
rbasakenr0n: the autopkgtests are cleared, but there are some comments on the bug that give me pause. Do you think the regression might only be partially fixed, or were those issues present before?00:35
nteodosioI submitted a autpkgtest for a PPA yesterday and the page said "test request submitted": https://termbin.com/nxbj.07:21
nteodosioHowever the test doesn't seem to have ran yet. I still don't see a test either running or waiting after trying again today. Any idea?07:21
guruprasadHi Ubuntu dev team, I have submitted the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lptools/+bug/2037286 to Debian and it is now available. Since that package is unmodified in Ubuntu, what is the process to request copying of the fixed version of the affected package?09:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2037286 in lptools (Ubuntu) "lp-shell ipython instance throws error when typing open parenthesis" [Undecided, Confirmed]09:56
andersson123Hi all, just letting you know a change has gone live in production autopkgtest-cloud today. It amends the check for duplicate github requests (it was a broken implementation before, we disabled it). If anyone runs into anything funky with their github test requests today, let me know! Thanks11:28
ginggsguruprasad: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess especially the requestsync tool12:19
ginggsbut I'll just sponsor a sync for you now12:20
cjwatsonginggs: Oh, I already did12:25
cjwatson(though I might have forgotten to use the --sponsor option, oops)12:26
ginggscjwatson: too slow :)12:26
cjwatsonfair enough :)12:27
tumbleweedoops :)12:28
seb128ahasenack, hey, could you review the update-manager SRUs in B/F/J queues? It's a follow up fix for the candidate accepted earlier this week which had an autopkgtest linter test regression12:41
ahasenackseb128: haven't looked at it yet, but a question12:44
ahasenackseb128: is this in mantic yet? I heard about a mantic update-manager update, and the release team wasn't very happy about that, considering the risk of releasing mantic with a bug in update-manager12:44
ahasenackwhich would prefent mantic users from updating (depending on this hypothetical bug, of course)12:45
seb128ahasenack, the agreement was that we would SRU to mantic once it's out and not block the landing on the SRU on that to not delay the Pro feature (which only matters for LTS series anyway)12:45
seb128ahasenack, the current set of updates in proposed got accepted on that basis12:45
seb128ahasenack, the rev in the queue to review are just fixing formatting issues to resolve a linter regression from the previous upload12:46
guruprasadThanks ginggs, cjwatson :)12:48
seb128ahasenack, we are also looking at doing the linter checks during the package build to catch such issues earlier than autopkgtest in the futur but that's not part of the upload12:48
ahasenackseb128: it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/1990450, right?14:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1990450 in update-manager (Ubuntu Xenial) "Show potential Ubuntu Pro updates and apt news messages" [Medium, In Progress]14:16
ahasenackhm, that's from 202214:19
* ahasenack reads up on it14:19
ahasenackseb128: the changes file should include the upload in proposed currently14:24
ahasenacki.e., https://launchpadlibrarian.net/690355411/update-manager_22.04.15_source.changes should include the changes for 22.04.14 which is in proposed14:24
seb128ahasenack, technically it includes the same bug reference so it isn't needed, but yes that was the intend, I got it right for bionic and focal but not jammy it seems, I can reupload if you wish14:26
ahasenackoh, so I checked first the only one that didn't had it :)14:26
ahasenackyes please, reupload with the version from proposed14:26
ahasenackand yes, it mentions the same bug, but it's best to have the full list of changes14:26
seb128ahasenack, and yes the bug is old, it's not our first attempt to improve the ubuntu pro integration but we had to dismiss the previous version of the work for $reasons and wait on new cli apis14:26
ahasenackack, I see it in focal, correct .changes file there, and also bionic14:27
ahasenackseb128: ack14:27
seb128ahasenack, reuploaded14:27
seb128for jammy14:27
seb128np, sorry for getting it wrong, there was a small vcs .bzrignore leftover issue in my first build and when I repacked I forgot the -v14:28
ricotzahasenack, hi :), would you have time to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/203727414:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2037274 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Lunar) "[SRU] libreoffice 7.5.7 for lunar" [Medium, In Progress]14:37
ahasenackricotz: noted14:37
ricotzthank you14:38
ahasenackseb128: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/bxZrcYn9Zr/14:40
ahasenackseb128: that string is missing a space after it was changed to two lines14:40
ahasenackit will become "You need to enable Ubuntu Pro to installthese updates."14:41
seb128nteodosio, ^14:41
seb128ahasenack, thanks for catching that!14:41
ahasenackI think it's the only one, this was jammy14:42
ahasenackchecking the others14:42
seb128I need to drop from IRC to move location but I will read irclog, feel free to reject the upload and we will redo those14:42
nteodosioOuch, thanks ahasenack, it is in all. I submitted the corrections now for seb128's review.14:50
ahasenackI'm on shift for 6-7h more14:51
nteodosioSubmitted to https://code.launchpad.net/~nteodosio/update-manager/+git/update-manager/+merge/452953 and 452954 and 452955.14:52
ahasenackricotz: (to continue the #ubuntu-release conversation here please)16:41
ricotzahasenack, the commit itself points to the troublesome bug report and the mailing list discussion of this aarch64 regression, as seen at https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/log/?h=wip/lunar-7.516:48
ricotzof course launchpads git is grumpy at the moment :(16:49
ahasenacksame here16:50
ahasenackgit.launchpad.net took too long to respond.16:50
ricotzommit dfc032e8b3ebacca269cd6f20003f6562c4723c716:51
ricotzAuthor: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz@ubuntu.com>16:51
ricotzDate:   Thu Sep 7 09:11:25 2023 +020016:51
ricotz    Fix StatisticalFunctionsTest::testStatisticalFormulasFODS on arm6416:51
ricotz    16:51
ricotz    https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15698516:51
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- bugs.documentfoundation.org bug 156985 in LibreOffice "SUM() with mixed formula and value cells may give slightly inaccurate result" [Normal, Resolved: Fixed]16:51
ahasenackthat is adding the #ifdef check for win3216:54
ahasenacklemme check the mailing list16:56
ricotzahasenack, please don't block on this formality, jfyi this is what is happening without the patch https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=libreoffice&arch=arm64&ver=4%3A7.5.7-1&stamp=1696398001&raw=016:57
ricotzthe current debian upload of 7.5.716:58
ahasenackit would have helped to have this info in the dep3 header of the patch. The way it is now, it's listed under the SRU bug, which has no mention of this problem, and no upstream reference16:59
ahasenackthis all makes the review take longer16:59
ricotzsorry, I understand17:00
ricotzahasenack, thank you18:05
sergiodj@pilot in18:10
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic post-Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: sergiodj
blucabdmurray: getting HTTP 400 out of job submissions on autopkgtest for systemd PRs, is there a known issue?18:11
tsimonq2bluca: Check (UTC) 11:28 - they made some related changes today18:14
blucaah thanks, missed that18:15
blucaandersson123: ping, see above18:15
blucaah he's offline18:39
blucaanybody knows where I can find a changelog or so?18:39
rbasakbluca: I think it's probably https://git.launchpad.net/autopkgtest-cloud/commit/?id=56b41614bdc37b279ecae5e7841f7c8814102e29 but unfortunately that seems to be down at the moment. I got it from https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+ref/master18:44
blucayeah that's unreachable for me too18:50
blucaeverything's borken18:50
rbasakbluca: FYI it seems back now19:49
blucayep, and the job sumissions are working again too19:51
blucaso maybe it was related19:51
blucammh only amd64 and arm64 are working, ppc64el and s390x are still error 400, weird19:53
sergiodj@pilot out20:43
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic post-Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: N/A
blucaYou submitted an invalid request: Missing field in JSON data: &#x27;ppa&#x27;20:58
blucathese appears when PRs are opened20:58
blucappa is set in the http get to: ppa=upstream-systemd-ci/systemd-ci21:01
blucawhich is a valid ppa: https://launchpad.net/~upstream-systemd-ci/+archive/ubuntu/systemd-ci21:03
blucaI think it might be this check: https://git.launchpad.net/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/charms/focal/autopkgtest-web/webcontrol/request/submit.py#n14421:06
blucabut not sure why it doesn't like that ppa...21:06

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