[05:45] Eickmeyer: I'll take a look [05:46] Eickmeyer: displaycal looks like it's for calibrating your screen [05:46] Eickmeyer: unless I'm finding the wrong thing [14:28] gordonjcp: Yes, displaycal is for calibrating your screen, but if your screen isn't calibrated, what's the use in doing color correction on a video? [14:29] Inaccuracy begets inaccuracy. [16:10] Eickmeyer: I don't care what colour the vectorscope displays as [16:11] gordonjcp: Oh, that's not what I'm referring to. When you have your display showing you accurate colors, that means that whatever color you are correcting in the video is accurate too. :) [16:54] Eickmeyer: yes, but I don't care about that at this stage, I know how the colours are going to look on a calibrated screen [16:54] Eickmeyer: 90% of the time I'm not even looking at the footage, I'm looking at the vectorscope and waveform monitor [16:57] gordonjcp: Oh, that's fair. Did you look at openshot? [17:47] hi i'm a new linux user and installed ubuntu studio. i also found a nice patchbay called catia but i don't see it in ubuntu studio. how can i install it? [17:49] Eickmeyer: not yet, I am not long back in, haven't really eaten dinner yet and have just put the trainee camera grip to bed [17:49] torsti: That's not supported as it's not part of the Ubuntu repositories. [17:49] gordonjcp: Sounds good. [17:50] torsti: We have Carla, which has an identical patchbay by the same developer. [17:50] Eickmeyer: ok thanks. do i install it with apt-get? [17:51] torsti: apt-get is for scripts only, I highly encourage apt. However, carla comes pre-installed on any Ubuntu Studio installation. [17:51] Eickmeyer: ah i see it now. thanks [17:51] torsti: yw [17:58] I think Carla is a little newer, no? [18:00] gordonjcp: Yes, and better maintained. falktx has stated he wants to sunset cadence and all of the utilities that spur from it, including catia. [18:01] Partially why he's heavily contributing to pipewire while maintaining jack2. [18:02] At least, that's how I understand it. === Eickmeyer changed the topic of #ubuntustudio to: Ubuntu Studio Support and Discussion | Mostly active 1500-0300 UTC | Offtopic in #ubuntustudio-offtopic | Supported releases: 22.04 LTS, 23.04 | READ RELEASE NOTES FIRST! | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com | Please be patient and see !morehelp if no one is around. [18:20] Eickmeyer: right, openshot is broken in 22.04, which is a bit of a bummer [18:24] oho, there's a snap of it [18:26] ... but, it can't load files, because the file picker is broken. [18:41] Eickmeyer: I think I'll just wait until I'm back home to edit [18:42] gordonjcp: It can load files if you check to see what the snap connections need, most likely "sudo snap connect openshot:removable-media" is all that's needed. [18:42] o_O [19:04] well, that lets me load clips, after a fashion [19:04] but, it can't do anything with them [19:04] you can just plonk them down on the timeline [19:39] gordonjcp: Sorry, writing release notes and what-not for 23.10, eyes all over the place. [19:40] gordonjcp: Check to see what other connections are needed. "sudo snap connect openshot[tab]" where [tab] is literally your tab key. [19:40] When in doubt, add them all, one by one. [19:44] yeah, that's actually got it to load [19:44] openshot is terrible [19:45] as video editors go, it's generally handy to have a way of, you know, actually editing video [19:58] gordonjcp: Indeed. It used to be installed by default in Ubuntu Studio. There's a reason it isn't anymore. [19:59] Eickmeyer: mmm [20:00] Eickmeyer: I think the thing that immediately annoyed me about it is there's no way to preview and trim a clip, before dropping it into the timeline [20:00] I mean, shit me, this is basic stuff [20:00] https://gjcp.net/tiger.mp4 <- tiger at Vienna zoo, eating a chunk of goat [20:01] Let's watch the language, !guidelines still apply. [20:01] Excellent video, btw. [20:02] Eickmeyer: danke, heute war ganz pishing down mit regen [20:02] And yes, I too enjoy a preview window. I went (ancient) Adobe Premiere -> Apple Final Cut -> Kdenlive [20:03] English, please. [20:03] 💀 [20:03] Eickmeyer: mostly I use resolve but my laptop is too potato to run it [20:03] How Hard Can It Be...? [20:04] Well, I wouldn't recommend doing it on a Raspberry Pi either, but people try and complain when it doesn't work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [20:05] you do very much need a good NVidia card [20:05] this laptop has a Blender benchmark of ~4 [20:06] so [20:06] Yikes. [20:06] Core i5-3320M, so pretty old [20:06] My main machine has an RTX 2040 and my big laptop has an RTX 2040 Mobile. [20:06] s/2040/2060 [20:06] yeah my main machine has a GTX1650 but I'm thinking in terms of getting a 3060 [20:07] I recommend the upgrade from GTX1650. I had a 1650 prior. [20:07] which should make the Cycles renderer happy [20:07] previously I edited in Resolve on a Core i5-4570 with GT1030 which was surprisingly adequate, for 1080p and nothing too Fusion-heavy [20:08] I have a small laptop that has a Gen11 Intel with Iris XE, and it's no slouch. I'm taking it to Riga to use to do an audio workshop at Ubuntu Summit. [20:10] Honestly, 2D stuff isn't too demanding if you have dedicated graphics. [20:12] Eickmeyer: yeah they're okay if you don't need either 3D or GPU acceleration [20:12] Eickmeyer: a lot of what Resolve does isn't 3Dish GPU but more "lots of fast maths for compositing" GPU [20:13] Yeah, that makes sense. When you've layered stuff on top, such as compositing or adjusting, that'll kick it into high gear. I remember the days when I'd have to wait *forever* to render mere preview frames after I've made adjustments. [20:15] Also Resolve is GPU-optimized so it's really looking for those Cuda cores. [20:22] yup [20:23] it works with AMD, but people have weird intractable problems [20:23] also I feel like Windows is kind of the "poor relation" in Resolve [20:23] it's got H.264 but that's, uhm [20:23] yeah you would want to just output to DNxHR and use ffmpeg [20:24] What's funny is BlackMagic Design actually sells (used to sell?) dedicated machines running Resolve, and it ran CentOS under-the-hood. [20:24] anecdotally, on the same Core i7 and GT1650, it was unbelievably slow and crashy with the smae footage and everything [20:24] yeah they recommend you use their respin of Rocky 8.6 [20:24] Yep, that makes sense. [20:24] in which everything Just Plain Works [20:25] (tm) [20:25] even ffpmeg is built with BMD Desktop Video support, so my Intensity Pro works straight away [20:25] it's hard to fault it [20:25] so I will anyway, I don't like the pure Gnome desktop [20:25] I mean, I can't do that, for obvious reasons. Though, the team I used to work for has had amazing luck with it on Kubuntu. [20:26] yeah [20:26] Which, technically, shouldn't differ from Ubuntu Studio in practice. [20:26] it works well out of the box, although I run it in a Docker container where it lives happily in Rocky 8.6 land [20:26] Oh, that's nice. [20:26] it is [20:26] only thing is, you need a "bare metal" install to update devices [20:26] no real hardship there [20:27] even running it in a container mitigates against a weird Resolve bug regarding font paths [20:30] Huh. Interesting. [20:35] yeah, I don't know what it is, "Text" effects seem to use a different set of rules to "Text+" [20:35] which again is different to Text+ in the Fusion tab [20:35] because it's all pretty wildly inconsistent [20:37] 🤔 [20:37] ❓ [20:37] Yeah, no idea what to say to that. [20:42] yeah, it's probably a bug [20:42] Fusion is really a separate app that's been grafted onto Resolve