[09:03] PR snapd#13258 opened: secboot: avoid usage of fifos with cryptsetup [11:24] PR snapd#13249 closed: tests: fix prepare-image-reproducible test [11:44] PR snapd#13259 opened: o/snapstate: wrap `refreshCandidates` to mitigate store throttling [12:55] PR snapd#13260 opened: i/apparmor, i/builtin: allow snap-update-ns to create missing personal-files dirs === chaology is now known as Guest278 === Guest278 is now known as chaology === chaology is now known as Guest8362 === Guest8362 is now known as chaology === chaology is now known as Guest5082 === Guest5082 is now known as chaology === dob1_ is now known as dob1 [14:49] PR snapcraft#4391 opened: Various Fixes for Gnome Extension [23:05] PR snapcraft#4392 opened: fix(project): improve error message for unsupported architectures