
dal2Hello, I filed those two pcmanfm-qt HDD encryption bugs a while back. I think I understand the problem better now and I'm wondering if anyone is around who's good with systemd-journal ownership issues04:04
dal2Here's that bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm-qt/+bug/201746404:12
-ubottu:#lubuntu- Launchpad bug 2017464 in pcmanfm-qt (Ubuntu) "in pcmanfm-qt, permission denied after successful decryption" [Undecided, New]04:12
dal2It's weird. In some of my setups, Nautilus shows me the files in the directories, but when I try to open one, it gives me "This file does not exist" I think it has something to do with systemd-journal because ls -l shows me that the entire decrypted drive is owned by systemd-journal ... not sure if that's relevant, but maybe?04:13
dal2I mean "sudo chown -R youruser:youruser /mnt/external_drive" sounds a little risky to do with my entire HDD, but I could be wrong.04:22
dal2Be back later04:22
dal2Hello. If a Lubuntu live session user plugs in an unencrypted hard drive, who does "ls -l" typically show as the drive's default owner? lubutu? root? systemd-journal14:09
dal2Hi xangua14:23
dal2So booting up with Ubuntu Studio 12.04, I'm able to decrypt and take possession successfully from the file manager. Then "ls -l" shows me the decrypted hard drive's files are owned by ubuntu-studio, as you'd expect16:09
dal2But going back to mantic Lubuntu, I'm able to decrypt successfully, but not take possession since I get "permission denied" errors as laid out in my bug report (actually two reports). When in mantic I look at the decrypted drive, it says the decrypted drive (and I presume its files; no permissions to cd) are owned by systemd-journal16:11
dal2Rather than risk executing "chown -R" every time I boot up, I'm now going to have to switch to a distro that allows my live session user to take possession of decrypted files through the filemanager pcmanfm-qt. Thanks, Lubuntu has been great. Bye16:12
dal2through the filemanager, whether pcmanfm-qt or another such as Dolphin (Dolphin seems to work as the Ubuntu Studio's default). For reference, the hard drive in question is an ext4 file system.16:13
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dal2In case user ability to access files is of relevant, I have come across the odd result that Thunar can't browse the decrypted drive but Dolphin can21:32
dal2Did everyone take an oath of science when I was not looking? :)21:33
dal2oath of *silence21:33
lubot[telegram] <teward001> nah the vast majority of us have dayjobs or other obligations to take care of22:00

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