[04:50] my laptop is not showing inbuilt speakers only dummy output === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [10:50] Hallo, die Aktualisierungen fuer kubuntu koennen nicht mehr verarbeitet werden. Ich soll dpkg - configure - a eingeben. Wo und wie geht das bitte? [11:38] borysb [11:47] Hi all [12:34] Hi all, I just wanted to ask if anyone have any advice to improve my experience with kubuntu. I mean it is great but i'd like to know if it can be better [12:34] @IrcsomeBot [12:35] /names@IrcsomeBot [12:35] /commands@join_captcha_bot [12:35] /commands@join_captcha_bot [12:39] Do you have any specifics on what parts of Kubuntu need improvement? Kubuntu is very customizable. [12:47] Don't use the trash [12:54] How and why (re @IrcsomeBot: Don't use the trash) [12:54] No just a general question (re @IrcsomeBot: Do you have any specifics on what parts of Kubuntu need improvement? Kubuntu is very customizable.) [12:56] I make man customizations automatically right after installation and you'll probably find that you will, too. I recommend making notes of the things you change, because the list can grow quite quickly considering how many options are available to you for customizing just about every aspect of the experience. [12:56] *many === beadesroches2 is now known as beadesroches1 === vcxza is now known as pa4o === cuber2460 is now known as cuber2460_ === cuber2460_ is now known as cuber2460