
lubuntuboa note00:11
=== Peon8 is now known as Peon
impermanence4is there any way to have a script still register keyboard input even if the window is minimized or similar?00:37
impermanence4I asked in bash but they told me to come here00:38
ravagethat is called malware/keylogger00:50
impermanence4yeah I guess that would be one way00:57
guivercimpermanence4, you've not said what Ubuntu product you're using, but what will have control of the keyboard will be determined by whatever is running (desktop its usually the active window), or if SysRq etc that will be handled by kernel etc00:57
impermanence4desktop 20.0400:57
guivercif using Wayland very likely not; Xorg has lower security (why remote desktop is easy with xorg) but that would need to be setup to allow for it I'd bet00:58
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
MuXtraCrditReese Wilkerson Does Edna Skilton - Malcolm in the Middle Season 8 Episode 1  Barely legal and after his graduation, Reese Wilkerson is at Bovina Fields Mall in Star City shopping for new jeans where he runs into Edna Skilton from Regina, Saskatchewan, who is in town for a body art convention. They hit it off and get jiggy with it later in Reese's bedroom where his shit is hot pocketed into her panochota!01:14
lotuspsychjenot here please MuXtraCrdit01:15
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest4510
=== luc14n0_ is now known as luc14n0
fribI ran `sudo screen /dev/tty1` on my remote ubuntu server and now it becomes intermittently unresponsive over ssh for 5 seconds every 5 seconds02:02
fribI don't know for a fact its related to running that comman02:03
=== NewtonTrendy is now known as NewtonPumpkin
xxyafter executing "sudo chsh  -s /bin/bash" , i can't switch "zsh" to "bash"03:07
gryxxy, how are you switching, and what error message do you get?03:13
studiotvwelcome to the jungle..!!04:12
studiotvahhh ubuntu oficial04:13
studiotvcongratulations..!! for free OS studio04:13
studiotvbeatifull system04:14
studiotvphishing? je.!!04:16
studiotvttranslation (overcluker)04:17
studiotvcluck.. jaja04:19
studiotvAI trembles04:20
studiotvSuccessfully connecting to an IRC channel is something04:22
studiotvThanks to Ubuntu it became possible04:23
studiotvtelia - telecom?04:25
studiotvllego el latino fumanchu04:27
studiotvznc yeah..04:28
=== remy_ is now known as Remy
hwpplayer1I can't hear the audio output from google-translate extension in Emacs. I run Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS06:38
hwpplayer1Is it about Emacs or Ubuntu06:38
hwpplayer1Is it related with Emacs or Ubuntu06:39
hwpplayer1I'm installing mplayer06:42
Croranmy system was working fine but then i went and folowed inte06:47
Croranl's instructions for setting up the Arc video card, and now Xorg fails to start06:48
Croranlightdm hangs at a flashing cursor, but other ttys still available06:48
Croranonly issues i can see in dmseg are some imei 'FW not responding' lines and then some lines indicating BAR failed to resize06:49
Croranvainfo gives an error for both DRM drivers it reports but different for each. returns 1 for iHD-drv and -1 for i965_drv06:50
CroranXorg is crashing when lightdm tries to start it. stack trace has the iris module in there along with libc stuff06:57
Crorannot sure whether that's a hint. should the iris module be involved for an Arc A380?06:57
paul424hello, my Ubuntu lts 22 hangs infinite on my laptop asus  x50gl ... what should I do ?>07:58
paul424I should have added07:59
paul424that it is the installer which hangs ...07:59
toddcpaul424: do get to the grub menu?08:00
paul424the last info on screen was ...starting kernel crash submission whoopsie service08:00
paul424toddc, yes08:00
toddcpaul424: that is the error reoring service   so ignore at this time    is youe computer 32bit or 64 bit08:02
toddcwhat video card if you know?08:03
paul424we have one Ubuntu at school already , so Iwanted all laptops to run ubuntu if they run linux08:03
paul424video card is ati ...'\08:03
paul424sorry it's08:04
paul424nvidia int. gfx08:04
toddc1 sec08:04
paul4242 sec08:04
paul4243 sec08:04
paul424"I have this notebook(Asus X50GL) and really want to install some linux distro on it. I keep running into all sorts of troubles though. The laptop won’t power off, Fn keys don’t work, wi-fi and bluetooth leds are always on, graphics card isn’t recognised. "08:06
paul424ahh that's 14 years old post08:07
toddcas I recall --at the grub menu hit the right shift key tab down to nomodset then enter and continue the install   after the install use addl drivers to install the nividia drivers they are not open source so not included08:08
paul424yeah that's what I read here on some forum ...08:09
paul424oki brb08:09
toddcmay be need to hit space bar to set nomodeset08:09
toddcI was looking for a you tube guide for you08:09
toddcpaul424: then after you install and reboot I update it the do the addl drivers and pick the one listed as recommended08:14
toddcor recommeded tested08:14
paul424how do I log in to Ubuntu "Try me" , what user what password ?08:29
paul424besides I would like to test how the xfce4 works , not only kde08:30
toddcno password that is part of the live usb feature so no data is save---basily running off the usb drive08:32
paul424I have logged out08:32
paul424How do I try XFCE4 ? ??08:34
paul424The username should be ubuntu, and the password is blank08:34
toddcpaul424: download xubuntu install to a usb the use live or install same ubuntu and it can be changed from ubuntu to xubuntu but I avoid changing them if I can08:36
paul424toddc, oki why ?08:38
toddcwhen changing from a installed desktop to another once in a while things go wrong --it usually works fine but if you do not have any data on it a clean install is my preferd way08:41
paul424toddc, oki thanks for the info, time to go , see you O_/08:41
toddcthere are people here with great skills than can usually fix any issues08:41
=== zofrex2 is now known as zofrex
Guest76hey, is alpine linux based on ubuntu?10:42
Guest76do they use the same packages or are they entirely different things?10:42
ravagenothing in common10:42
Guest76ravage is ubuntu more secure than alpine linux? How do I determine that?10:43
ravageno idea. and offtopic for this room10:45
lotuspsychje!discuss | Guest7610:45
ubottuGuest76: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!10:45
Guest76ok, thank you10:45
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest6270
=== Guest6270 is now known as EriC^^
=== rafael_ is now known as ruffleS
ruffleSHi. My touchpad doesn't work every time I boot into Ubuntu. And I also couldn't get my sound card to work either. I've tried unmutting the Speaker in alsamixer (which is what made it work for me on Fedora) but it didn't work on Ubuntu 23.04. I'd appreciate if anyone could help. Cheers!12:37
enycruffleS: I would say **stick around** in the channel whatever you do  don't disconnect, let people reply tomorrow etc... THEN12:37
enycruffleS: please give info: has it worked on other ubuntu versions or other linux distros generally (give details!) ?12:38
ruffleSI've tried Fedora and PopOS. On Fedora I could have the sound working by messing with alsamixer. However, on both Ubuntu and PopOS I could never hear any sound at all12:40
ruffleSAs for the touchpad behavior, it's the same on all distros that I've tested. It works as long as I move my finger over it as the notebook is booting onto the OS. Otherwise it will not work12:41
danjalicaltoday I move my final laptop to ubuntu making it my last 'windows' machine12:42
ruffleSand here's what I get from lspci: 00:0e.0 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation Celeron/Pentium Silver Processor High Definition Audio (rev 06)12:49
SrPxWe installed ZeroTier in an Ubuntu machine. Recently, we uninstalled it. Since then, the internet has completely stopped working. I have no idea what is going on, it just doesn't connect to anything. I believe ZeroTier messed up system files somehow. How can I do a clean reset of all network related system files and config, given that I don't have internet? Is that possible without requiring another computer?13:16
leftyfbSrPx: what release of ubuntu?13:18
SrPxsorry, ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS13:19
SrPxif I do "sudo dhclient eth0" it says "Cannot find device 'eth0'"13:20
leftyfbSrPx: server or desktop?13:20
SrPxwith an UI interface im accessing right now13:20
leftyfbSrPx: make sure the contents of /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml  match this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/xwgZGvGhXz/13:21
leftyfbremove all other files that are in /etc/netplan/13:21
BluesKajHi all13:22
SrPxleftyfb: it does match already, and  there is nothing else on netplan13:23
leftyfbSrPx: ok, then look through your network manager network settings13:23
SrPxgot it, ty13:35
=== pick is now known as pickanick
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eN_Joyrunning `dpkg --get-selections` I got quite a few packages marked `deinstall`, such as `linux-modules-5.15.0-1018-oracle                deinstall`, are those packages safe to be removed? If it is, what is the correct syntax to remove them? Thanks!14:20
leftyfbeN_Joy: run: sudo apt autoremove14:20
eN_Joyleftyfb: No, that won't do...14:21
leftyfbwhy not?14:21
eN_JoyI ran that, nothing happened... those packages still hang there marked `deinstall`...14:22
leftyfbeN_Joy: are the packages causing issues for you?14:24
eN_JoyNot at all, just curious if I could reclaim some storage space...14:25
=== dob1_ is now known as dob1
sebsebsebHmm   did   others  also,  suddenly   get  updated    without  knowing,   to the  latest  new  proper  version  of   THunderbird?  on  Ubuntu  23.04   ?    I  wasn't  expecting that,  but  I guess  it's possible  if  Thunderbird,  is a  snap  to  just  get  updated14:49
sebsebsebto  I mean the  new  one,  not the old one with some  update14:50
sebsebsebThundebird    Super nova14:50
* sebsebseb waits for a hopefull reply, since it's 2023 and IRC is no longer what it used to be14:51
mbeierlsebsebseb, it looks like beta got a new release yesterday, but stable has not updated since Sep 26.  snap info thunderbird should show you what you've got14:54
sebsebsebmbeierl: I know i t's  the new  one14:55
sebsebsebwasn't  expecting  that14:55
sebsebsebmbeierl: yep  tha  command  did nice  output,  but yes it's  definetly  a  snap  that's  givern me the later  version  as well14:57
leftyfbsebsebseb: yes, snap packages will update on their own as needed14:57
leftyfbsebsebseb: also, problem with your keyboard?14:57
sebsebsebyes   got some problems  with the space  bar14:58
sebsebsebdoes  that show14:58
sebsebsebThunderbird  115.3.,1  (64bit)    I  wasn't  expecting to get  that  version  just  yet15:01
sebsebsebor  maybe  they  have dropped  maintaiing  the old  version15:01
sebsebsebleftyfb: hmm  so  snap packages   will   and ccan  auto  update,  ok  I guess that's why they are trying to do a  more  snap  based  Ubuntu as well  now,   or going that direction15:04
throwthecheeseDoes anybody have issues with stylus input on XWayland?16:03
throwthecheeseI have to run some applications, Xournal++ to be precise, under XWayland on KDE as they won't cooperate with the appmenu widget otherwise but whenever I try to write something with my stylus pen the beginning of the stroke gets this smudgy or leaky thin line16:07
throwthecheeseExample: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fl4ovbtq3o5sb1.png%3Fwidth%3D1345%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D38a90dc43f833f7806d055b7a2bd081dc1c6e58616:08
throwthecheeseI would like to know if this is reproducible on other Wayland compositors16:11
AngryTomHow to select mulitple files with Nautilus?16:25
AngryTomctrl + mouse doexy not work16:25
leftyfbAngryTom: CTRL+left-click16:26
leftyfbAngryTom: if it's not working for you, you have something misconfigured/wrong16:26
toddcworks for me16:27
AngryTomthe context menu appears16:30
leftyfbAngryTom: that is right-click16:31
AngryTomand with ctrl left click16:31
AngryTomah, when I right click it kind of works16:32
spinningCatwhat should i do https://dpaste.com/4FNMGQFVA16:46
spinningCati cannot update the system or install something16:47
leftyfbspinningCat: looks to me like tr.archive.ubuntu.com doesn't work as a repo16:50
spinningCati didnt change it anytime16:50
spinningCatit is default sources.list16:51
leftyfbspinningCat: it's not the default16:51
spinningCati mean16:51
spinningCatwhen you install ubuntu sources.list is created right16:52
spinningCati didnt add any address thats what i meant16:52
ubottuUbuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) is the 37th release of Ubuntu and the previous regular release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/kinetic-kudu-release-notes16:52
xanguaMMM that's still supported?16:52
leftyfbspinningCat: regardless, 22.10 is EOL. You'll need to upgrade16:53
mguyI have an issue where one user can run a python script that uses selenium, but another user cannot run the same script in the same pythong environment. 22.04. How can I figure out what the differences are between the users? https://pastebin.run/ft4b4hq-jmnk16:53
spinningCatleftyfb, upgrade to new version?16:55
toddcUbuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) reaches End of Life on July 20 202316:56
pickanickIn Ubuntu 22.04 is there a command to find the fastest update mirror?16:57
toddcspinningCat:     upgrade to a current version of ubuntu or downgrade to a Long Term support version16:59
pickanickIn Kubuntu 22.04 is there a command to find the fastest update mirror?17:00
toddcpickanick: sudo netselect -v -s10 -t20 `wget -q -O- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors | grep -P -B8 "statusUP|statusSIX" | grep -o -P "(f|ht)tp://[^\"]*"`17:00
leftyfb!repeat | pickanick17:00
ubottupickanick: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/17:00
throwthecheeseUmmm.... does anybody know why does this happen? https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fl4ovbtq3o5sb1.png%3Fwidth%3D1345%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D38a90dc43f833f7806d055b7a2bd081dc1c6e58617:01
throwthecheeseFor context: the malfunctioning app is Xournal++ run under XWayland17:02
toddcpickanick: ubuntu should autmaticlly find the fastest/closest at that second with default setttings17:02
leftyfbtoddc: netselect isn't a valid command in ubuntu17:03
toddcleftyfb: so it is invalid  looking for correct17:07
pickanickleftyfb : please note,  I was not repeating myself, I was correcting myself: Ubuntu -> Kubuntu17:07
leftyfbpickanick: in the case of mirrors, it doesn't really matter17:08
pickanickIn any case I found that the discover app settings has a button to find the mirror responding fastest to ping.17:08
b1ldramerGarfield Has Sex with Nermal in Minecraft - Garfield lures Nermal into a Minecraft world and gangbangs him with Steve, the Ender Dragon, and Creeper. https://justpaste.it/Garfield_Sex_Nermal_Minecraft17:14
leftyfb!op | b1ldramer17:15
ubottub1ldramer: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant17:15
b1ldramerhi leftyfb17:15
b1ldramerLong time no see17:16
leftyfbb1ldramer: please stop17:16
b1ldramerRemember  c h i m p o u t . c o m17:16
b1ldrameryour favorite site17:16
=== DTD-878 is now known as Beowulf878
=== nckx_ is now known as nckx
=== nckx is now known as nckhexen
paul424Does newest ubuntu 22 -- still supports BIOS/MBR style of booting ?18:22
paul424So all I need to do is to choose to mount and install a /boot partition at custom partitioning, right18:23
leftyfbpaul424: why do you need custom partitioning?18:24
paul424I got windows on the same disc18:24
paul424on the same hdd18:24
leftyfbpretty sure the ubuntu installer will account for that18:25
paul424damn it, I forgot to pay the electricity bill !18:25
paul424leftyfb, so what shall I do ? The installer keeps warning that the efi partition wasn't choosen and this might cause problems18:29
leftyfbah, so Windows is using EFI then? Then you would need Ubuntu to also use EFI18:30
paul424leftyfb, no no , The windows is old windows 7 installation18:31
gmcastili'm on ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS and I inadvertently deleted the partition table (its in a VM) - i recovered the partition table (i had a vfat in for boot and ext4 for /) but the boot partition is empty (i'm on an ISO live) - do i just need to reinstall grub and manually install the kernel and so forth or is there an easier way?19:41
Yakovgnome-screenshot -w --display 0 | cannot open display: 0 - how to fix it?20:13
leftyfbtry display 120:13
YakovI have two monitors and need to make screen shot on 0 or 1 by choose20:14
leftyfbYakov: --display isn't for multiple monitors20:19
bentbrewer@ leftyfb: --display is for multiple monitors. The format of the display is what is incorrect. "gnome-screenshot --display=[DISPLAY] is the correct command where you will need to run "xrandr --query to find the correct display value. The value is in the form VGA-0 or HDMI-1 or what have you, the output of the xrandr command will inform the monitor location desired.20:29
Yakovxrandr XWAYLAND1 connected primary 2560x1600+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 290mm x 180mm20:30
Yakovgnome-screenshot -w --display=XWAYLAND1 or gnome-screenshot -w --display XWAYLAND1 same error20:30
leftyfbYakov: xrandr --query|awk '/ connected/ {print $1}'20:34
leftyfbbentbrewer: except that doesn't work at all20:35
leftyfbYakov: pretty sure gnome-screenshot will only work on Xorg and not Wayland20:35
leftyfbbentbrewer: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/STVPqzPvpv/20:36
Yakovwhat is screenshot tool for wayland ubuntu?20:57
toddcYakov: standard gnome has a built in one called  ---- screenshot21:03
zniavregrim is a command-line utility to take screenshots of Wayland desktops.21:03
Yakovcompositor doesn't support wlr-screencopy-unstable-v121:03
toddcYakov: assumming 22.04 wayland standard Gnome21:04
Yakovtoddc, share syntax pls21:04
YakovI dont understand those things, gimme syntax pls21:04
toddcwhat version on ubuntu are you using I.E 22.04    and desktop  I.E Xubuntu Kubuntu Lubuntu or standard ubuntu desktop or server21:06
YakovDescription:    Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS21:07
=== michaelni_ is now known as michaelni
Yakovis it so complicated to make screen shot on second monitor?21:09
toddcleftyfb: I had issues but screenshots remote desktop teamveiwer have been working 1+ year across my 5 local 22.04 Gmone desktops with no mods21:12
toddcYakov: settings-about will tell you a lot21:13
leftyfbtoddc: ?   nobody is mentioning teamviewer21:13
Yakovtoddc, i dont understand, give me full syntax pls21:13
Yakovsettings about what?21:13
leftyfbtoddc: what are you talking about?21:13
toddcleftyfb: correct    those screen tools did not work on early wayland21:14
Yakovwhat is early wayland?21:15
leftyfbtoddc: Yakov already knows they are running Wayland. Setting -> About isn't going to provide any useful information in this case. And nobody mentioned teamviewer21:15
toddctrying to find out which verion and DE he has   settings about I am looking  for a guide for him 1 sec21:17
=== diew_78 is now known as diew_
kubuntuhi guys, I installed windows in virtual box for software and time reasons. I will only use it those rare times when it is essential. I wanted to ask you a question, what configuration can I implement on the virtual network card to eliminate the risk of contagion of any viruses coming from Windows to Ubuntu?21:22
kubuntuhost-only, nat with firewall? thx21:22
toddcYakov:  does your desktop look like this?  https://owncloud.azloco.com:8081/index.php/s/5rfMAn7as7TmRdo21:27
Yakovcant open the link21:29
Yakovis there a way to make screen shot of specific app?21:30
toddcYakov: 1  sec21:31
diew_No hello b21:32
toddcYakov:  yes21:32
toddcYakov:   Try link now I had it blocked for outside usa21:33
Yakovsame issue21:34
toddcYakov: 9 dots in lower left?21:35
toddcYakov: click the nine dots type screenshot in top window  then click the bult in screenshot tool21:37
tomreyndiew_: hi, do you have an ubuntu support question?21:38
toddcYakov: screenshots will be saved in pitures/schreenshots21:38
tomreyndiew_: then please remain calm until you do - this channel is for ubuntu support only. there are several other channels, if you're looking for other topics. you can get help with IRC in #libera21:40
tomreynkubuntu: host-only prevents network communication between host and guest, is thus the safer network configuration, but limits what you can do. NAT should also be safe enough, preventing network access from the guest to a firewalled (or no service exposing) host. you can get irc support for virtualbox on the irc.oftc.net IRC network (so not here on irc.libera.chat) in channel #vbox, or (better) on their web forum. they also provide documentation.21:48
tomreyngmcastil: if the contents of your /boot file system have vanished along with your partition table, then apparently you did not just delete the partition table. or you did, but recovering did not succeed. one of the two, so your summary seems to not tell the full story of what happened.21:50
tomreyn(which means it may be a better idea to just do a fresh install and restore backups)21:51
gmcastiltomreyn, yeah, i think i formatted that partition vfat as well21:53
gmcastili was in the middle of trying to do too many things at once on too many different machines21:53
gmcastilluckily, I NFS mount RO a large partition at /opt that has all of the stuff that takes a long time to restore21:54
gmcastilbut transferring my home partition is goinig to take a while - if there is a quicker way to just reinstall the bootloader and a kernel, that'd be ideal21:54
Yakovtoddc, i know that, but I need 1) make screen shot with cmd 2) make screenshot only from monitor #221:55
tomreyngmcastil: if you know the rest of the system is not broken (other than the lost and subsequently (correctly?) restored partition table and the lost /boot file system) then you can still do a chroot recovery on the on-disk system from a bootable live usb. *if* you are familiar with this process then it can be faster than a fresh installation / restoring backups.21:58
gmcastilyeah, i hadnt thought to do that...chrooting into it from a live env21:59
gmcastili've got the VM open again with a live CD and the / partition is mounted at /mnt so i can transfer a bunch of stuff21:59
gmcastili can chroot into it and then format / mount the /boot partition22:00
gmcastili'd still want to engage witht he package manager though i should think22:00
gmcastilwould i just try to reinstall whatever ubuntu calls the linux kernel package?22:01
gmcastilor would i want to mount the /boot partition outside of the chroot environment?22:01
gmcastili should think the latter22:01
gmcastili would really like to avoid having to reinstall - because i have a ton of non-standard packages installed as well as a lot of i386 stuff that i need as well22:02
tomreynyou mount all the file systems of the on-disk system first, then chroot into the system with the empty /boot.22:02
tomreynthen you (optionally purge, then) reinstall the kernel package22:03
gmcastilyah, it wouldt work the otehr way, because that partition would be unknown22:03
gmcastiloh, purge, that's a thing22:03
gmcastillast i checked, there were a number of kernels installed - so i guess query the package manager to see what it thinks is installed, purge it, and then reinstall it22:03
tomreynapt list --installed linux-image-*22:03
gmcastilwhat about the bootloader?22:04
gmcastilwhen i try to boot the VM it just goes to a grub rescue prompt (and shows me the drive and partitions, now that i fixed that)22:04
tomreynyou will have one (or more) generally named kernel package, and one (or more) versioned one. the versioned one is the one you need to (re) install22:05
tomreynfor the bootloader, you need to grub-install22:05
gmcastili seem to recall there was a grub- package of some sort that would reinstall a bootloader because presumabely, someone like windows had nuked it22:05
tomreynbut if this is a uefi booting system then the boot loader would be on a separate partition22:05
gmcastilit is not...mbr22:06
toddcYakov: if you have the mouse on the second monitor press alt+ PrintScreen? screenshots entire scond monitor  assumming terminal is full screen22:06
tomreyngmcastil: you need to "grub-install TARGET_DEVICE" then, where the target device is probably the same device as the one which you deleted the partition table on.22:07
Yakovtoddc, there is no print screen button on mac -> i use F11 as shorkey to make screenshot22:08
leftyfbYakov: do you need to screenshot the entire desktop on monitor 2 or is there just a specific application you need to screenshot?22:10
Yakovi can do app or full monitor 2, app is full screen on monitor two22:11
leftyfbYakov: switch from Wayland to Xorg, then use (install first) wmctrl -l # to list your applications you have open and then run:  wmctrl -a <name of application window> ; gnome-screenshot -w22:13
Yakovomg is it possible?22:13
Yakovon current hardware?22:13
leftyfbyes, I just tested it22:13
Yakovany risks of switching?22:14
Yakovresource consuming or bugs?22:14
gmcastiltomreyn, cool, i didnt realize there was a way to remove damaged packages and reinstall them22:14
gmcastilthe chroto idea wasnt something that had occurred to me22:14
Yakovleftyfb, thanks a lot :)22:14
gmcastilwhich is wild, since i use chroot to do a ton of things in embedded work22:14
leftyfbYakov: wmctrl -a <name of window>     puts the window you want in focus and then gnome-screenshot -w     take a screenshot of the window that is in focus22:15
tomreyngmcastil: hope it works for you - it should.22:17
gmcastilyeah i think so22:17
Yakovsame issue https://pastebin.com/vn4nqdE1  |  5 min trying option with windows targetting22:23
leftyfbYakov: don't bother with --display22:29
leftyfbleave that out like I posted above22:29
Yakovleftyfb please paste command for wmctrl22:29
Yakovnot sure about syntax i use : wmctrl -a 0x9c22:30
leftyfbYakov: switch from Wayland to Xorg, then use (install first) wmctrl -l # to list your applications you have open and then run:  wmctrl -a <name of application window> ; gnome-screenshot -w22:30
leftyfbput the name of the window in quotes22:30
Yakovis it ids for wmctrl use only?22:31
Yakovso good22:31
leftyfbuse the Window name22:31
leftyfbthe part after your hostname22:31
Yakovwmctrl -a 0x03400006; gnome-screenshot -w22:33
Yakovdoes screen shot of terminal which is on second monitor22:34
Yakovnot target app22:34
Yakovdone, needed to use text name not its id :) thanks a lot leftyfb22:40
Yakovhave second big concern - how to minimize only left screen or right screen22:40
Yakovis it possible to make exact path and name for screen shot we make with gnome?22:44
gmcastiltomreyn, i have three linux-image-* that are generic22:53
tomreyngmcastil: namely?22:54
gmcastillinux-image-<uname -r>-generic (two different ones) and then a linux-image-generic-hwe-20.0422:54
gmcastil(VM doesnt have extensions installed in it, so i cant copy and paste)22:54
tomreynoh by "generic" i did not mean "include the word 'generic'" but rather "do not include a version number"22:55
gmcastilok thats what i thought you might have been referring to - so I want to leave the 20.04 and remove the other two then22:55
tomreynso i was referring to llinux-image-generic and inux-image-generic-hwe-20.04 only22:56
gmcastiland then reinstall the latest one of the kernel packages then22:56
tomreynyes to what you just said / asked22:56
gmcastilok, i was pretty sure that's what you meant22:56
gmcastilthanks leme see what happens here22:56
tomreynyou can also re-install both of the `uname -r` ones22:56
tomreynso you'll have a fallback, which is the standard setup22:57
gmcastiloh, i guess that makes sense22:57
gmcastilcomplaining about not being able to write logs...which i do not think i care about because i know why....22:57
tomreynyou mounted /var read-only?22:58
gmcastilno, its trying to do some /dev/pts stuff22:58
tomreynoh, you should have mounted those virtual file systems before chroot'ing22:59
gmcastilgah and probably proc too22:59
tomreyndev, proc, sysfs23:00
gmcastilyeah, that's more specific, yeah i didnt realize that the package manager needed to touch all of that stuff23:00
tomreynhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery is actually a better guide, not focring the file system (ext3)23:00
tomreyngrub needs to access some of those virtual file systems to determine how to boot from where properly23:02
tomreyni mean grub-install23:02
tomreynand/or update-grub23:02
gmcastilhopefully my attempts didnt break something23:02
gmcastilwhat apt-? command should i try to make sure everything is updated?23:03
mybalzitchapt update23:03
mybalzitchthen apt upgrade23:03
tomreynapt update && apt upgrade && apt full-upgrade23:03
gmcastili meant to try to make sure i didnt screw somethign up by trying to remove packages and having it bail in the middle because of unmounted virtual filesystems23:04
gmcastili'd liek to get the system booting on its own first23:04
tomreynunless you installed grub to a different disk / file system than it should be, none of what you did should have been destructive as a result of non-mounted VFS23:06
gmcastili meant the package manager23:06
tomreynif you'll just re-re-install those packages after mounting the VFS and chroot-ing again you'll be fine23:07
gmcastilapt --fix-broken install gave me an error because it claims /dev/pts  isnt mounted (/dev is)23:07
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gmcastili hate blindly trusting the damn package manager23:08
tomreynyou ust have used just "mount" not "mount --bind" for /dev then23:08
gmcastilinstall, reinstall, purge, remove, autoremove23:08
gmcastili did mount bind23:08
leftyfbgmcastil: you need to mount /dev/pts separately23:08
leftyfbit's a separate mount on top of /dev23:09
gmcastildpkg failed this time because it cant create a symlnk...not a surprise, its vfat23:10
tomreyn--bind should have included it if pts was mounted on the host23:10
tomreynvfat on which file system?23:10
tomreynwhy? is this embedded, too?23:11
gmcastilno, but thats how i formatted it when i screwed up23:11
leftyfbfor i in sys proc dev dev/pts ; do sudo mount -o bind /${i} /path/to/chroot/${i}/ ; done23:11
gmcastili can fix that...23:11
leftyfband you have to make sure /dev is mounted first, then mount /dev/pts on top23:12
tomreynah lefty is right, i meant to say --rbind, not just --bind for /dev23:12
leftyfbTIL -R --rbind23:13
gmcastilit shows udev is on /dev and devpts is on /dev/pts23:13
gmcastilso i should be set23:13
tomreynthis sounds right23:14
tomreynand you probably want something with journalling on /boot, ext4, ext2, btrfs, xfs or whatever23:15
gmcastilyeah i already reformatted it ext4...now i'm getting failures because its tryhing to rebuild the virtualbox guest additions23:15
gmcastilthis is almost certainly because i'm in a VM23:15
gmcastiland i'm not sure that it matters right now23:15
leftyfbthere shouldn't be any symlinks in /boot regardless23:16
gmcastilits symlinking the kernel to kernel-old23:16
gmcastilbecause its the only one in there23:16
leftyfbah right, yup23:17
gmcastiland i'm getting "Failed to connect to bus: no such file or directory" after trying to build the virtualbox guest additions module23:17
leftyfbthe vmlinuz and initrd23:17
gmcastilbut /boot has stuff in it now23:17
gmcastiland it looks bootworthy, so that's nice23:17
gmcastilnow to fix grub, i just run grub-install /dev/bootpart ?23:18
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tomreynmore like /dev/bootdevice23:20
gmcastilthat will install grub files into /boot as well?23:21
tomreyni mean you probably want /dev/sda (raw device / MBR) or something, not /dev/sda1 (partition)23:21
gmcastilyes, that's what i was asking23:21
tomreynno, grub won't go into /boot23:22
gmcastilhow does it know that /dev/sda1 is my boot partition? or does it just not care and throws stuff into /boot (which is my mounted partition)23:22
gmcastili guess that makes sense23:22
gmcastildafuq...says it was installing for i386-pc platform23:22
tomreynwith classic BIOS booting from a DOS/MBR partitioned disk, grub usually goes next to the MBR. it can also try to 'embed into a partition', but it think current grub no longer supports this and it was always a metter of luck.23:24
gmcastilok, so i rebooted and just have a grub> menu now, but thankfully, no rescue prompts23:24
tomreyni think "installing for i386-pc platform" is how grub says "in bios mode on x86-like systems"23:24
gmcastilyeah i can believe that23:25
gmcastiland no one cares that its misleading as hell because..uh..reasons, sure23:25
tomreyni'm almost certain it is well enough documented. ;)23:26
gmcastilprobably right23:26
gmcastilso ther's a grub directory in /boot now23:27
gmcastiland i386-pc :)23:27
tomreynthe grub prompt suggests that either (a) the wrong grub installation was loaded (i.e. an old/different grub installation on a different disk was loaded) or (b) the right grub was loaded but it failed to access its configuration file from the boot file system23:27
gmcastilas in it cant find the rootfs? should still be able to load a kernel though right?23:28
tomreynor (c) the configuration file on the boot file system was properly accessed but does not make sense / is outdated / was created while the VFS were not properly mounted23:28
tomreynbecause grub's configuration file tells it where to load the kernel from, that can fail if the configuration file is not found or not correct23:29
gmcastili havent used grub in ages - there used to be a grub.conf file but now...?23:29
tomreynthere still is, in /boot/grub23:29
tomreyngrub.cfg though, not grub.conf23:30
gmcastil....i have a fonts/, i386-pc/ and grubenv (which is a bunch of 0x2323:30
gmcastili just looked at a different VM running ubuntu and it has that, but i'm missing one23:31
gmcastilis that something i can rebuild?23:31
tomreynfrom a chroot after mounting the file systems and VFS, yes23:31
gmcastilso i need to bind mount /dev and /dev/pts right?23:32
tomreynyou could also try your luck from the grub> prompt but i'm not sure i want (or can) guide there23:32
gmcastilnaw, i'm already putting the chroot back together23:32
tomreynyes you need both available23:32
gmcastilthere's a grub-mkconfig or something..i remember running into this a while back23:33
gmcastilso do i just run that from the chroot and grub2 will build one for me from the defaults?23:34
gmcastilor do i run updaet-grub instead...the /etc/default/grub file recommends the latter23:35
tomreynupdate-grub && grub-install /dev/sdX (or whichever target device it should be)23:36
tomreynupdate-grub is a wrapper around (i think not only) grub-mkconfig23:37
gmcastilyep, that looked promising, because it found both the -83 and -8423:37
gmcastilyeah, it did a bunch of stuff beyond rjnning grub-mkconfig23:37
gmcastili wasn't gonna run it blindly - i remember there being a responsible way to do it and a hamfisted way23:37
gmcastili'd be shocked if i dont have to rebuild the virtualbox extensions again, but thats not ap roblem23:39
gmcastilok, so its booting now and doing some fsck which is nice23:39
tomreynunless it's an indication that you overwrote more than you think you did ;)23:40
gmcastilno, its not that, its complaining that UUID changed i think23:40
gmcastilbecause i reformatted that partition23:40
gmcastilor something of that nature23:41
leftyfbgmcastil: edit /etc/fstab23:41
gmcastilyeah no doubt23:41
tomreynoh right we forgot about that23:41
gmcastilcant remember if i have stuff in there by uuid or not23:41
gmcastili dont htink i did23:41
gmcastilpurple screen...i dig it23:41
gmcastilsystem recovery three steps removed...yikes23:42
gmcastilguest exetensions still work23:42
gmcastilawesome...that was a great way to spend my afternoon, but thanks, you saved my bacon mate - i owe you a brewsky23:43
tomreynwe're two, though ;)23:43
gmcastili was trying to explain to my wife a bit ago what i did today and i told her "I learned about the folly of trying to multitask"23:53
gmcastilkeep a sharp eye out kids and dont go nuking partition tables via 3 layers deep in ssh23:54
gmcastilthis is weird23:56
gmcastilthere's the /etc/fstab and fdisk output23:56
tomreynwhat's weird? the partition type of sda1?23:57
tomreynthe (outdated) reference to sda5?23:59

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