[00:03] [telegram] Specifically edubuntu-devel-es@. [00:06] [telegram] Perfect (re @Eickmeyer: We have a potentially large Spanish-speaking Edubuntu base that is likely to get larger with 24.04 and the RasPI images. I have someone who's going to be on the team that runs a computer lab in Mexico full of Pis that he wants running Edubuntu.) [01:19] All 3 of those packages are now in the release pocket. [01:35] [telegram] \o/ [01:35] [telegram] Thanks for the update Dan :) [01:58] Sure thing. [01:58] Good news. The Netplan fix works for me, I retained my live settings in the install. [01:59] [telegram] Nice!! [02:00] I think the automirror stuff is working but I got US so that is sort of the default I would expect. Unless I mess around with a VPN to pop out somewhere else i am not sure how much of a test that is. [02:00] guiverc: is probably the best one to test that. [02:01] [telegram] sudo iftop [02:01] [telegram] That gives you a detailed view of every packet going in/out [02:01] [telegram] As long as it now points to Ubuntu, we're golden. I didn't close that bug in the changelog because I don't know if that fixes the problem [02:01] I watched the log file in the install, it looked like it was supposed to. [02:02] [telegram] That being said, if there still is a problem, now it's Canonical's fault, not some random geoip company :) [02:02] [telegram] Sweet. [02:02] [telegram] I mean, Canonical probably has an Australia office or at least a subsidiary. I'd like to think as a company they're invested to keeping the lights on there ;) [02:03] :D [02:03] [telegram] *invested in [02:03] I think it is good but it would be nice to see it pick out another country code just to be sure. [02:05] As far as the default settings thing, I think we need to wait for the rebuilt ISO. [02:05] Upgrading the package doesn't change it for the user. [02:07] [telegram] Upgrading the package and removing the file from .config (or the dir entirely) then restarting SDDM does the trick [02:08] [telegram] Any existing user has surely already changed that setting to how they like it? [02:08] I would think so, yes. [02:09] Nothing seems broken so I think we are good. [02:31] Sweet. [02:31] We should have new ISOs in < 30 minutes. [02:33] Nice [02:50] Hmm... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-installer/+bug/2036997/comments/7 suggests that 01-network-manager-all.yaml isn't needed because there's a 00-.yaml provided by ubuntu-settings... except, we don't provide that file. [02:50] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2036997 in netplan.io (Ubuntu) "Wifi password not copied to new install since netplan transition" [High, Confirmed] [02:50] I'm doing some more testing to ensure that we have something like that. [03:08] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Mantic Final] (20231009) has been added [03:20] Okay cool, /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml does exist. [03:20] And for Telegram users, we just got notified that the build is ready. [03:25] yeah we've now appeared on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/449/builds :) [03:25] * guiverc busy on other stuff; I'll get to some QA when I can [03:26] Thanks in advance! [03:34] Tested the new ISO. Screens work like we want now. Networking seems cool. [03:35] :) thanks kc2bez & tsimonq2 [03:36] 👍 [03:58] [telegram] I have had my life get really busy lately but have done a few last proofreads and last few screenshots updated on the manual [03:59] thanks @lynorian [04:54] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/0efddd24/file_9948.jpg [04:54] [telegram] "Look at me, I'm a UX professional" hahahaha [04:58] [telegram] That's cursed. [04:59] [telegram] Don't worry, I'm iterating on it... [04:59] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/10b4026e/file_9949.jpg [04:59] [telegram] Slightly better. Those radio buttons are the size of planets. [04:59] [telegram] /me figures out how to fix the QML for it... heh [05:01] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/6c932d65/file_9950.jpg [05:01] [telegram] Bingo! [05:02] [telegram] Now they're only dwarf planets. [05:02] [telegram] bahahahahaha [05:14] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/d502f5e6/file_9951.jpg [05:14] That makes feature parity. [05:14] I'm not stopping there though, I could very well have a Subiquity-inspired "install additional useful apps"... [05:15] Either way, the backend isn't implemented yet XD [05:15] [matrix] Calamares + Ubiquity = Calamity [05:16] [matrix] I liked the old way better :P [05:16] hahahaha [05:16] And the old way is... having nothing of the sort? heh [05:17] [matrix] (one of my favorite things about Calamares was that it *didn't* have that annoying didn't-actually-work took-a-million-years-and-just-slowed-you-down-but-said-it-was-going-to-save-you-time shenanigans that is the "Download updates during installation" button.) [05:17] Those checkboxes are the size of Borg cubes. [05:17] The difference is, this one will *actually* work ;) [05:17] [matrix] Just an opinion, and I'm not really on the Lubuntu team at the moment so I don't exactly get a say here, but FWIW that's my 2 cents. I do like the minimal installation idea. [05:18] [matrix] A button that actually worked would be nice :D [05:18] Point taken, to both you and Eickmeyer ;) [05:18] XD [05:18] * lubot [matrix] now goes and google's "borg cube" [05:19] FWIW, the button for "minimal installation" in Edubuntu for 23.04 didn't actually work. [05:20] * tsimonq2 waits for Eickmeyer to pull out the "bigger than ur mom" jokes ;) [05:21] Eickmeyer: See, the difference between Ubiquity and the things I'm personally writing is, the latter will work or #SimonsFault :P [05:22] Well, if the minimal install option doesn't work in Edubuntu 23.10, it's #ErichsFault because it's part of the seed. [05:23] Still no minimal install in Ubuntu Studio 👀 [05:24] (problem for future Erich) [05:28] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/da21954f/file_9952.jpg [05:28] Eickmeyer: Meh, seeds are fun. This won't make it into 23.10 anyway, heh. [05:28] Eickmeyer: Are those radio buttons small enough now? XD [05:29] * lubot [matrix] watches the screen get sucked into the black hold next to Normal Installation [05:29] [matrix] *hole [05:30] [matrix] welp, can't type, guess I'll be done with jokes for the night [05:56] [telegram] Managed to sneak quick test - latest iso locations and another language - all good 😁 [05:59] [telegram] Thanks!!! (re @Leokolb: Managed to sneak quick test - latest iso locations and another language - all good 😁) [05:59] [telegram] /me hands @arraybolt3 another one of whatever beer he's drinking [05:59] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/792b6d60/file_9953.jpg [05:59] [telegram] The "additional third-party packages" are part of a scrollable list [06:00] [telegram] Much like subiquity, the idea is, you check whatever items you want and it just installs them [06:00] [telegram] I'm taking suggestions on what those items should be :) [06:03] [telegram] Kind of in the spirit of this... [06:03] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/6f262398/file_9954.jpg [06:04] I think starting items might be like, Element, virt-manager, Kdenlive... [06:04] I'll let everyone chew on that for a bit. In the meantime, the backend needs all of this fancy new UI implemented. [06:05] (It's funny, in the other project I could easily work on right now, I'm facing the opposite issue. :P) [06:05] [matrix] MS Edge. Slype, Candy Crush Saga, Office Online, and Wannacry? [06:05] [matrix] *Skype [06:05] LMFAO [06:06] [matrix] ok no. Element might be a good one but it's a third party repo right? [06:06] TB says it's cool as long as I clearly warn the user [06:06] [matrix] although Snap would avoid that problem [06:07] [matrix] Element gets a +1 from me, VS Code might be a nice one to recommend (or VSCodium perhaps?). I dunno if virtualization is something most users will want, but then again more people use it than I thought so perhaps virt-manager is a good idea. [06:08] [matrix] If it doesn't ship out-of-the-box, Thunderbird would also be a nice addition/ [06:08] Didn't even think about VSCodium, good one! Same page with the other ones. [06:12] LXD *almost* seems appropriate? [06:14] Somewhat related: https://github.com/calamares/calamares/pull/2209 [06:14] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Pull 2209 in calamares/calamares "Quick vendor patch to add support for Netplan-based configs" [Open] [06:24] [telegram] Alright, roast my UX: [06:24] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/099d1bd2/file_9956.jpg [06:30] [matrix] Bottom checkbox size is nice, middle ones are a bit big. [06:30] [matrix] Not sure if there's some way to shrink the eyes of the radio buttons but if there is it would be nice. [06:31] [matrix] Also I think the font size at the bottom is a bit bigger than the size in the middle and top. [06:31] [matrix] (I assume the missing top of one of the middle checkboxes is a transient glitch or screenshot fail and not actually a problem in the QML) [06:34] [telegram] I don't think you can shrink the *eye* of the radio button but you can simply shrink the button itself. [06:34] [telegram] Yeah, that little glitch seems transient [06:34] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/48f36f65/file_9957.jpg [06:36] [matrix] For some reason the scroll bar immediately above the bolded text looks odd, like the scrollbar is going to "run into" the text [06:37] [matrix] Might could use a touch of spacing? [06:37] [telegram] Hmm yeah, I wonder if that needs another vertical line (even if transparent) [06:37] [telegram] Doesn't seem to be a native spacer in QML, in fact, that's just a really long Rectangle :P [06:38] [matrix] hmm. If you use a ColumnLayout you should be able to sue Layout.bottomMargin/Layout.topMargin [06:38] [matrix] try that and see if it works maybe? [06:39] [telegram] Good call :) [06:39] [matrix] Calamares may already be putting your stuff in a ColumnLayout so it may Just Work(TM). [06:40] [telegram] I have nested layouts here. When I'm done with this short break I'll see for sure :) [13:12] [telegram] I'd like votes on removing Quassel as a pre-installed default @kc2bez @teward001 @wxl @arraybolt3 etc. [13:13] -1 [13:13] I think it gets used quite a bit for support [13:13] * guiverc thinks it's a tad late for mantic; full freeze already passed :) [13:13] [telegram] And this is why I hate echo chambers :) [13:14] [telegram] Good call - I was more thinking next cycle [13:16] we could have a poll asking users, or post on discourse asking opinions (not direct poll); make users feel included in decision.. I'm not fussed as easily installed (if required) [14:00] [telegram] Personally I use konversation, but it would be nice to know the opinion of more people [14:56] [telegram] -1 for now, ask me again in a few monthd (re @tsimonq2: I'd like votes on removing Quassel as a pre-installed default @kc2bez @teward001 @wxl @arraybolt3 etc.) [16:30] [matrix] I also am -1 on removing Quassel, I use(d) that :P [16:30] [matrix] IRC is quite a bit more accessible than Matrix for support purposes since it doesn't require setting up an account. [17:15] Not that I have any say, but that's also one of the biggest deficits of IRC and one of the reasons it's a spam vector. [17:18] [matrix] Valid point, but as someone who didn't even have an email address for years, sometimes the only services people can use are ones that don't require sign-up. [17:18] [matrix] (Pretty much everyone but ProtonMail requires a phone number to get an email address, and I don't have a phone. Only way I got my Gmail address was because Google lets you make an account without a phone if you do it from the Guest mode of a Chromebook.) [17:19] [matrix] Right, but if we're going to compare, Matrix requires neither. [17:19] [matrix] Most homeservers require an email, no? [17:20] [matrix] I only know of one that doesn't, and it has a name I don't particularly appreciate. [17:20] [matrix] I don't recall. It's been *years* [17:20] [matrix] Matrix.org required an email for me to sign up anyway. [17:21] [matrix] Fair point. However, to counterpoint, chances are if you are using a computer, you have an email address or are going to sign up for one. [17:22] [matrix] meh, that leaves out the 1% of people who were like me and used a computer with Internet for years and couldn't figure out how to get a good email :P [17:22] [matrix] You're not wrong, I just have been in the minority before and don't want to leave those people out. [17:22] [matrix] *1% or less, probably [17:24] [matrix] Those people are less likely to go to a chat room to ask for help and more likely to ask a friend or family member. [17:24] [matrix] From having previously moderated rooms, Matrix doesn't even prevent spam that well. I've seen as much or more spam on Matrix as I have on IRC. Email requirements seem sort of like DRM - they block people who might could use help and don't really prohibit people who want to cause trouble. [17:25] [matrix] Eickmeyer: That's true. (or they're like me and would just scour forums and documentation for long and experiment with things until the machine finally worked :P) [17:26] [matrix] RE: Spam, it's easier to permaban someone on Matrix (it has an uniquie ID) than someone on IRC who could VPN-hop for teh lulz. [17:26] [matrix] heh, I've seen that. [17:27] * lubot [matrix] remembers the guy who got k-lined like 10 times in 30 minutes in #libera [17:27] [matrix] At least Matrix slows down someone like that. [17:28] [matrix] Exactly. There's only so many times you can get an email address, sign-up for Matrix, spam, and get permabanned in a row. It's a tedious process. [17:30] [matrix] To be fair, I'm just playing Devil's advocate. I'm for moving to Matrix, but realize that getting off of IRC and to Matrix is like turning the Titanic. It doesn't happen when you're moving at 50 knots. [17:30] [matrix] I still don't want to see Quassel removed since IRC is the main point of contact for the Lubuntu support channel and seems more convenient in a lot of ways. I mean, the channel is going to be there probably for long, most people who use Lubuntu aren't going to just come in and harass us I hope, so we don't really gain anything by restricting those users (or at least don't gain much). [17:31] [matrix] And I agree with that, hence my earlier statement about turning the titanic. It won't be removed from Ubuntu Studio as well. [17:31] [matrix] If things go Simon's way, Element will be presented to the user at install time so we'll be taking a step toward that migration :D [17:31] [matrix] And with that, work calls, so I guess I'm going to have to go afk for a bit. [17:32] [matrix] Element is a snap, so getting kenvandyne to simply make an ubuntu-yy.mm for it so it can be seeded would be simple. [17:37] [matrix] ok nvm getting food first [18:13] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Upgrade Lubuntu amd64 [Mantic Final] (20231009) has been added [20:55] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Mantic Final] has been updated (20231009.1) [22:34] Looks like we have some new builds to test. [22:35] Also, noticed an upstream merge - https://github.com/calamares/calamares/pull/2209 [22:35] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Pull 2209 in calamares/calamares "Quick vendor patch to add support for Netplan-based configs" [Merged] [22:36] thanks kc2bez [22:36] Sure thing [23:19] FYI, they're respinning the world again. Somebody forgot to update base-files when enacting Final Freeze. [23:19] In other words, all images say "Development Branch" still. [23:24] Thanks Eickmeyer will standby to test things. [23:53] thanks Eickmeyer .. i was wondering when that would be updated [23:53] guiverc: Yeah, apparently it was a checklist item that got missed. [23:54] * guiverc just updated my box; no base-files change detected here yet [23:58] It was only updated about 54 minutes ago. It still has to do the whole proposed-migration bit and then propogate to mirrors. [23:59] fair enough ... I suspected that, thanks Erich