[09:59] hi. how would I get a list of ubuntu releaes that are both 1) still supported by lts or esm and 2) not merged-/usr? is trusty the oldest esm release? is disco the first release to be merged? [10:02] `ubuntu-distro-info --supported-esm` says that Trusty is the oldest supported ESM release, as does https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [10:03] barring oposition, I will use trusty|utopic|vivid|wily|xenial|yakkety|zesty|artful|bionic|cosmic as list [10:03] that does include some unsupported ones, but I'd rather not break them :) [13:28] That VPS reboot took a while; iot was affected by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/2036358 [13:28] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2036358 in systemd (Ubuntu Lunar) "systemd wait-online now times out after jammy and lunar upgrade" [Critical, Fix Committed] [13:29] :D [13:55] Hi. What exactly does "* Merge with Debian; remaining changes: /- Build from upstream sources." mean for packages with an "ubuntuN" suffix if there is no other list item? [14:04] ueberall: which package? but my guess is the Debian package is built from DFSG source, ecluding documentation, and the Ubuntu package is built from upstream's source [14:11] ginggs: For example gcc (multiple versions in the past, picked this randomly: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-13/13.1.0-1ubuntu1 -- if you compare this to 13.1.0-1 for Debian Sid, just the topmost stanza differs w.r.t. the description) [14:16] ueberall: yes, Debian does not consider the GNU Free Documentation License free enough to meet the Debian Free Software Guidelines [14:17] so Debian's gcc-13 source does not include upstream's documentation, but Ubuntu's does [14:18] ginggs: Ah, I see. That explains it. Thanks! [14:18] ueberall: yw!