
Unit193I don't suppose someone can do something with LP 2024967?  I hate seeing it there, from a Debian POV.01:10
-ubottu:#ubuntu-bugs- Launchpad bug 2024967 in yt-dlp (Ubuntu) "Cant Purge Or Use yt-dlp" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202496701:10
EickmeyerUnit193: I'd like to see an apport-collect from the reporter on that bug.01:13
Eickmeyer(the bug was reported improperly)01:13
Unit193TBH the user just seems confused as to how to remove it, and how to use -backports..01:13
EickmeyerWhat I'm suspecting is they have some conflicting repositories which would cause that.01:14
EickmeyerUnfortunately, without apport-collect, there's no way to know.01:14
guiverci requested apport ^, suggested support & marked incomplete  (reduced [a little] annoyance hopefully; clock on closure)02:31

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