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Sain_`Sharktavia ShaedS cahilnebilir12 Polochon_street mort nuala Nando tosaraja nyaomi amosbird icebottle Millicent sonOfRa paride SwedeMike ptrwr Abrax Muzer picooz isene anwesha chilversc MrBurns hikikomori LarsErikP justaguy sunyibo onepict sunitknandi Byteflux Foxy heart8 Dimitris DreamweaverN redlegion Furna_ crash_ spY aisrael FragtioN jonvonb RaimondRaj crisdel rubick nikitosiusis tronic aog01:10
mybalzitchlol speedy +q, well done bots01:18
josb25108004when I use./code|wc -c| get the number 27 which is not the length of the output what should I do to get the length of the output02:09
tomreynjosb25108004: maybe you want   wc -m   instead?02:11
PuchoNZHi folks, I tried upgrading from 22.04 to 23.04 using do-release-upgrade and after the upgrade completed and rebooted, machine was still on 22.04 and all sources pointing to lunar. Any ideas?02:12
tomreynPuchoNZ: that's peculiar. there's a log of what was done in /var/log/ somewhere, some subdirectory with "upgrade", i think.02:15
tomreynmaybe if you have a file system with point in time recovery (btrfs?), this could explain the situation.02:16
josb25108004tomreyn, I tried this and same result02:17
tomreynjosb25108004: how do yuo tell it's not the number you expect?02:18
leftyfbjosb25108004: -c is byte count02:19
josb25108004https://termbin.com/4dzz  https://termbin.com/5vgn02:29
rboxthat looks like 27 to me...02:30
leftyfbjosb25108004: https://linux.die.net/man/1/wc#:~:text=read%20standard%20input.-,%2Dc%2C%20%2D%2Dbytes,-print%20the%20byte02:31
rboxwhat do you mean why02:31
tomreyn$ echo -n 'Pas bon soyez plus attentif' | wc -m02:35
tomreynjosb25108004: what makes you say it's not 27 characters?02:36
PuchoNZtomreyn only thing i found under /var/log/upgrade was a telemetry file with02:39
PuchoNZ{"From": "22.04", "InstallMedia": "Ubuntu-Server 22.04.3 LTS \"Jammy Jellyfish\" - Release amd64 (20230810)", "Type": "Text", "ThirdPartySources": false, "Stages": {"0": "start", "1": "PREPARE", "38": "MODIFY_SOURCES", "426": "FETCH", "445": "INSTALL", "446": "INSTALL", "478": "INSTALL", "873": "POSTUPGRADE", "876": "CLEANUP", "1962": "REBOOT"}}02:39
josb25108004Thank you tomreyn leftyfb rbox02:40
tomreynPuchoNZ: hmm, sorry, i don't have an upgraded ubuntu system here right now, can't check where it should be.02:41
PuchoNZdist-upgrade perhaps?02:41
tomreynPuchoNZ: yes02:43
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migbitshi gato02:47
migbitswelcome to the fold02:48
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Juesthey umm, anyone with experience dealing with issues that arise from upgrading 20.04 to 22.04?03:53
guivercJuest, just outline problem & people will answer as they're able.  problems are usually 3rd party package caused in my experience05:15
Juestguiverc: in this case its ubuntu packages having gotten messed up. /etc/default/grub got removed from the packages, plymouth is unconfigured/shows nothing05:17
Juestthere's probably more stuff05:17
alkisgJuest: what's the output of this: ls /usr/share/xsessions | nc termbin.com 999905:21
Juestalkisg: why?05:22
alkisgJuest: to see which ubuntu desktop environments you have installed05:22
Juestthis is a default ubuntu desktop installation, no other desktop environments are installed05:23
alkisgAnd what's the output of: dpkg -l | grep ubuntu | grep nc termbin.com 999905:23
alkisgAnd if you again ask why, I'll pass :)05:23
migbitsJuest, just answer05:38
migbitsi took think i know somethings but for certain i probably know nothing completly05:38
migbitsgrub got removed?05:39
Juestmy whole issue with grub and things going amiss was caused by /etc/defaults/grub not existing05:40
Juesti had to copy it from /usr/share/grub/default/grub and update-grub05:41
Juestsudo update-grub05:41
Juesti've realized that the issue i was having is resolved05:41
Juestmigbits: no, the grub packages removed /etc/defaults/grub from the package05:42
Juestalkisg: first command: https://termbin.com/x2o905:50
Juest second command, which failed because you put grep nc instead of just nc https://termbin.com/3i3f05:50
Juestplease help me understand, why /etc/default/grub was removed and not restored during the upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04?05:53
alkisgJuest: OK, your metapackages seem to be there. I'd also run this, to check for file and settings changes. It will take a lot of time: sudo dpkg -V05:55
alkisgWhen it's done, put the result to some pastebin05:55
Juestalkisg: nothing about grub but other packages, just minor things05:58
alkisgJuest: nothing that would explain the plymouth difference? Also, apart from grub and plymouth, did you observe other things missing?05:59
ficheroJuest: i upgraded from 18 something to 22.04 and grub file is there on /etc/default/05:59
Juestalkisg: the plymouth issue was due to grub configuration06:00
Juestfichero: i dont know what happened but it went away for me, maybe something was left mid-progress somewhere and it didnt tell me06:01
Juestplymouth splash was not showing up06:01
Juestalkisg: no, i have not observed anything else amiss06:02
alkisgJuest: OK. I don't know of any cases where /etc/default/grub was deleted on upgrades or otherwise. Did you already restore it or do you need help on that?06:02
JuestI have already got instructed to copy it from /usr/share/grub/default/grub which did exist, i dont know where it comes from because looking at the grub packages the files do not contain any configuration paths other than grub.d stuff06:03
Juestand inputted pci=nomsi which is needed on this gigabyte brix s i3-6100U computer.06:04
Juestvery strange06:10
Juestglad its resolved06:10
Juestalkisg: dpkg -V output https://pastes.io/dyubrgyzvk06:14
alkisgJuest: minor stuff indeed, but it might indicate some unclean shutdown at some point, as the files that are corrupted aren't files that anything would touch06:15
Juestis there anything to fix with those files?06:16
alkisgJuest: yes, you may run: dpkg -S /path/to/file => this tells you which package it belongs in,06:21
alkisgthen: sudo apt install --reinstall that-package06:21
alkisgdpkg -S /usr/share/man/man5/sane-umax_pp.5.gz => libsane-common06:22
alkisgsudo apt install --reinstall libsane-common06:22
Juestthanks, figuring it out myself06:23
Juestthe /var/cache/appinfo files belonged to fwupd06:25
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BluesKajHi all11:56
mandem0110Hi BluesKaj11:56
BluesKajhi mandem011011:57
holzkopfI have a Problem with PXE booting Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop Live via PXE - there is no DNS available then. 23.04 works fine. Is there any boot-option to force a DNS Server?12:08
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SteelRoseHI all!13:59
SteelRosewhich file defines where the default path for the user's home directory is layed out?14:00
SteelRoseSome users on a system are under /home and others under /home/users ... and that's confusing14:00
leftyfbSteelRose: /etc/passwd14:01
SteelRoseleftyfb: that's a negative.14:01
SteelRosewhen you useradd a new user, it reads from some config file to know where to create the home directory ...14:01
SteelRoseI already checkec in /etc/login.defs but nothing there14:02
leftyfbSteelRose: sudo useradd -d /path/to/new/home newuser14:04
leftyfbyour users with /home/users were probably created by some 3rd party app/script that defined the home as /home/users14:05
SteelRosethat's what I was guessing too... these are legacy systems14:06
SteelRosebtw: /etc/defaults/useradd is where HOME is defined and is "/home" by default14:06
leftyfbbut that is only for the "useradd" application14:07
leftyfbSteelRose: for instance, that won't work for adduser14:08
SteelRoseI'm trying to use Smallstep and it can't cope with the users under /home/users...14:08
leftyfbso change the path for those users14:09
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souravdanse-nr3 good evening14:53
WarrTo become a ghost, achieve a situation where the mind gives the perceived death signal, by watching a scary movie alone in the dark, and when it does just ignore it or pay no attention to it. - GhostPeople@gmx.com16:52
leftyfbWarr: spam is offtopic here. This is a support channel16:53
Yakovhow to hide wolf head gimp icon @ ubuntu17:15
ravagewrite a smiley on a post-it and put it over the icon17:17
JanC"wolf head"?17:22
JanCit's a dog  :)17:22
JanCa dog named Wilber17:22
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Yakovhe has nice name :)17:34
Yakovhe makes me want to driver a car17:35
iomari891greetings, which app can I install for ubuntu for fingerprint scanning17:46
paul424Recommended system requirements: 4 GB system memory, should it work with 3 GB or ram ?18:50
holzkopfon what 64 Bit capable system are only 3GB of RAM available? (Desktop, not router)18:52
paul424??? it's an old asus laptop18:54
leftyfbpaul424: if the recommended requirements aren't meant, adequate performance cannot be guaranteed. But your mileage may vary18:58
xanguapaul424: you may wanna try Xubuntu or Lubuntu19:04
paul424Is there a big diffrence between xfce based Ubuntu and Xubuntu ?19:05
Utkojhamelapaul424: no. Except the DE, it is same.19:08
leftyfbpaul424: yes, the entire UI19:09
leftyfbpaul424: try them out and see which one suits your personal needs19:09
reginalCourtney Rickett Gets Gangbanged by the Braves - The Shitty Clarinet Courtney Rickett takes ecstasy suppositories with Edna Skilton and ends up gangbanged by the Atlanta Braves and consensually sodomized by her trusty clarinet.  https://justpaste.it/Courtney_Rickett_Gangbanged19:30
ossetomreyn: Belated thanks. There is such a line in /etc/gdb/custom.conf but it's commented out. I am using the nouveau drivers when using 5.19. How can I check for 6.2? is it even possible to change that based on kernel?19:32
tomreynosse: it's possible that it differs by kernel version, since the proprietary module may have been built against one but not the other kernel version19:37
tomreynosse: you can see the graphics driver in settings -> about, if i remember correctly19:38
osseit says "llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 256 bits)" and sudo lshw -class display says "driver=noveau"19:40
osseNo idea what it would have said with 6.2 because I don't get that far19:40
tomreynoh, so how far do you get with 6.2?19:41
ubottuTo get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters19:41
osseI have removed quiet and splash before and (visually anyway) it stop's at [ OK ] Mounted /home. I will try the systemd.log_level thing19:42
ossejournalctl -b -1 seems fine. But I'm not sure what to look for19:43
tomreynmaybe do a file system check on / and /boot  as well just to be sure19:43
tomreynjournalctl -b -1   would show what was logged during the previous (i.e. not current) system runtime (which got far enough to start systemd logging to disk)19:44
tomreynif you want to share a log (cutting off at 100 lines), you could use    journalctl -b -1  |& nc termbin.com 9999    (for example)19:46
tomreyn*1000 lines19:46
tomreynjournalctl -kb -1     would show just what the kernel logged - this may be sufficient already. assuming the failed boot was logged to disk, and it was the last but one.19:47
tomreyni mean the previous one (not the current)19:48
osse6.2: https://termbin.com/17xx    5.19: https://termbin.com/0920l  the latter is longer and contains several lines after what is the last line in the 6.2 case19:51
ReyainaCourtney Rickett Gets Gangbanged by the Braves - The Shitty Clarinet Courtney Rickett takes ecstasy suppositories with Edna Skilton and ends up gangbanged by the Atlanta Braves and consensually sodomized by her trusty clarinet. https://justpaste.it/Courtney_Rickett_Gangbanged19:55
ReyainaCourtney Rickett Gets Gangbanged by the Braves - The Shitty Clarinet Courtney Rickett takes ecstasy suppositories with Edna Skilton and ends up gangbanged by the Atlanta Braves and consensually sodomized by her trusty clarinet. https://justpaste.it/Courtney_Rickett_Gangbanged19:55
Eickmeyer!ops | Reyaina19:57
ubottuReyaina: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant19:57
tomreynosse: try a bios upgrade. you have BIOS 2407 07/01/2020, the latest is Version 4802 (released 2023/07/14)20:06
tomreynpage 3-22, section 3.11.2 of your mainboard manual explains how to carry out a bios upgrade from a usb stick (no need for windows): https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/SocketAM4/ROG_STRIX_X570-F_GAMING/E15827_ROG_STRIX_X570-F_GAMING_UM_v2_WEB.pdf?model=ROG%20STRIX%20X570-F%20GAMING20:10
ossetomreyn: Oh, wow, thanks! I'll definitely try that!20:16
Guest76Hey, is this the official Ubuntu channel?20:16
tomreynosse: if bios upgrade is not an option right now, temporarily disabling iommu (in bios or with kernel cmdline option) should work around it.20:16
tomreynGuest76: yes20:16
tomreyni mean, we're mostly volunteers here20:17
toddcGuest76: yes20:17
Guest76I am looking for info on how to build a lean Ubuntu server that still has all of the essential security packages. My usecase is that it needs to run Node.js & MySQL apps.20:17
Guest76i dont know how to go about this20:17
Guest76I came across "Ubuntu server". I want to know if it can be made even leaner than that.20:18
ravageGuest76: Ubuntu Server is what you want20:19
Guest76What about minimal Ubuntu?20:19
ravageyou can choose a minimal server setup during the install process20:20
Guest76How much memory does a minimal ubuntu server use?20:21
ravagea few gb20:23
ravagei dont know the exact number20:23
tomreyndpeneds on the architecture, but you'll probably get away with a little more than 1 GB RAM to boot it.20:23
ravageRAM is minimal on ubuntu server just to boot it20:23
ravagebut if you plan to use mysql that really is not what you need to worry about20:24
Guest76How are they giving 0.5 gb if the minimum required 1gb? https://www.vultr.com/pricing/#cloud-compute/20:24
toddcGuest76: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-server#1-overview20:24
tomreynit can work with less, i just suggested a safe value20:24
Guest76toddc I already checked out the link, they dont give RAM requirements under "requirements"20:25
tomreynfor what you plan to do, you'll want more than 1 GB RAM anyways20:26
tomreyn"My usecase is that it needs to run Node.js & MySQL apps."20:26
toddcas above it can run with less than 4GB but may become a issue  later it depends on load and work processes it may well need more  I use 4 a0s a minimum to start20:27
leftyfbrunning mysql and node.js don't take much memory. Loading them up with some undetermined amount of data does                                                                                                                                            `````20:28
leftyfbugh, sorry. was having keyboard issues earlier (still am)20:28
Guest76Whats a cheap VPS that you guys recommend20:31
leftyfbGuest76: we don't, that's offtopic here20:32
Guest76ok got it20:33
Guest76is there an offtopic channel?20:33
toddcGuest76: I have a web server running with 256mb but it use/load is very small and took a lot of tweaking to get it there20:33
Guest76Thats 2nd point anyways. Back to lean Ubuntu LTS server. How do I do it?20:33
Guest76toddc what are you doing with that tiny thing? Thats what she said.20:34
leftyfbGuest76: install ubuntu server and pick minimal when asked20:34
toddcweather station weewx on a raspberry pi First edition20:35
mandem0110Guest76: /join #ubuntu-offtopic20:35
toddcI usually recemmend a old desktop 4gb any disk lean to install and update then add features20:36
Guest76toddc what kind of tweaking are you talking about?20:36
Guest76tell me how20:37
Guest76I am currently reading a book on Ubuntu administration. So that tells you i am very new20:37
toddcGuest76: memory and read write20:37
Guest76leftyfb I checked out a video for doing it and that option does not pop up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2m52F0S2w820:37
Guest11Hello; The 23.04 release states that it fully supports Microsoft Intune, but I'm unable to get it to proceed past sign-in. I just get stuck at a "Get the app" screen20:38
Guest76toddc i dont understand, what do you mean by memory and read write?20:38
toddcGuest76: my chages only apply to rpi with sd card you will not need to20:40
leftyfbGuest76: pretty sure that is a tutorial for ubuntu 20.04 which was released over 3 years ago and doesn't have the minimal option. I would recommend 22.04 which does have the minimal option20:41
Guest76I got disconnected, dont know why20:42
Guest76leftyfb Is there any documentation on which ubuntu packages are essential for security and networking so I can handpick those?20:42
leftyfbGuest76: you are asking very loaded questions. Security is a very broad topic, which doesn't fit into 1 piece of documentation nor something that can just "enabled"20:43
Guest76And you guys didnt comment on this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Minimal20:43
Guest76leftyfb I am sorry, I just want to learn. Can you atleast tell me what I should read after I am done with my Ubuntu admin book? If my goal is to have the leanest meanest secure Ubuntu server?20:43
leftyfbGuest76: sorry, I do not have any tutorials bookmarked or that I'm aware of that I would personally recommend other than typing "ubuntu security" or "linux security" into google. I also wouldn't learn this stuff on a public-facing machine.20:47
Guest76leftylb Ok, how do I learn about the different parts of Ubuntu? I guess that is the right place to start? Do you agree?20:50
larrytriumph650anyone know how to add a new user21:04
rfmlarrytriumph650, I use the "adduser" command, read the man page if it's the first time.  Most of the DEs have a graphical account manager, but I've never used them...21:06
toddcsudo adduser username21:06
Guest76idk why i got disconnected. If you guys shared info, please share again21:20
Guest76Anyone have info on lean linux server for backend applications?21:20
morgan-u222.04 I think - I want to change my highlight color. I read I cannot change if from orange. WHAT? Mine is blue. As in bookmark something and see the text highlighted in hard to read "darker blue with black letters. Yellow might be good. or pink. or light blue. I just want to read it more easily. Chrome. all updates installed.22:22
leftyfbmorgan-u2: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/highlight-color/dllbflhpdeinobodaaibnojmgejkkjii22:26
leftyfbmorgan-u2: 2nd result on google for: "google chrome change highlight color"22:26
leftyfbmorgan-u2: this also isn't related to ubuntu at all22:26
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morgan-u2so thanks. I looked it up as ubuntu not as chrome.22:27
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morgan-u2Just fyi neither cultom highlight nor highlight color changes the highlight color. Oh well.22:40
morgan-u2fyi leftyfb22:40
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