[02:39] [telegram] where is that patch currently; packaged? daily? can I get a package version please (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) Alright, so I have a working patch to lxqt-powermanagement which only shows a message when the battery is actually present. @guiverc / wxl / etc. do you want to test?) [03:53] I'm doing a 'replace partition' where sda1 was / & was selected (sda2 = /home)... calamares has offered me to re-use sda2 for /home again (yes/no)!! I've never had calamares offer me this before [04:33] ^ install worked perfectly .. my geolocation isn't being detected though - https://launchpad.net/bugs/2038254 [04:33] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2038254 in calamares (Ubuntu) "lubuntu mantic ; third install that has had me in new york (today)" [Undecided, New] === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [11:26] [telegram] guiverc: That ^ uses https://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup now. If for some reason that was down you would get New York. That is the fallback default location. [11:27] yeah i realize ny is fallback... I couldn't recall the site we used (i remembered ubuntu.com but not the rest of geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup [11:27] thanks kc2bez [11:27] [telegram] Sure thing [11:29] * guiverc will be doing many more installs in coming days.. I can watch for other temporary failures.. (on internet installs anyway) [11:33] [telegram] Sounds good [18:27] @teward001 since you still seem to be having issues with your registrar that is affecting images on discourse, perhaps we should post something about it? https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/mantic-wallpaper/4539/10 [20:13] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: calamares-settings-ubuntu (mantic-proposed/universe) [1:23.10.3 => 1:23.10.4] (lubuntu, ubuntustudio) [20:13] The calamares-settings-ubuntu upload I just did removes Ubuntu Studio. [20:42] tsimonq2: And rejected. "Not release-critical; removing packages at cycle end adds workload to AAs" [20:44] Ope, great minds. 🧠 [20:46] Eickmeyer: Nah, your ping prompted my response. I would have read the email anyway, but thanks ;) [20:49] tsimonq2: Glad to help, even if it's somewhat awkward news. [21:04] Bah, I've had much more embarrassing rejects in the past. [21:05] [telegram] Jump start on the next cycle [21:14] Honestly, I've done uploads *knowing* they'd get rejected simply because I needed a better option and knew Steve could help me. [21:18] Eickmeyer: I've done that with MPs. For uploads, I did that once. I'll forward you the email real quick ;) [21:20] tsimonq2: 🤣 [21:20] 🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒 [21:20] I'm ded. 💀 🤣 [21:21] https://launchpad.net/~laney [21:21] XD [21:21] HAHAHAHAHAHA [21:22] I should show up to Summit with a giraffe. [21:22] * tsimonq2 looks down the hallway as Erich chases Iain with a stuffed giraffe [21:22] you just hear "AAAAAAAH SHOO!" [21:23] 🤣 [21:23] Anyway, it's about beer o'clock, for now. Have fun. [21:23] You too. o/ [21:24] * tsimonq2 chuckles at his away message, try whois tsimonq2 on IRC ;) [21:27] guiverc: $ dput ssh-ppa:lubuntu-dev/powermanagement ../lxqt-powermanagement_1.3.0-0ubuntu2~ppa1_source.changes [22:05] [telegram] Pending publication if anyone feels like grabbing those debs for testing [22:06] ack... [22:07] [telegram] Thank you for what you do guiverc, if you get to test it I'd appreciate it :) [22:08] :)