
blahdeblahI've got a PPA that has accepted my dput but isn't showing any builds in any state. What's the right place to look for troubleshooting info?00:05
RikMillsblahdeblah: did you get an email saying the upload was accepted?06:29
blahdeblahRikMills: Just worked it out - my email folder rules had made a mess of things and there was a launchpad message waiting explaining the rejection.  Apologies for the noise.06:30
PotentialUser-4Hello, can you give me a hint how to connect PPA to a github source? There's a couple PPA on my account page, but I've managed to connect only first one to one github archive, and cannot find how to connect another one16:38
PotentialUser-4"Hello, can you give me a hint how to connect PPA to a ... " - withdrawn, sorry for disturbing18:15

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