
tomreyni'd trust rmadison more for sure00:22
Eickmeyerp.u.c tends to be out-of-date, I trust launchpad over p.u.c.00:25
tomreynand i prefer looking it up on archives.u.c over launchpad, if i have to. ;)00:30
guiverc:) & thanks for replies tomreyn Eickmeyer 01:05
guivercI use rmadison or CLI usually.. but its useful to have a packages.ubuntu.com link for replies online (support etc) & thus nice when they match!01:06
tomreynyou can link to ubuntu's or debian's rmadison web page, but admittedly that's not as nice.01:08
tomreynit would be nice if there was tracker.ubuntu.com01:08
lotuspsychjegood morning01:46
JanCideally, every archive update would somehow trigger a p.u.c update, so that it can keep itself up-to-date... (with some rate limiting for the development version maybe?)10:08
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