for my Ubuntu Studio desktop. [19:00] StudioUser58: I wan't trying to prevent it, I was just curious. https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-art/ubuntustudio-artwork/+git/current-standard [19:00] StudioUser58: One of Ubuntu's codes of conduct is to never assume bad faith, and I wasn't assuming bad faith. [19:00] I don't know how to use git, is there no simple download link? [19:01] StudioUser58: If you browse to https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-art/ubuntustudio-artwork/+git/current-standard/tree/ you can click on each of those and then click "plain" to download each one. [19:01] okay thank you. [19:01] You're welcome. [19:02] License is CC-BY-4.0 [19:02] I'm the author. [19:07] Okay, I figured out how to download the entire git with TortoiseGit