[02:26] krusader (re @IrcsomeBot: Hi, kubuntu 23.04 : any way to get a files explorer having a left panel with ALL computer tree (including NAS, USB keys...) and a place for my favorites shortcuts to folders and of courses tabs on right panel with each opened folders ? Dolphin is pretty but doesn't check all I want) [02:27] sudo apt install krusader [02:27] and enjoy it === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === vcxza is now known as pa4o === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [11:56] Hi all [13:08] - === warmana1 is now known as warmana [14:48] Hi BluesKaj! [14:48] hi mmikowski [14:49] Good too see you. Just thought I'd say good morning, West Coast time :) [14:51] yeah still morning here in northern Ontario [15:02] bonjour tout le monde === warmana1 is now known as warmana [15:04] bonjour beadesroches2 [15:23] Hello [15:24] What Males Kubuntu AWSOME!? [15:28] It is not awsome. It has kde plasma installed as default Desktop Environment thats it. === kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_ === kubuntu_ is now known as kubuntu [17:51] Jo [17:52] Hope u all are safe and sound ! [18:31] /help@join_captcha_bot [19:31] Hi All, my kubuntu app launcher menu is not opening browsers links is this normal to happen or can I fix it? === wodencafe is now known as wodencthulhu [22:45] 4w21 [22:46] hi [22:46] Hello good, a question. and thanks in advance for the help. I have a NAS and I like to see the thumbnails of the videos I have on it before playing the files. Do you know if it is possible to see these thumbnails normally when I access the videos through samba? [23:56] Hello. Thank you in advance for your help. I have a NAS and I have multimedia content, among other things videos, when I access my network directory where I have the videos via SMB, I cannot see the thumbnails of these. Can I do something to solve it? I would like to see the thumbnails of the videos [23:59] Can any channel user help me?