
tomreynOvenWerks: to your original question: https://www.baeldung.com/linux/memory-overcommitment-oom-killer14:38
tomreynalso https://www.kernel.org/doc/gorman/html/understand/understand016.html for background info (but i'm not sure this still applies 100%)14:39
OvenWerksEickmeyer: thanks. It has only happened a few times so far. It is anoying that it kills everything open on the desktop. This laptops primary mission (well one of them) is to run waydroid. I don't remember if the waydroid I have was installed with apt or not.... I thinkl yes but from a ppa. anyway, it was troublesome to set up so I am not enthused about up grading before the next lts. There are 22:59
OvenWerksalso parts of this laptop that need a more current kernel than 22.04 so that the touchscreen/touchpad work.22:59
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Also see the part from tomreyn above. I'm not sure if it addresses systemd-oomd which, I'm fairly certain, is active as well.23:00
EickmeyerTBH, I haven't experienced your bug or mine on 23.10.23:01
OvenWerkstomreyn: Thank you. It used to be that processes that hadn't woke up for a while got killed sooner too. I will remember the no overcommit option along with swapoff for recording. Any of the recording sessions I have done don't need too much memeory anyway.23:04
OvenWerksEickmeyer: yeah I saw that I was typing already ;)  I think I have only lost my session twice.23:07
tomreynEickmeyer: oh good point, i totally neglected systemd-oomd - i haven't read up on how it works, yet, but *hopefully* it doesn't override the kernel configuration23:07
tomreynOvenWerks: ^23:08
Eickmeyertomreyn: Sadly, aiui, it does. 😖23:08
* Eickmeyer runs, at minimum, 16 GB these days.23:09
* tomreyn mumbles uninterpretable words into his non-existent beard.23:10
* OvenWerks can run a session on 8gb or less mostly23:10
EickmeyerOvenWerks: All bets are off when you introduce a web browser into that, such as Firefox.23:11
OvenWerksI was talking recording session23:11
EickmeyerYeah, I knew what you meant. ;)23:12
OvenWerksWithh FF I need swap23:12
Eickmeyer. /swapon, /swapoff, the swapper. 😂23:12
* Eickmeyer makes a mental note to add a swap toggle to Ubuntu Studio Audio Config23:14
OvenWerkscron is more useful23:20

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