
lotuspsychjegood morning01:17
PeGaSuSmorning 06:50
Guest76hi, i am trying to decide between alpine linux and ubuntu.10:46
Guest76can someone help ?10:46
lotuspsychjeas we are in the ubuntu chat(s) we advice ubuntu10:47
lotuspsychjeubuntu has a great, big community10:47
lotuspsychjebut it all depends on what you really need Guest76 10:47
lotuspsychjemaybe if you share whats important to you, volunteers can share ideas10:48
Guest76I want to build a server that is specific for running backend apps like Java & Node.js and maybe mysql.10:48
Guest76I want it to be as lean as possible but not sure if I should choose alpine linux because they dont have a revenue business model.10:48
Guest76Unless I am wrong about that10:48
lotuspsychjei never tested alpine myself, so i cant advice on that10:50
lotuspsychjewe do have a great #ubuntu-server channel here, in weekdays pretty active10:51
lotuspsychjeand ubuntu server is a swiss knife for all your needs too10:51
lotuspsychjesolid base10:51
lotuspsychjelets assume you want to try 22.04 server, you might take a look at the releasenotes Guest76 10:52
ubottuUbuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) is the 36th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/jj10:52
Guest76ok thank you10:52
Guest76lotuspsychje how do i learn to gut down all the stuff i dont need in an ubuntu server for my scenario of running java & node.js apps?10:53
Guest76so its as lean as possible.10:53
Guest76i dont know where to begin.10:53
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Focal (Focal Fossa 20.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide:  https://ubuntu.com/server/docs - Support in10:54
Guest76lotuspsychje, no current is this "Download Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS"10:56
Guest76not 20.0410:56
lotuspsychjegood spot10:56
lotuspsychjefor your case, the server docs and releasenotes would be a good start10:57
Guest76lotuspsychje it wont talk about what I can remove or not remove from the server, it will talk about updates in that version.10:58
lotuspsychje!no server is <reply> Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Jammy Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)- More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide:  https://ubuntu.com/server/docs - Support in #ubuntu-server11:00
lotuspsychjeGuest76: when installing ubuntu-server things are prety vanilla, then you start building up the services you want on your server11:01
Guest76lotuspsychje I understand that things are pretty vanilla but my goal is that if there is a 10kb file that i wont need, i want to delete it. How do I start learning to reach this goal?11:02
lotuspsychjegood luck with that11:03
Guest76big task i assume11:05
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=== Guest6270 is now known as EriC^^
lotuspsychjeGuest76: there are plenty of shredders and cleaners to wipe unwanted stuff around too11:08
lotuspsychjebleachbit for example11:08
Guest76lotuspsychje thats for cleaning disk space, it wont make the distro smaller11:08
leftyfbthat latest spam troll has been posting the same garbage on multiple networks for at least 14 years (I have logs)17:22
jeremy31Someone up to banning 14 years worth of IP addresses17:31
leftyfbthey're over on EFnet now. I'm asking why they have been doing this for over a decade. I can understand for a few years. We were all dumb kids once. But they're an adult now.17:32
leftyfband they simply refuse to answer the question17:32
leftyfbI used to have an eggdrop over on EFnet that would ban anyone that said their predictable garbage. I think it had over 100 regex's to look for. They stopped a few years ago so I took it offline.17:34
Eickmeyerlibera staff is aware. It's like playing whack-a-mole because it's scripted through multiple VPNs.17:38
leftyfbEickmeyer: yeah, there's no way to block them completely. You have to put up with the garbage spam and be reactive. Like I said, my bot used to catch all of his garbage and he was removed immediately after posting once. Here, we have to wait for staff to respond, if available.17:40
EickmeyerAs you see, they got K-lined, but that only works on cloaks and IPs.17:41
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JanCleftyfb: I doubt it's the same person all these years; the scripts for this have been around as open source since the 1990s21:44
jeremy31Obviously modified to include Libera 21:44
leftyfbIt’s the same person21:45
JanCjeremy31: maybe, or they just scrape netsplit.de for a list of networks  :)21:46
JanCleftyfb: if it is known who this is, why has nobody reported them to the police / sued them?21:47
jeremy31Could be some AI behind it21:47
leftyfbNope. Not when I had an entire conversation with them on EFnet shortly after they got Klined here21:48
leftyfbJanC: police? For spamming IRC?21:48
jeremy31Canadian IPs?21:49
JanCspamming is illegal, but you could also see it as harassment/stalking, and there is the cost of dealing with it (which you could probably sue them for)21:49
leftyfbThey use proxies.21:49
leftyfbSpamming is not illegal21:50
JanCit is in some countries21:50
leftyfbHell, SPAM email isn’t even illegal in the U.S.21:50
jeremy31Spam phone calls in the USA are only legal in some cases21:50
JanCI think the law here says you can only spam customers or people who agreed to be spammed21:51
JanCor members of a group, etc.21:51
leftyfbEither way, online trolls hardly ever get brought to justice. Most of them grow out of it. But some don’t apparently21:51
jeremy31JanC: similar here for phone 21:52
SquareI would like to install https://github.com/Fausto-Korpsvart/Everforest-GTK-Theme but the creator talks about copying files here and there. Is there some place to look for a ppa to avoid all the manual work? 22:11
leftyfbSquare: unlikely22:14

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