
dchmeena: not sure where this came from:14:44
dch /etc/rc: WARNING: Ignoring scratch file /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dsidentify.tmpl.orig14:44
meenaoh, interesting?14:45
dchthis may be somewhere in my arm64 ports build, probably14:45
meenahow did you build that?14:45
meenaI'm pretty sure my plist shouldn't allow that14:45
dchits not your port14:45
dchthere's no plists in these because python autoplist14:46
dchI'm using this https://git.sr.ht/~dch/ports/tree/main/item/net/cloud-init/files/patch-sysvinit_freebsd_dsidentify.tmpl14:46
dchImm going to look at that tomorrow. 14:46
dchhrm it comes from patching and then python autoplist picks up the leftover .orig turds15:32
dchcopying sysvinit/freebsd/dsidentify.tmpl.orig -> /usr/ports/net/cloud-init/work-py39/stage/usr/local/etc/rc.d16:15
dcheasy fix  ${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name '*.orig' -print -delete16:15

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