
=== esv_ is now known as esv
minimalit's been very quiet in here the past week or 215:18
falcojrthat must mean cloud-init is perfect and there's no more problems to discuss ;)15:54
falcojrminimal: to your earlier question, it's about whether you want to change an existing password vs set it for new user creation, though I agree it's confusing. Probably would have been better to have a separate field indicating whether to update the password for an existing user15:58
meenafalcojr: do we not do… idempotency?16:18
minimalfalcojr: I don't really see the point of making a distinction between the 2 actions16:24
falcojrI think it'd be fairly relevant when making golden images. You don't want to change the password for a pre-existing user that has already changed their password to something else16:26
minimalbut you can provide "sudo" or "ssh_authorized_keys" etc to change those attributes of a pre-existing user...16:28
minimalso it is a bit inconsistent16:28
minimaland you can use "lock_passwd" for a pre-existing user which *will* change their password by prefixing it with "!" in /etc/shadow16:28
blackboxsw> "it's been very quiet in here the past week or 2"   :) not at all unrelated to final freeze testing, validation of upstream cloud-init in upcoming release of Ubuntu mantic https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/mantic-minotaur-release-schedule/34989  late Apr and late Oct tend to get a stream of QA and verification checks for cloud-init on different platforms that are not specifically covered in our unittests or integration tests20:03
blackboxswand yep, "no [upstream] problems to discuss" so far.20:04

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