=== Rahoul0 is now known as Rahoul [00:44] rbox: turns out that one need to do it in two stages since the microcode occupies the first segment of the file [01:11] hi, is there anyone here know a little of ubuntu server and what it serves at a basic level [01:11] huh? [01:11] "What it serves"? [01:14] yeah something like what it could possibly do [01:15] for a junior [01:20] huh? [01:22] squidles, What are you actually trying to ask here? [01:24] what can i put on a raspberry pi 4 to serve my desktop laptop and cellphone to bind them all together simultaneously [01:25] they all run on linux kernel oses [01:25] bind them? [01:26] rbox: online with each other all the time [01:26] huh? [01:27] in series [01:27] mapped out in series [01:38] Hey [01:38] Hi [01:38] How are you doin? [01:39] I'm fine, thank you. :-) How are you? Is your ubuntu computer working properly today? [01:40] Im new here so im really confused on how to work this site lol [01:40] Im on my phone [01:40] type in words, hit send [01:40] read what people say [01:40] type in more words, repeat [01:42] So why this server and not another? Doesnt each server have a topic or like certain type of people? Or is it free for all? Lol [01:42] Guest40: free [01:43] !alis | Guest40 [01:43] Guest40: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» [01:56] In gnome how do I make a custom shortcut which is searchable like installed programs? E.g. a lik to a shell script which launches an appimage but with an icon [01:56] Using ubuntu 22.04 [01:57] *link to a shell.. [03:53] ``` [03:53] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/gnome-terminal", line 9, in fro [03:53] m gi.repository import GLib, Gio File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/__init__.py", line 42, in from . import _gi [03:53] ImportError: cannot import name '_gi' from partially initialized module 'gi' (most likely due to a circular import) (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/__init__.py) [03:53] sorry [03:54] what is going on and why is that happening?? [03:54] I am trying to post my question [03:55] Is anyone seeing what I am typing? [03:56] If so.. I have a question I pasted: https://dpaste.org/hR7JG [03:56] Idk what the problem was posting directly here but I must have done something wrong. [03:59] afk [03:59] brb [04:01] !patience | blahboybaz [04:01] blahboybaz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [04:34] Hi! my parent folder display "Admin:///" before the supposed directory . How to remove this "Admin:///" from the properties of the folder? [04:34] iceR: in the file manager? [04:35] yes [04:35] what version of Ubuntu? [04:36] 18.04 LTS [04:37] iceR: what's the parent folder path? [04:38] I would like to share the image. How can I share here? [04:38] image pastebin [04:38] imgur, etc [04:40] https://pasteboard.co/RZSoM0ypVSlo.png [04:41] how to remove the "admin:///" from parent folder path? [04:41] iceR: what FS is that? [04:42] it is in /media/ [04:42] iceR: does 'mount | grep -i titan' show anything? [04:44] 175.138.xxx.xxx:/volume2/Solution_Development on /mnt/Titan type nfs4 (rw,relatime,vers=4.1,rsize=131072,wsize=131072,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,local_lock=none,addr=175.138.xxx.xxx) [04:44] 175.138.xxx.xxx:/volume2/Solution_Development on /media/Titan type nfs4 (rw,relatime,vers=4.1,rsize=131072,wsize=131072,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,local_lock=none,addr=175.138.xxx.xxx) [04:45] you should be able to mount via nfs with a specific user [04:45] your ordinary user, for example [04:46] if 175.138.x.x is another Unix box, I would definitely try using sshfs instead of nfs, though, as it's incredibly more straightforward [04:48] actually, I am connecting to Synology NAS. [04:48] thank you for the help good sir [04:49] that probably supports ssh, too [04:49] in future I suggest not buying a 'NAS'. Take a low power SBC computer (like a raspberry pi) and whatever storage you want and you'll get a better system [04:50] noted on that. will try to migrate slowly then :) === xar_ is now known as xar [06:06] I have a question I pasted: https://dpaste.org/hR7JG [07:24] hali [07:24] eee [07:24] e [07:24] e [07:24] e [07:24] e === root is now known as Guest5431 === phonemic4 is now known as phonemic [08:29] I seem to have broken my system really bad and I don't know how this happened. I was having some issues with python due to upgrading it to a newer version for something I installed. I later decided to remove it and found gnome-terminal was not working and was giving some error that seemed to be related to python. Since I had removed the thing I installed that depended on the higher version of python I [08:29] decided I would try to go back to the version I had to begin with (python3.8) to try and get everything back to the way it was and get everything working again (eg: gnome terminal and whatever else may have been affected that I was unaware of. I found a Stack Exchange article that seemed to be addressing what I needed and It talked about removing a package python3-apt running autoremove and autoclean [08:29] then installing python3-apt again. This is where shit really hit the fan! Currently I think I broke dpkg and apt and the details of the problem seem like they just compound on one another. I have no idea what to do [08:35] I suspect that what may be happening (what something I read) is that dpkg and apt actually depend on python and maybe by removing python (in an attempt to fix my initial problem) lead to breaking apt and dpkg (idk). I can't reinstall dpkg or apt I just keep getting the same buttload of errors [08:46] Greetings, I have an app complaining about libcxcore.so.4 not found. [08:49] Here is maybe some aproximation of what I am dealing with? https://dpaste.org/BTNRW [08:50] Trying to reinstall any one of those packages mentioned just gets the same or similar errors. Its like I'm going in a circle getting errors no matter what way I go === CyberBob1 is now known as CyberBob [09:00] iomari892, that is not a file provided by any package in the official archive packages. You need to track down that dependency, see if the project mentions any external dependency in its documentation. [10:26] What does this error mean? https://paste.debian.net/1294500/ [10:30] it means: please wait a bit if you want answers... [10:31] Moin! I've just "learned" how to set up a network bridge, with the "iproute2" tools - i've watched a youtube video. No one said anything about persistence - i guess this bridge will be gone after a reboot, right? (I'm using Ubuntu Desktop 23.04.) How would i make the bridge persistent? [10:31] faekjarz: use nmcli [10:32] https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-add-network-bridge-with-nmcli-networkmanager-on-linux/ [10:33] ravage: yeah, that seems to be the right way. thanks for the link :) [10:40] hi [10:41] pxe boot with the upcoming ubuntu 23.10 desktop still does not work. the dhcp problem seems to have been fixed but still soes not work [11:04] uuuh how do I upgrade my ubuntu after my release isn't supported anymore? [11:05] not really adviced Flonk [11:06] lotuspsychje, yeah but I really don't feel like wiping my laptop [11:06] Flonk: the longer you run an eol release, the higher the risk of security flaws entering your system [11:06] how long did you pass the limit Flonk ? [11:06] I'm on 22.10 [11:07] !22.10 [11:07] Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) is the 37th release of Ubuntu and the previous regular release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/kinetic-kudu-release-notes [11:07] factoid needs a change [11:08] i would install clean Flonk [11:08] !usn | Flonk see also [11:08] Flonk see also: Please see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates. [11:10] :| [11:10] if you understand the risks, you can still !eolupgrade [11:11] !eolupgrade [11:11] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [11:12] ok this looks like I can do it in a couple hours instead of a day so I'll do that and fresh install on the weekend, pinky promise [11:13] maybe you can choose an LTS next time Flonk [11:13] good call [11:13] and upgrade 'before' your release gois end of life [11:14] doesn't ubuntu want their beta to be tested well also for exotic boot methods as pxe/nfs booting? [11:14] 23.04 works just fine. [11:17] holzkopf: ask in #ubuntu-next === Vercas2 is now known as Vercas [11:43] doors stole my babies, linux stole my babies, debian as linucks stole my babies, ubuntooooo as deebian as lying knucks stole my babies, the kde terminal stole my babies, ayntelligence stole my babies! [11:43] not here corey-aid [11:48] oh sure ops can bunny/teleport to 1 a' 5000 channels but ich bin shit, u don't got the right u lotus animal, give lotus a blade [11:49] !ops | corey-aid bad news [11:49] corey-aid bad news: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [11:50] get rekt lotus === lubuntu is now known as faskdj [11:51] g [11:51] g [11:51] gg [11:51] gg gg [11:52] g^g [11:52] g g? *frowns* [11:52] nya [12:01] Wondering if there are any advantages to use Ubuntu Pro as a normal user on a machine? [12:02] security updates for software you are using [12:03] Habbie: Thanks, does it compromise anything by linking a machine to it? [12:03] or make it vulnerable for exploits etc? [12:04] i wouldn't expect so [12:24] hello world! I am having problem installing ubuntu amd64 [12:25] no no, not amd64, arm64 [12:25] it boots into linux kernel, and then it fails to start any service, last message have are [12:26] Failed to start dbus.service [12:26] before that there was couple of I/O error and squashfs error with failure to read some blocks error (-5) [12:28] for completeness, I am installing ubuntu 23 on Huawei Taishan 2280. According to ubuntu, they tested up to ubuntu 18. [13:00] eeek [13:04] hehehe khihkhikhi [13:07] weeeeeeeeeee === puppies is now known as bunnies [13:28] hey === ord is now known as quem === eroc19902 is now known as eroc1990 [13:39] I [as me] begs the counsil a' ubuntu channel, to recommend nothing to bbe done about anything while True // amen [13:40] birt [13:40] guessss what [13:41] !chat | GUest1 [13:41] GUest1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [13:42] u r welcome bot add human scum, i mean human human i c,,,,, i mean human that is utterly awesome [13:42] GUest1: please stop [13:42] f u [13:43] !language | GUest1 [13:43] GUest1: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [13:43] terminate nothing while True; [13:59] test not success boosher underglow, exit 36 [14:02] set tokik='ubuntu helllllrrrrkhkhkhaaaaaabrszhblamblamblsmerrrrrrrrrrrrrrmkhaaaaaaahhhhhhboom' [14:07] ayn time #ubuntu will be #ubunto-not-on-subject [14:08] !ops | GUest1 [14:08] GUest1: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [14:08] how, why, noooooo *dead* [14:14]       /home/hitler666/Downloads/prn >   exit 66   #  f r b this channel, bitches [14:15] !ops | GUest1 [14:15] GUest1: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [14:34] Lately I've been having a problem where my system doesn't always shut down all the way [14:35] Some_Person: did you try pressing F1 to see shutdown text? [14:36] lotuspsychje: It shows the text on screen already, and it ends with "Power down". Should probably take a picture of it [14:36] unless it's logged somewhere? [14:40] Some_Person: try to gather as much details as you can, so the volunteers can try debug your issue [14:40] !details [14:40] Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [14:42] Some_Person: a screenshot, kernel version and ubuntu release would be a good start [14:44] I'm running Ubuntu 22.04. Hardware is a custom desktop with an MSI Z370-A board, an i7-8700K, and a GTX 1080 Ti. I'm not sure if it's relevant but my video setup is a bit unusual since I'm using a 5120x2880 Thunderbolt monitor via a Thunderbolt card which in turn has 2 DP cables going to the GPU. With the Nvidia proprietary driver and X11 this setup works fine. [14:44] I'll get a screenshot the next time it happens; unfortunately I have no way to reliably reproduce the problem [14:45] and it only started recently. I am not sure what changed to cause it [14:45] Some_Person: did this issue happen recently after lets say updates, or new kernels? [14:45] I run updates regularly so it is possible that an update caused it [14:46] but I am unable to pin it to a specific one at this point [14:46] we can take a look in your /var/log/dpkg logs if you like [14:47] I want to say it started sometime last month [14:47] though it could have been a bit earlier than that [14:48] Some_Person: you could also try booting a previous kernel as a test, then shutdown there [14:48] Most of the time it shuts down fine... this is something that annoyingly only happens sometimes [14:48] hmm [14:49] so to test an older kernel I'd really have to use it long term [14:49] und another distro, biology, human brain === gnuself1 is now known as gnuself [15:02] i installed ubuntu und i [as me] ran it but now i want to utterly pay for it [15:03] !op | guest33 [15:03] guest33: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [15:03] 3 strikes? === Guest57 is now known as asdhhhh [15:15] ich bin dretzeh ubuntu, eekhleide schreids das kde kernel [15:20] wut do u call uncommucatable ubuntu?  not ubuntu [15:22] Hi all === portfoyt is now known as sktsee === deltreey2 is now known as deltreey [16:20] When increasing scale to 125%, what's the best way to fix the blurriness across Apps like hexchat, Chrome, etc? [16:25] ComputerTech: Are you using x11? [16:29] Your_Dog: I'm using wayland not x11 [16:31] would using x11 help/fix the issue, Your_Dog ? [16:32] ComputerTech: No, the reason I asked is because usually the bluriness issues with scaling is an x11 problem [16:32] oh [16:32] nope then, i'm using wayland [16:32] 65;0;7M/grep guest33 [16:35] Well, I don't think either chrome or hexchat are gtk apps, so they would be using the X11 side of Xwayland, no? ComputerTech, do the basic Gnome apps look OK? [16:40] hexchat is gtk2 [16:45] rfm, the basic apps do yeah [16:45] and yes hexchat is gtk2 as ravage said [16:46] guess I'll just keep it at 100% resolution :/ [16:47] Gtk 2 doesn't support scaling [16:49] well since Chrome isn't gtk, shouldn't i be able to fix the blurriness then? [16:50] ComputerTech: https://askubuntu.com/a/1478032 [16:51] leftyfb, ah, thanks! :) [17:10] how can I get the bell sound to windows? [17:11] hi [17:11] heya [17:12] hi [17:12] do you know where I can get the wav file? [17:12] for the linux bell? [17:13] NullHasValue: you mean the sounds in /usr/share/sounds ? [17:14] Maybe, I don 't know. You know, just the bell sound the systems gives you as a response for hitting the backspace key f.e. [17:14] NullHasValue: ok, look through and play the sounds in /usr/share/sounds and find the one you're looking for [17:19] bell.oga? [17:19] NullHasValue: does it sounds like the sound you're looking for when you play it? [17:20] sorry, but how to play it? [17:20] double-click it [17:20] sry, i was in console === ahresse1 is now known as ahresse [18:38] I'm looking for this sound but can't find it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj7Dvn8cSNY [18:39] no one seems to like it, except me :) [18:39] I think it got patched out or something === remy_ is now known as Remy === ord is now known as quem === ord is now known as quem === ord is now known as quem === ord is now known as quem [19:35] hi all === veegee_ is now known as veegee [19:48] Got this finally set up now once again! [19:51] <3 === VlA is now known as V1A === yrvn is now known as yerbs [20:10] hola [20:31] hi all [20:32] hello ^^ === sunny937 is now known as sunny93 [21:30] Naruto Reunites with Samuel Garcia for Ramen Restaurant Opening and Meets Edna Skilton - Naruto reunites with Samuel Garcia in McAllen, Texas for the grand opening of Uzumaki's Ramen in McAllen, Texas, and they both run into Mrs. Skilton and her husband Jean Pierre Manikariza and have a foursome where Naruto's kage bunshin steal the show! https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Kage_Bunshin_Skilton === aliceinchains is now known as fsjdfkjhfd [21:35] ppweoiutvnopiietvnowetvpineroipvunreopwiuntpovinwetvoiunewopivtunpoweirutnvpoiewuntvopiweutrnvpwoieutvnipoieutvnpowieutvnwepiuvtwnwoepritvn [21:35] yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah [21:36] fsjdfkjhfd: Try using words and sentences, this is a support chat [21:37] fine [21:37] but i dont have a question so bye [21:38] * Eickmeyer surprised pikachu face [21:57] The Ubuntu installation on my System76 with AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT fails to boot after the latest linux-firmware update to 1.7. It seems to freeze the GPU early in the boot cycle. My only recourse was to ssh into the machine, download 1.6 and downgrade. Where is the best place to file an issue for something like that or see if anyone else is experiencing it? [22:02] normally file a bug with launchpad but since it is a firmware you might also check with system 76 as they push their own fimware and their own repo [22:03] Rayke: if you want to see the source of the firmware, in terminal check> apt policy linux-firmware [22:03] I have notified System76 and I think I just found the place on launchpad to report it. This linux-firmware package is an official Ubuntu package, not from System76. [22:09] I guess I have to pin it for now until somehow I find out that the issue has been resolved. [22:14] I guess I found the right place to report it. I am now seeing other people reporting the same problem. I totally forgot about launchpad. Thank you. [22:32] Besides the natural implemented file manager that comes stock - Is there a better one for the standard user with better options ?? - Thanks. [22:33] MuckRaker: like what options? [22:33] I never created a list over time - but - at times wished i had certain options. [22:34] okay like? [22:34] =) [22:34] the default file manager is a very feature packed file manager [22:34] I don't use it myself, but it is [22:34] I liked :commander" if thats a correct name. [22:34] midnight commander [22:35] is that right ?? [22:35] yes [22:35] you can use that [22:35] ok [22:35] it's of a type called 'orthodox file managers', IIRC [22:35] Does this have advantages ? [22:35] I mean, if your brain likes it more, I guess [22:35] good answer - i am an old man with an appetite [22:35] it's a pretty nice TUI file manager, for running in a terminal, but being relatively graphical [22:36] Not interested in terminal applications pertaining ti any typical managers. [22:37] What i should have implied is - a beter Gui file manager with feature controls [22:37] I mean, the default file manager, "Files" or more traditionally called Nautilus, is going to have almost any feature you want, though... [22:38] it's true GNOME software likes to hide features a lot by default, because it's a macOS clone, and that's how it is [22:38] what do you mean by "feature controls"? [22:38] more options/preferences? [22:38] if you want a GUI file manager more like nautilus/the default, but not nautilus, there are definitely a lot of options [22:38] you might check 'thunar' first [22:38] jan - search and organization with origional naming [22:39] if that makes sense [22:39] by the way - thank you for your time jan. [22:39] not really... [22:39] I use Nemo [22:39] I had that assumption [22:39] Is nemo gui capable ? [22:40] it's GUI file manager, yes (a fork of an older version of Nautilus really) [22:40] i c [22:40] maybe i just should leave things alone. [22:41] I use Nemo because they removed too many features in Nautilus... :) [22:41] Folks - thank you for your time and efforts. [23:12] Naruto Reunites with Samuel Garcia for Ramen Restaurant Opening and Meets Edna Skilton - Naruto reunites with Samuel Garcia in McAllen, Texas for the grand opening of Uzumaki's Ramen in McAllen, Texas, and they both run into Mrs. Skilton and her husband Jean Pierre Manikariza and have a foursome where Naruto's kage bunshin steal the show! https://justpaste.it/Naruto_Kage_Bunshin_Skilton [23:48] how to auth gcacli with ubuntu and Google Calendar [23:50] OlegD: I would seek support here: https://github.com/insanum/gcalcli [23:50] its not that complicated I believe === Thumpxr2169 is now known as Thumpxr216 === steve_ is now known as steve