[10:36] cvescan [10:36] ✅ Ubuntu vulnerability datbase successfully downloaded! [10:36] ✅ Scan complete! [10:36] CVE ID PRIORITY PACKAGE FIXED VERSION REPOSITORY [10:36] CVE-2023-20569 high linux-headers-6.2.0-34-generic 6.2.0-34.34.1 Ubuntu Archive [10:36] CVE-2023-20569 high linux-image-6.2.0-34-generic 6.2.0-34.34.1 Ubuntu Archive [10:36] -ubottu:#xubuntu- A side channel vulnerability on some of the AMD CPUs may allow an attacker to influence the return address prediction. This may result in speculative execution at an attacker-controlled address, potentially leading to information disclosure. [10:39] whats problem https://dpaste.com/CFXR4N3S2 [10:56] hello [12:55] hm [12:59] hhhhhhh