
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
hello14can anybody talk18:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:34
theprogrammerguycan anyone help18:36
wxljust ask your question18:37
theprogrammerguyis 4GB RAM good18:37
theprogrammerguyfor lubuntu18:37
theprogrammerguyor it will lag18:38
wxlit'll work fine, but the more the better, especially if you're using a browser18:38
theprogrammerguyi just want to watch youtube18:38
wxlwell that would be using a browser, so there you go18:38
theprogrammerguywhat cpu  i should have18:39
wxla 64 bit one18:39
theprogrammerguyi have that18:39
theprogrammerguyis 8gb pen drive good18:40
theprogrammerguyfor installing18:41
wxlyou can probably make it work, but i wouldn't limit yourself if you don't have to18:41
theprogrammerguywill i have to install every single driver18:42
wxlno, the installation process should take care of it18:43
theprogrammerguywish windows had that18:43
theprogrammerguyis the installation like linux mint cinamon18:47
wxlit's like lubuntu18:50
theprogrammerguyi just want to see if my old dell latitude e4300 could come back to life if not il be stuck with my main machine'=(18:52
theprogrammerguyevery day same machine18:52
theprogrammerguyso boring18:52
theprogrammerguyshould i install it using balena etcher19:07
theprogrammerguyi have the iso downloaded19:07
theprogrammerguyor what should i use to flash it19:09
* wxl doesn't do windows19:10
theprogrammerguyhey guys19:10
wxli can't really help you with how to flash it. i don't use windows, so…19:10
theprogrammerguyim using linux mint19:11
wxlsee here https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.2/booting_the_image.html19:11
theprogrammerguyi have probaly one last thing to ask19:16
theprogrammerguyhow much will it take19:17
wxlthat depends on a lot of factors but it shouldn't be too long. 20 minutes or so maybe?19:17
theprogrammerguyalso is there a way to install direct x 11 on linux even though its a .exe file?19:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> theprogrammerguy no19:21
lubot[telegram] <teward001> directx is a Windows product it will not work natively on Linux19:21
lubot[telegram] <teward001> and it requires Windows to actually work.19:21
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so you cannot install directx on Linux / Lubuntu19:21
theprogrammerguyi find this bot very helpfull19:22
lubot[telegram] <teward001> the bot is relaying from our Telegram channel to IRC.  you are talking to an actual person :P19:26
tewardi'm not always on IRC, so.  :P19:27
tewardits just a relay mechanism for cross chat platform relaying so.  :P19:27
theprogrammerguyits still very helpfull man19:31
theprogrammerguyyou dont have to be there and here19:31
theprogrammerguyso a bot can do it for you19:31
LimeOnif you need directX, try using wine 19:35
LimeOnit can run some windows programs19:35
LimeOnand has directx libraries19:36
theprogrammerguyi tried]19:36
theprogrammerguyits not showing19:36
theprogrammerguyand the program still saying that its not installed19:37
LimeOnif your program is a well known one, try checking in here: appdb.winehq.org/19:37
LimeOnthere are pages for each program, and it says if its works propelry in WIne or not19:38
theprogrammerguyi forgot where i put my 8gb pen drive is 4gb pen drive good?19:45
LimeOnfor the iso?19:46
theprogrammerguylastest lubuntu iso19:46
LimeOnits says 2.9GB19:47
LimeOnso 4gb is fine19:47
theprogrammerguyim burning the iso guys20:00
theprogrammerguywish me luck\O/20:00
LimeOnhttps://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.3/installation.html theprogrammerguy, in cae you nees some graphic guidance20:08
LimeOnotherwise, asking here(you can enter via lubuntu irc webchat)20:08

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