
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
Guest76hi, i got recommended to this group. I am new to linux and ttrying to find info on building a lean backend server. I came across ubuntu-server & alpine-linux.10:52
ravagewe can only help with Ubuntu here10:54
Guest76ravage  can you tell me how can i learn how I can make my ubuntu server very specific for backend applications like Java , Javascript & MySQL.11:05
Guest76Remove everything that i do not need11:05
ravagea minimal ubuntu installation does not leave much more than the bare minimum11:06
ravageinstall it. install your applications. done.11:07
PeGaSuShelp! this happened, for the 1st time, on my dedicated server: https://0bin.xyz/?1a10218c0a6ceb77#8Eam1S9i9Ss1bPdtekADpWDCwcoYm9gj7cSxKoZjtnP911:19
PeGaSuSafter a `apt update && apt dist-upgrade`11:19
ravageno is fine11:24
ravageyou still have the old grub on it11:24
ravageyou can figure out why is failed later11:24
ravage"yes" in this case11:24
PeGaSuSnow what do i do to see why it failed? all I can see while upgrading is this: https://0bin.xyz/?24eaf1c008a2de3a#Dp5K7NtbBpzb5MiiNqwpE2Dw9ShStxTuJGF4ufcvnrdx11:28
Guest76ravage  got disconnected. How do you know that the minimal installation does not leave much more than bare minimum? Are you aware of in-depth details?11:52
ravageGuest76: no. but why dont you just install it and see for yourself?11:53
Guest76ravage Ubuntu runs over a 100 processes. I wouldnt know where to begin11:57
ravageno idea where you got that number from11:57
Guest76ravagefrom the master ubuntu server book by Jay Lacroix that I am reading.11:58
ravagethis is the full process list of a launched Ubuntu 22.04 LXC container12:01
ravageso its really init and systemd12:02
Guest76ravage Idk what LXC container is but it seems different than Ubuntu desktop. Thats what the book uses to teach.12:22
ravageand why would you read about a full desktop system if you want a small footprint?12:23
ravagemakes no sense at all12:23
Guest76ravage because I dont even know basic system adminsitration, so it seems like a good place to start and then dive deeper.12:27
Guest76I didnt even know about users and permissions. Now I know12:27
jrwrenHello, I run isc-bind. can you recommend a channel in which for me to ask or maybe some knows, Cache Statistics says CacheBuckets 1024 and CacheNodes 702 and I'd like to know how that roughly translates to entry count.18:25
rbasakjrwren: the bind user mailing list perhaps? https://lists.isc.org/mailman/listinfo/bind-users19:04
rbasakIt seems like a very specialist upstream question. You're very welcome to ask here but I'm not sure there's anyone who knows the answer.19:04
jrwrenthanks rbasak. i also found #bind. Maybe someone there know.19:22
PeGaSuSso, I'm a bit stupid.. I want to enable UFW but I want to allow ALL traffic except specific IPs. how can I achieve this?23:12
PeGaSuSI suppose that `ufw default allow` and then `ufw deny from IP to any` for each IP will do it?23:22

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