
meenaholmanb: is there any way to construct the default home_dir in FreeBSD to be /home in FreeBSD 14.0+?14:38
ShaneAHHello, all.  Hoping to get some guidance on Jinja templates with cloud-init 22.1 on RedHat 8.  I have a template that I'm putting in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d. However when it runs I get a parse error, however if I remove the file from the cfg.d folder and execute it with --format it produces the correct output.15:32
ShaneAHHere is a simplified template to illustrate the problem.15:32
ShaneAH## template: jinja15:32
ShaneAH{{ ds.meta_data.imds.compute.tagsList | selectattr('name', 'equalto', 'domain') | list }}15:32
ShaneAHExecuting with a template in cloud.cfg.d15:32
ShaneAHsudo cloud-init query --format="$( cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/02-resolv-conf.cfg )"15:32
ShaneAHWARNING: Failed loading yaml blob. Invalid format at line 5 column 1: "while scanning a simple key15:32
ShaneAH  in "<unicode string>", line 5, column 1:15:32
ShaneAH    {{ ds.meta_data.imds.compute.tag ...15:32
ShaneAH    ^15:32
ShaneAHcould not find expected ':'15:32
ShaneAH  in "<unicode string>", line 6, column 1:15:32
ShaneAH    ^"15:32
ShaneAH## template: jinja15:32
minimalShaneAH: "#cloud-init" ? that should be "#cloud-config"15:41
ShaneAHGreat catch, I can change that but the same code works on Suse15 with cloud-init 2315:43
ShaneAHchanged to cloud-config, same error15:45
falcojrmeena: FYI, holmanb is out this week and I don't know the answer to your question18:49
falcojrShaneAH: Jinja templating in /etc/cloud/* wasn't a feature until 22.4.18:54
ShaneAHNuts, missed it by that much!!19:26
minimalI'm seeing strange output when packaging cloud-init git main but don't see this with 23.3: https://tpaste.us/papW22:50
minimalthis seems to be referring to the contents of the sysvinit/freebsd/*.tmpl and systemd/*.tmpl files22:54
meenaminimal: why would your packaging for Alpine touch those paths?23:27
minimalmy packaging doesn't23:29
minimalthis is when "python3 -m pytest" and "python3 setup.py install" are run23:31
minimalnote the line at the top is the final result of the testing portion23:31
minimalso this seems to be generated when "python3 setup.py install" is run23:32
minimalto be more precise, this is what is run:  python3 setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="<packaging directory>" --init-system=sysvinit_openrc23:37

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