
=== root is now known as Guest7597
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mmikowskisalapin: If you return, I have the answer for you.04:05
salapinmmikowski:  helpme, please04:15
salapinI read you thanks to the bot mmikowski04:17
Utkojhamela there was a settings where there is "show remote thumbnail" option. Can't remember where. Also I'm not with my pc. See in settings. It is there somewhere.04:17
salapinYes, I have seen that option and I give it a very high rank. In local it shows me well but for someone nothing, it doesn't work well04:19
ja9vae9@Urkojhamela : en puhu suomea07:04
Utkojhamelaje9vae9: na re vai tumi ki koila kichui bujhina07:08
ja9vae9@Urko: wo bizi dao ni zai shuo shu mo. [throws a fit] for heittää vihkisormuksen ulos ikkunasta bc taidot tiskaamaan on niin huonoa07:10
ja9vae9@:na re tumi koila DM07:11
IrcsomeBot<salapin> Can no one help me with video thumbnails via smb¿?¿?¿?¿?11:17
IrcsomeBot<Tabatabaei1999> Hello, I am trying to connect my kubntu to windows via LAN(https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/setting-a-static-ip-in-ubuntu-linux-ip-address-tutorial/) but I could connect, can you help me how to do this?12:45
IrcsomeBot<reverendogreen> click on the "Network" icon in the Dolphin sidebar. This will open a browser that shows all of the computers on your network that are sharing files. To connect to a share, simply double-click on the computer and then double-click on the share. (re @Tabatabaei1999: Hello, I am trying to connect my kubntu to windows via LAN(https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/setting-a-static-ip-in-ubuntu-linux-ip-address-tutorial/) but I could connect, ca12:57
VaraHello, i've a problem with my Kubuntu. This happens just few minutes ago after update.13:15
VaraI can't login to my user because the screen is glitching so bad i can't even see my mouse pointer13:15
VaraRight after update, the system requires me to restart. I do what it said & the booting went normal. But once it shows login screen, it immediately glitching so bad. Please help!13:17
BluesKajHi all13:22
sigvartoh hi mark13:37
sigvarthows your sex life13:37
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:40
salapinmmikowski: you are around here?13:44
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mmikowskiHi salapin. I've answered your question before :)14:03
mmikowskiThe fix is two-fold. First you need to make sure you have the thumbnail rendering libraries installed.14:04
mmikowskiSecond, there is a setting in dolphin which defines the maximum file size for previews.14:06
mmikowskiIirc, there is also an option to not show previews on network drives. Once you get all those settings in place, previews should work.14:08
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Anyone tried out the 23.10 yet?14:23
mparilloI have: Live USB, Bare Metal Install; and VMware VM Guest.17:28
mparilloShort version: It works for me. Both Wayland and x1117:29
mmikowskimparillo: fwiw, running Plasma 5.27.8 with Wayland on 22.04 LTS and Nvidia (RTX 4080 Mobile). It works quite well. The only problem, and I've seen this with Intel, is some web pages (in this case, only The Lounge) when HW acceleration is enabled. Even steam works well.17:37
mmikowskimparillo: clarification: the problem with TheLounge is text gets corrupted. Sorry for the sentence fragment :P17:40
mmikowskisalapin: If you come back from before:17:57
mmikowskisudo apt install dolphin-plugins kio-extras. Dolphin > Settings > Configure Dolphin > General > Previews. See "Skip previews for remote files" at bottom. From a similar location, set the maximum allowable file size for previews. Boom, now you should have video previews in Dolphin.17:58
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