
dchmeena: seeing as your email isn't working, I need to find a patch soon for this issue, to get it into 14.0-RELEASE images I'm baking.07:06
dchthe quarterly branch is already forked07:06
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 4481 in canonical/cloud-init "ds-identify doesn't look in /usr/local/etc/cloud/ but only in /etc/cloud/ [FreeBSD]" [Open]07:06
dchare you ok with my last suggestion? basically injecting /usr/local/ into PATH_DI_CONFIG07:07
dchand doing this in the FreeBSD port, so the fix is out to end users with 14.0-RELEASE07:08
dchrather than waiting for next cloudinit07:08
meenadch: I think that's a good workaround07:43
dchmeena: ok, I'll whip up and test a local patch today, ref the upstream issue and post it to phabricator07:43

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