
closthe update for libc wich is released for ubuntu 22.04, does that update need a reboot of the server? 10:10
closnevermind i got already a response on my question10:11
=== Thumpxr2161 is now known as Thumpxr216
gimzmoeI'm running a bunch of ubunutu servers as a diskless PXE cluster, however to update the vmlinuz and initrd image I have to link to one compiled for nfs boot, which is created with 600 permsions, to PXE I need a+r, I can do that manually, but I was curious how to get the new images to create with that default13:56
WindyI am setting up an intel NIC with the ixgbe module.  It works if I 'rmmod ixgbe' and 'modprobe ixgbe', but it doesn't work after a reboot.  I added 'ixgbe' in /etc/modules, and it shows up in 'lsmod' after a reboot, but the interfaces don't show up until i manually rmmod and modprobe.  any ideas?13:57
Windyoh nvm.  I had a typo in my grub config for unsupported SFP :-S  i also had a config file for the module which enabled it, so that's why it worked when manually doing modprobe14:44
Windyat least I hope that's all it was.  still testing.14:47
Windyyep that was it.  sheesh14:49
p3limis it possible to tell autoinstall to wait before rebooting?18:46
dbungertp3lim: no official means, but commands run in late-commands are blocking.  I add a "while [ ! -f /run/finish ] ; do sleep 1 ; done" to late commands sometimes.19:23
p3limcheers, I'll do the same19:23
dbungertat that point the install is all but done - but /target is still mounted, so you can inspect the results19:24
p3limyeah that's my purpose too, just want to delay the finalizer so I can manually test out stuff that will eventually go into late-commands19:25
dbungertnice.  Yes, the above should work well for that.19:25
p3limalso wondering if there is a step between storage and whatever comes after it where I can run commands19:36
p3limmy problem is that curtin doesn't support creating btrfs subvolumes19:37
p3limnor does it seem to be any development on that matter: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/188193219:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 1881932 in subiquity "subiquity isn't able to create btrfs subvolumes during installation" [Undecided, Triaged]19:37
p3limit's been open for over 3 years now19:37
dbungertno, no specific commands point after storage.  I understand that this bug has been open for some time but the demands of the installer are very high, and it hasn't made it to the top of the pile.19:39
p3limkinda forces me to pick a different distro if there's no way around it19:41
samy1028bHey all, I'm having an interesting problem.  Ubuntu 20.04 FIPS on Azure.  Started seeing extreme slowdown in our web UI recently.  Load/CPU/RAM is all low, plenty of free HDD.  Rebooted the VM and it's still slow.  Took 10 minutes to boot due to "creating volatile files and directories" but then it spins up just fine.  I'm running top and atop, and tailing logs files, but I'm not seeing anything right off.  MySQL doesn't 20:54
samy1028bshow any runaway processes.  Any thoughts on what else to check for performance?20:54
BarnabasDKI would check I/O on network and disk20:59
samy1028bok, I'll look further.21:06
JanCmaybe creating a command point after storage would be easier than adding fully tested btrfs support, but allow people to roll their own (case-specific) solution?21:26
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