[02:29] good morning [15:59] anyone knows a nice factoid line for https://status.canonical.com/ ? might be useful [16:00] Problems with Ubuntu servers? [16:00] yeah something like that jeremy31 [16:02] Wonder how many are DOS attacks [16:03] high trees catch a lot of wind :p [16:12] .Status: If you encounter issues on ubuntu or Canonical mirrors, please visit https://status.canonical.com/ to check known issues. See also #ubuntu-mirrors [16:12] how does that sound? [16:14] Better [16:15] but they are not all mirrors right? [16:16] blog ubuntu and wiki [16:16] No, they aren't. I think launchpad and ubuntuforums are there [16:16] mirrors/servers [16:16] maybe we should better call it components then [16:17] and leave the mirrors channel out of it before some users ask them about other components then mirrors [16:19] .Status: If you encounter issues on ubuntu or Canonical components, please visit https://status.canonical.com/ to check known issues. [16:31] "components" is a bit of a misnomer, since it can refer to apt reopsitory "components". i think you mean to refer, generically, to (online/internet exposed) services [16:33] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors attempt to provide information on the status of mirror servers - the very most of which are not maintained by Canonical [16:34] ok tomreyn so how should we call them [16:39] lotuspsychj3: i meant to suggest "services", but feel free to come up with something better. :) [16:39] .Status: If you encounter issues on ubuntu or Canonical services, please visit https://status.canonical.com/ to check known issues. [16:41] or issues=incidents [16:42] https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=status suggests there is already !mirrorstatus, so no need to include those two LP URLs (but maybe a reference to !mirrorstatus and maybe another to !lpstatus) [16:42] checking [16:42] however, !lpstatus should rather point to https://ubuntu.social/@launchpadstatus [16:44] there already exists !status for (only) the #ubuntuone channel, which would override the generic !status you're suggesting to create, but i guess that's fine. also that one seems outdated (the ubuntu wiki page it points to does not exist) [16:45] puzzle lol [16:46] but we can agree https://status.canonical.com/ is a nice central place to see all incidents and maintenance for all kind of users right [16:47] we do have a lot of users with (one) of the repos down to ask [16:48] having a factoid could avoid users to nag the mirror guys [16:48] Mirror status is at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors [16:48] we can agree that https://status.canonical.com/ is a nice central place to see MANY incidents and maintenance ON CANONICAL IS MAINTAINED SERVICES for MANY kinds of users. [16:49] lotuspsychj3: sorry about the caps, i just used those to indicate changes over your statement [16:49] dont worry i like some sat night fever discussions :p [16:49] jeremy31: mirror.ubuntu.com is on both, i think [16:50] canonicalstatus would be too long i assume [16:50] Looks that way [16:57] i'd say !status is fine as long (as you also make it point to the other generally relevant !*status* factoids) [16:58] phew that channel is empty [16:59] turns out #ubuntuone is not actually a registered channel and and there's no ubottu or other factoid bot there [16:59] i.e. this factoid is probably outdated and should be dropped [17:01] i found https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/create-an-ubuntu-one-account/30907 on discourse [17:01] but its more snap related [17:03] .Status: If you encounter incidents on ubuntu or Canonical services, please visit https://status.canonical.com/ to check known issues. [17:04] we go for this one? [17:26] lotuspsychj3: does "my ubuntu does not work" match "i encounter an incident on ubuntu services"? [17:27] (obviously it doesn't, i'm asking to point out that this may need to be phrased in a way to rule out that users might think so) [17:27] OR, and I'm just being super controversial here (not really controversial): we don't rely on factoids for stuff that rare and actually *interact* with the users? https://libera.chat/guides/helpers#avoid-answering-people-with-bots [17:29] i agree, we dont need factoids for everything, and live support is best [17:29] but, we do have a lot of users with repos/mirror issues 'when' they are down [17:29] Then we know where to point them, and telling them about status.canonical.com isn't that hard. [17:30] true [17:34] i concur with Eickmeyer there. we rather need less than more factoids. how about we set a goal of "remove one or two which are wrong / outdated, add one". [17:35] tomreyn: something else, if you have time; a users from ubuntu recently noticed the !server factoid outdated aka focal==>jammy [17:35] !server [17:35] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Focal (Focal Fossa 20.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs - Support in [17:36] also cut off to the end apparently [17:36] yeah [17:36] the right place to bring this up would be in #ubuntu-server (with the server team), i'd say [17:36] ok ill do [17:36] thanks