
jrwrenYAY DETROIT! https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/detroit-man-steals-800-gallons-using-bluetooth-to-hack-gas-pumps-at-station13:26
cmaloneyHah. I love to see stories like this13:26
cmaloneySeriously, security would be so much better if we actually pentested with real criminals13:27
cmaloneybut I guess we do that in the wild.13:27
jrwrencheaper in the wild, because it is "free" - you get to collect from insurance!13:29
jrwrenthen again, maybe insurance payments would be cheaper if you showed a good pentest :)13:29
cmaloneyThinking Hyndai / Kia would disagree since they're blaming all the Tik Tokkers for showing how to steal their cars13:52
jrwrenok, now I’m officially licensed. KE8ZFR17:09
Scary_Guyhttps://www.arrl.org/fcc/search Has not propagated here yet though20:17
jrwrenthis should be fun20:29
jrwrenhttps://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2023/10/03/2 20:29
jrwrenncludes FCC actions through Oct 01, 202320:29
jrwrenmine was today AFAICT, so mabye when that date is on or after Oct 03, 202320:29
Scary_Guyhttps://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp;JSESSIONID_ULSSEARCH=G5v3aNgdqnelkP6TDXa7Nm0hOcyJP0uAfdmNxvpA45DENpm-jhNQ!-172812200!-1777547400?licKey=4824357 Popped up in the FCC database though21:21

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