
gordonjcpbloody video editing19:03
gordonjcpmy laptop is too much of a potato to run Resolve19:03
gordonjcpare there any video editors that aren't Resolve that actually work?19:04
gordonjcpI've managed to more-or-less cope with kdenlive's user interface far enough to more-or-less cut what I want19:04
gordonjcpthere doesn't seem to be any kind of colour corrector19:04
OvenWerksgordonjcp: I don't really do video editing so I am not familiar with tye various editors out there. I do think Blender is more featureful than kdelive19:40
OvenWerksgordonjcp: of course blender may also require more cpu power too and I do know that it's learning curve is a bit steaper as well.19:41
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Eickmeyergordonjcp: Your best bet might be to pre-color-correct with displaycal, but yeah. Resolve is amazing with color correction, but it's definitely resource-intensive.22:02
EickmeyerSadly, afaik, kdenlive is as good as it gets from the repos.22:04
Eickmeyergordonjcp: You might try openshot, it's in the repos, some cursory searches show it can do color correction.22:07

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