
Darkness-itemoubuntu ahhh i see00:52
desolate030hey guys, I renamed an interface with a systemd.link file. Can I trigger a rescan or whatever for the system to recognize this change without reboot? Nothing worked so far01:17
leftyfbdesolate030: sudo systemctl daemon-reload01:18
desolate030mh no doesn't work unfortunately01:21
desolate030can someone recommend an in-depth guide about the initialization of network interfaces i struggle to really understand whats happening, and why a reboot solves the problem01:26
rboxwhat do you mean "initialization of network interfaces"01:28
leftyfbdesolate030: why are you messing with systemd for network configs?01:29
desolate030i am configuring network via systemd-network. To replace the standard ifname, i create a ".link" file in /etc/systemd/network, which maps a MACAddress to a custom name (https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.link.html). This works, however only after a reboot the custom ifname is applied. I am looking for a way to get the new name01:33
desolate030applied to the interface without a reboot.01:33
leftyfbdesolate030: why are you using systemd-network as opposed to netplan?01:34
rboxdesolate030: you could try restarting systemd-networkd01:34
desolate030leftyfb: i want to understand how it works and be able to do this without netplan as i also have some almalinux servers and i would prefer directly configuring it rather than using netplan01:35
desolate030rbox: unfortunately that doesn't do the trick, reading the documentation the process is connected to systemd-udevd but its not very clear to me how it works in detail01:36
rboxudev runs when devices are created on boot01:37
rboxyou could try unloading and reloading the module for your network device01:38
desolate030what i see in dmesg after boot is the following: vmxnet3 ens192: renamed from eth0; vmxnet3 test_crosrv0057: renamed from ens192 so i was wondering if i could repeat this without doing a whole reboot01:40
desolate030rbox: how do i do that?01:40
rboxrmmod and modprobe01:40
desolate030rbox this worked, thanks!!01:43
=== doob is now known as uuuser
uuuserhi there i have a strange problem with my sharkoon xt duo clone device01:47
uuuserit is registered by the kernel but hdds dont show up01:47
uuuserhow do i resolve this issue?01:47
rboxwhat do you mean "registered by the kernel"01:47
uuusercan also post necessary logs01:48
uuuserrbox, i mean that the device shows up in dmesg01:48
leftyfbuuuser: do you have it plugged into a power source and power button on?01:48
rboxwhat doeos dmesg say01:48
uuuserleftyfb, yeah lol01:49
uuuserrbox, need a second01:52
uuuserdevice is now plugged in my notebook and a hdd is inserted to it01:54
uuuserdoesnt show up in "files"01:54
uuuseror nothing01:54
uuusercan create other pastes as well01:55
leftyfbuuuser: does it show up in: lsblk01:57
leftyfbuuuser: does it show up if you plug it into another computer running another OS?01:57
uuuserleftyfb, don't really know sorry01:58
uuuserits a usb 3.0 device so that can be the issue01:58
leftyfbuuuser: do you have another computer running a different OS? Do you have a different OS dual boot on this computer?01:58
uuusercould create a live stick01:59
uuuserwould this be enough?01:59
uuuseri am on a freshly installation 23.10 ubuntu here01:59
uuuserleftyfb, cant really test it on another os02:02
topcat001`udevadm monitor` while attaching the disk might help in debugging.02:07
uuusertopcat001, https://pastes.io/gkck4keum502:10
uuusershowing udevadm monitor first unplugged the replugged the device into notebook02:10
topcat001I'm very sorry to abandon you but I need to go AFK.02:16
uuusertopcat001, ok cheers02:17
topcat001Although we are discussing Ubuntu I always find this extremely useful to consult: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Udev02:18
nikolamIf there is a bug (Regression I think) in Xubuntu 22.04, with GTK opening window, requesting for a folder and there is Ctrl+L not working e.g. I can enter path but can not select it in Ctrl+L window.06:56
nikolamWhat component, package I should put but against?06:56
nikolamIt does not show when I need to select file. Thenk I can enter the path. But when I need to enter folder itself.07:00
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Darkness-itemoguys https://www.pdfdrive.com/ this the material all for you all ... . super bitcha ... . don't follow grandpa anymore ... . class finished ... .08:57
Darkness-itemoguys https://www.pdfdrive.com/ this the material all for you all ... . super bitcha ... . don't follow grandpa anymore ... . class finished ... .08:58
Darkness-itemosorry twice repeated08:58
Darkness-itemoi am thanks guys08:59
Darkness-itemofor your business08:59
circlein ubuntu how does one bring up or down the desktop environment or switch between single user, multiuser (text) and graphical interface?  Used to be init to switch runlevels09:10
adam_ /msg NickServ IDENTIFY adam_ 201009:18
danzawell you can change your password before logging out of that account09:22
tykling_and maybe make the new password a bit stronger09:25
adam_how to do that09:26
adam_how do i log out09:26
danzathis is so crazy it sounds like trolling09:29
danza_first_ change your password, _then_ log out. You find a thousand IRC guides online to do that09:29
adam_guess il stay like this09:32
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BluesKajHi all12:21
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paul424HEllo, the mic does not work with skype. How do I test my microphone under U in general  ?14:06
lektorHow do I make my laptop mic work ? under ubuntu of course ? I have asus x50gl series....14:50
lektorHelp me Obi-WAn you are my last hope .... :D14:50
toddc!patience | lektor14:52
ubottulektor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:52
lektor_oki  I coped myself with the problem, the only thing is : when recording with audcity there is a background noise .....15:25
lektor_donno , which of the alsamixer settings it depends15:25
lektor_but I am getting closer of the goal of having afuntional machine X50SERRIES with skype15:26
lifeformsHi all, is there a known problem with the archives? When trying to update a box, I am getting a lot of "Hash Sum mismatch" errors. It varies between invocations, but one example is "Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-signed/linux-image-5.4.0-164-generic_5.4.0-164.181_amd64.deb  Hash Sum mismatch" (https://lf.ms/hash_sum_mismatch.txt for full message). I've tried a few15:27
lifeformstimes. I did a "sudo apt-get clean" and "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*". Did I catch the archive in an inconsistent state? What is my best course of action?15:27
Habbieyes, usually it means you caught an inconsistent mirror15:30
Habbieapproaches that have worked me are (a) switching mirrors, or (b) waiting15:31
lifeformsyeah I replaced nl.archive with archive15:31
lifeformsI'm afraid waiting is the best, too bad I had scheduled maintenance for now :')15:31
Habbienot sure you'd end up on a different machine then - depending on where you are15:31
lifeformsI tried to 'host' them and they returned different IPs, and they also have different mismatching files for some reason... but archive.ubuntu.com was a bit better... it actually succeeded once, but then failed again!15:32
ioriamight depend on your ISP15:32
lifeformsso I guess there are multiple machines and some are out of sync?15:32
Habbieindeed, archive has 5 separate IPs for me15:32
Habbieit might make sense to look at the ubuntu mirror list and pick one very explicitly15:33
lifeformsnl.archive goes to BIT for me, I've never had trouble with them15:33
Habbiewhenever they've had trouble, they were not alone15:33
Habbie'getting lucky' here may mean 'finding a mirror that is just a day behind altogether'15:34
Habbieso you can at least continue your work15:34
lifeformsthanks :)15:34
Habbielifeforms, fwiw, archive.ubuntu.com works for me right now15:37
lifeformsHabbie: nice!15:37
Habbieuh, let me check i tested with the right package15:37
Habbieii  linux-image-5.4.0-164-generic   5.4.0-164.181                amd64        Signed kernel image generic15:38
Habbienow trying nl.archive15:38
lifeformsit's really strange. Now I am also getting "E: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/git-core/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/g/git/git_2.42.0-0ppa1~ubuntu20.04.1_amd64.deb  Hash Sum mismatch"15:39
Habbiealso works.. weird that you have trouble15:39
Habbieis your RAM ok?15:39
lifeformsehhmm I hope so... this is a VM on a mac, and it was cheaper RAM than the official apple RAM :)15:39
lifeformsI could try a different machine15:40
Habbieor it could be the network15:40
Habbienl.archive supports https15:40
Habbietrying https might rule out a few theories15:40
lifeformsinterestingly a machine in the datacenter does not have trouble with nl.archive :)15:56
Habbieyou should try https :D15:56
Habbiewhich DC? I'm guessing not BIT :D15:56
lifeformsintermax and it's hitting archive :)15:57
Habbiearchive or nl.archive?15:57
lifeformsehhh nl.archive sorry15:57
lotuspsychj3lifeforms Habbie check https://status.canonical.com/15:57
lotuspsychj3seems like git had issues yesterdays15:57
lifeformslotuspsychj3: cool!15:58
Habbiebut it's green today15:58
Habbieand git shouldn't be involved in this problem15:58
Habbiebut it's good to check, yes :)15:58
lifeformsmy VM is still complaining, now about Err:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates/main amd64 linux-image-5.4.0-164-generic amd64 5.4.0-164.181 Hash Sum mismatch16:03
lifeformssadly security.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to support https16:03
Habbiethat's the same package as in your paste16:04
lifeformsyeah but now it is apparently coming from security.ubuntu.com16:04
lifeformsI must admit I dont know enough about apt as I should16:04
Habbiethe actual question might be "what lives on archive and what lives on security and do i really need both"16:05
lifeformsspent too long on FreeBSD :)16:05
Habbiewhich is a question i also often struggle with, both in ubuntu and in debian16:05
Habbiei remember, some years ago, that security.debian.org was one machine at XS4ALL16:05
Habbiefor the world16:05
Habbiewell, sometimes it struggled :D16:05
paul424Hello, hello how I am supposed to install skype ? Why are some methods on the internet mentions using debian repository? With that I end up with skype whichh cannot record sound ...16:49
rboxi mean, i would go to the skype website and follow the instructions...16:50
paul424Why are very low on resources here ...16:52
paul424DO you know what snaps are ?16:54
paul424it disallows the sharing of shared libraries and such...16:54
rboxTHE HORROR16:55
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Wolver1n3hello all18:57
Wolver1n3Havint issues with setting up my samba share, any one got a time to kindly assist?19:07
rboxhow can anyone know if they can help if you haevn't said what the problem is?19:07
Wolver1n3I can see them root smb shares on my network but not the actual shared content/shared folfers/files19:08
Wolver1n3Also they shared files are stored in a NTFS formarted USB. I am thinking the NTFS has something to do with it somew sort of file permission, but I am no samba expert hence here19:10
rfmWolver1n3, probably you need to add an smbpasswd for the user that can read the files on the smbserver (probably you, if you just let the system automount it.)  https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-add-and-enable-users-for-samba-share/19:35
Wolver1n3@rfm I will give that a try again. I am almost sure the users (no shell) were created in both Ubuntu OS and samba, as well as enabled.19:44
rfmWolver1n3, you should check that the users can get to the files on the samba server (hard to do if they don't have a shell).  Check permisstionjs, user/group ownership on the NTFS system, make sure the users match that.19:49
Guest35hi , i am getting "qemu-system-x86_64: Issue while setting TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF: Invalid argument with fd: 42, prog_fd: -1" error in nested lxd inside proxmox , the VMs wont take ipv4, its random and by restart it may or may not fixed the issue, i tried virtio and e1000e nic type on lxd host and did not fix it, any idea why this is happening and how20:17
Guest35can i fix it?20:17
Habbiei'm not entirely sure this question is for #ubuntu, but let's see20:20
Habbiecan you say more words about "nested lxd"? nested in what?20:20
Habbiemore words :)20:21
Guest30i have a proxmox server , and i installed a ubuntu  vm20:21
Guest30and i ran lxd in ubuntu vm20:21
Habbiethat sounds like proxmox might not be relevant to the question20:21
Habbiebut lxd is20:21
Guest30is there a way i can change the nic type (like virtio_net or e1000eand ...)while i am creating the vm?20:23
Habbie-that- sounds like a proxmox question20:24
Guest30there is a qemu.raw option in lxd api20:24
Habbieok, then it's a qemu question :)20:24
Guest30and i can override the settings20:25
Guest30kinda :D20:25
tomreynGuest30: if i recall correctly, proxmox uses a different kernel than ubuntu, which would make it not-actually-ubuntu, and would make it much harder to support it here. there's probably a proxmox channel around here, also (as there is one for #lxc ). !alis let's you search channels.21:51
Guest30aha , thank you21:51
ravageit actually is an Ubuntu kernel21:51
ravageonly the rest of the system is Debian21:52
tomreynumm, i guess that makes it even more unsupportable here. ;)21:52
Habbieor anywhere21:52
tomreynwell, a proxmox specific channel or #linux could work21:53
Habbieright, i was thinking narrowly21:53
ravagethere is ##proxmox21:53
Habbie"not #debian either"21:53
Habbieravage, perfect21:53
Guest30my bad.21:53

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