[06:43] any chance to get this: https://github.com/ubuntu/app-center/pull/1452 https://github.com/ubuntu/app-center/issues/1453 merged in before Thursday? [06:43] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Pull 1452 in ubuntu/app-center "Translations update from Hosted Weblate" [Open] [06:43] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Issue 1453 in ubuntu/app-center "Swedish translation done for 23.10" [Open] [07:53] goood morning desktopers [09:38] Hey seb128 good morning! How was the weekend? [09:38] nteodosio, hey, quite good and relaxing, nice weather for the season! How was yours? [09:40] Indeed, likewise! Seems that the next one won't have the same good weather so I've made sure to enjoy it. (: [09:40] indeed, well it's about time for summer to be over, it's almost mid-octobre! [09:41] I'll miss it nonetheless. :P [16:17] jbicha: RE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/2033440/comments/4 : It might be worth having conversations in Riga with Filipe Coelho and Robin Gareus at Summit in Riga on their opinions regarding that as they would be the leading experts (Filipe is the main developer on JACK these days).... (cont'd) [16:17] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Launchpad bug 2033440 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-desktop: unnecessary hard 'Depends: pipewire-audio'" [Undecided, New] [16:18] and their opinions are why the switching was developed in the first place. [16:18] Whether or not it will be ready for professional audio kindof requires spherical glass insight, afaiac. :) [16:19] However, they're the ones that have more insight. falktx (Filipe) and x42 (Robin) if you want to discuss in #lad (Linux Audio Developers) ever, and even wtay (Wim Taymans, PipeWire Lead) can be found there too.