
=== mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08
juliank#startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team15:00
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:00:53 UTC.  The chair is juliank.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:00
juliank#topic Lightning rounds15:00
juliank#link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-05-oct-2023/15:01
juliankI keep not managing to write status, weeks fly by too fast and so much weirdness15:01
schopinjuliank: same.15:02
dbungertrkratky__: for release day and subiquity docs, should we still do the discourse update in the old format and follow up when we can for RTD?15:03
rkratky__@dbungert I suppose since the RTD version isn't ready yet.15:05
dbungertthat's just fine.  We'll follow old process for the moment.15:05
juliank#topic Release incoming bugs15:11
juliank#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-mm-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:11
schopinadrien: fyi I've put your openssl SRU near the top of my current TODO list. If anyone gets to it before me though, great :)15:11
juliankbug 203696815:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2036968 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Mantic minimized/minimal cloud images do not receive IP address during provisioning; systemd regression with wait-online" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203696815:11
juliankthis was fixed in the kenrel?15:11
juliankah kernel works aroudn it15:12
enr0nYeah, I think this could still be worth addressing in SRU, but it's no longer an immediate need for us to fix15:12
juliankit's also already tagged todo15:12
juliankbut also still incoming15:12
enr0nI confirmed internally that it's appropriate for us to de-prioritize15:12
juliankso no foundations-todo?15:13
enr0nI'd prefer to keep foundations-todo, but remove rls-mm-incoming and drop to Medium15:13
juliankbug 2033440 is not for us15:14
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2033440 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Mantic) "ubuntu-desktop: unnecessary hard 'Depends: pipewire-audio'" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203344015:14
juliankbug 203829215:14
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2038292 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "nvidia-graphics-drivers-535 lower than in lunar" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203829215:14
julianknot really anything to do for us either15:14
juliankjust not turn on the upgrades15:14
juliankor disable upgrades only if that package is installed in u-r-u15:15
schopindoes ubuntu-drivers change the version of nvidia-drivers in some circumstances in u-r-u?15:16
juliankI'm not sure if xnox tagged it incoming for us or for kernel procedures :D15:16
juliankI guess it could upgrade them?15:16
juliankEither way, it's not urgent for the release, it can be quirked at any time by a hook15:16
schopinif so we need to prevent upgrade for any nvidia user then :)15:16
juliankso we can circle back to that later15:17
juliankbug 2037894 is Incomplete, so we'll ignore it :)15:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2037894 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "broadcom-sta-dkms not installed post-installation" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203789415:18
juliank#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ll-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:18
juliank#link https://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:19
juliankbug 1990798 is still incomplete, skip15:19
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 1990798 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "do-release-upgrade fails if ESM enabled" [Critical, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199079815:19
juliank#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:19
juliank#topic Team proposed-migration report15:19
juliank#link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs15:19
julianks390-tools is in progress15:20
juliankglibc vs scipy, one regression :D15:20
schopinglibc is with me (and ginggs I guess :P)15:20
juliankpython3.11 and setuptools are waiting for results15:21
juliankubiquity (23.10.6 to 23.10.7) FTBFS on s390x15:21
juliankdebian/iso-codes/gu.po:1085: keyword "m" unknown15:22
juliankdebian/iso-codes/gu.po:1085:2: syntax error15:22
juliankwhy only on s390x aargh`15:22
liushuyujuliank: I can take a look15:23
schopinshot in the dark: endianness!15:23
juliankliushuyu: ubiquity15:23
juliankand enr0n, systemd is blocking network-manager15:23
juliankit fails in test-lxd, maybe you want to have a look15:23
enr0njuliank: ack, I will take a look15:23
juliankand that's it for proposed migration15:24
juliank#topic AOB15:24
juliankany other business?15:24
mateus-moraisI'm off Thu and Fri next week15:24
juliankI might also take Thu-Wed off or something like that, except for a meeting on Tuesday but well it is what it is15:25
enr0nMonday is US holiday I think15:25
juliankGotta visit the little cat and play :D15:25
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:27:37 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-10-05-15.00.moin.txt15:27
xnoxjuliank: always foundations16:49
xnoxor like whoever toggles the upgrades allowed flag16:50
xnoxis not here16:50
juliankxnox: I see, we can also add a quirk to u-r-u for nvidia users specifically and still enable upgrades16:50
juliankbut yeah16:51
xnoxpinged apw about it on #ubuntu-release16:51
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