[00:00] No prob. :) [02:18] * guiverc sees an updated base-files now in -proposed [02:50] I have added Lubuntu's newsfeed back to Planet Ubuntu and updated the logo. You're all welcome. Accepting donations at ubuntustudio.org/contribute. 🤣 j/k [02:57] thanks Eickmeyer & :) [03:26] * guiverc my machine finally reports itself as running 23.10 (not development) :) [04:50] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Mantic Final] has been updated (20231010) [04:50] :) [12:56] Looks like good news all around while I was asleep :) [13:00] We could do with a secure-uEFI install test; the only one listed I think is a mis-file as it's that sony thingy I use & I've not enabled secure-uEFI on it for two cycles [13:00] * guiverc is thinking of https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/release-team/testing-checklist/ [13:56] xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt, vim, lxqt-session building in Backports Staging, to land in Backports soon [13:58] I always forget about the darn libproc2-dev thing XD [14:19] @guiverc @kc2bez: Do we have anything that prompts the user for a new release upgrade? [14:20] I think I've found out how to do just that [14:21] [matrix] We do not. [14:21] Cool. On it. [14:22] [matrix] Cool [14:22] Let's work on SRU justification for that >XD [14:23] In all seriousness, here's what I'm thinking... [14:24] do-release-upgrade -c will give me an exit code that I can work with (just ignoring the output) [14:24] If I have update notifier check that before it checks for updates, then prompt the user (yes/no/never), that would surely solve the issue [14:25] At that point it would pass off to a `pkexec do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE` launching the upgrade [14:26] Now, eventually we'll need to implement *some* kind of config for updates... [14:26] I'm just not 100% sure on how systemd timers can externally source their timer value... [14:26] (And that's outside of the scope of what I might be able to squeeze in this cycle, which probably isn't this.) [14:28] Since it's just all PyQt5, I'm going to backport what we have now to Jammy and play with it there. [14:28] (If that works, I'll try with some special sauce on a Lunar instance, or something.) [15:03] Does Lubuntu have a graphical way to upgrade to a pre-release version of Lubuntu? [15:04] trying to do http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/449/builds/288254/testcases/1310/results but update-manager is not pre-installed [15:25] jbicha: It's likely do-release-upgrade -d -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE [15:25] ^ That's currently correct. [15:25] As DistUpgradeViewKDE is simply a Qt frontend. [15:26] jbicha: I'm actually currently in the process of refining all of that. You do have to call it from the CLI; that's exactly what I'm trying to fix. [15:26] Honestly, that should be in the manual as the beta release notes don't mention it. (@lynorian) [15:26] It's there somewhere iirc [15:26] It's not. I just looked. [15:26] harumph [15:27] Kay. Well, like I said, literally in the middle of fixing this XD [15:27] hehe [16:19] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/28d14c9d/file_9960.jpg [16:19] That pops up with the upgrader window [16:19] Now, that's *only* the case *after* an upgrade has been completed. [16:19] (Since it complains otherwise.) [16:20] Now, I'd like to see what happens if we have 0:0 returned from apt_check but there is a new release to upgrade to... [16:20] Lastly, we'll need *some* kind of "stop asking me" box, but that can come after this functionality is implemented [16:23] [telegram] Plus, I implemented threading, so the original update manager window doesn't freeze [16:37] Kay, so this update is big enough where I'd probably call it a " [16:38] next release" thing. [16:38] Does anyone have differing opinions, that this should be in this release? [16:40] * tsimonq2 rereads bug 2002255 and starts to have second thoughts... [16:40] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Bug 2002255 in lubuntu-update-notifier (Ubuntu Jammy) "lubuntu-update-notifier provides no good way to resolve a forcibly terminated system update" [Critical, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2002255 [17:03] [telegram] Still need to end up calling a plumber [17:03] [telegram] Oops [17:03] [telegram] So this is a last minute request that hasn't been in a previous version? [17:04] [telegram] Or have I messed it this whole time [17:32] [telegram] tsimonq2 does this need to be done by Thursday for release or no [17:47] [telegram] No huge rush I'd say [18:27] [telegram] @lynorian Just from an outsider's perspective, I agree, no rush. It only applies to beta or upgrades from the current release to the development branch. Since we're 🤏this close to release, no rush at all. [19:14] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: lubuntu-update-notifier (jammy-proposed/universe) [0.5.1~22.04.3 => 0.5.1~22.04.4] (lubuntu) [19:14] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: lubuntu-update-notifier (mantic-proposed/universe) [0.5.4 => 0.6.0] (lubuntu) [19:14] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: lubuntu-update-notifier (lunar-proposed/universe) [0.5.4 => 0.6.0~23.04.1] (lubuntu) [19:19] For non-IRC users, I just uploaded lubuntu-update-notifier to Jammy, Lunar, and Mantic. [19:19] Bug 2038958 is there to track it. [19:19] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Bug 2038958 in lubuntu-update-notifier (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Add support for release upgrading" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2038958 [21:35] Okay, so I've also started on the backend bits for that installer widget. [21:36] It's been a bit... dicey to figure out passing values back and forth between QML and C++, but I'm starting to get a handle of it. [22:13] * lubot [matrix] passes tsimonq2 to teward by const reference [22:31] [telegram] I just did the upgrading section for graphical and then did the adding upgrading section for development release at the very bottom. [22:57] [telegram] Thanks Lyn! [23:03] Lubuntu.me is down. We've poked the hoster on the backend but there is a possibility we'll need a rebuild, depending on what's up. [23:08] (I mean, this is all the more reason to *do* a full rebuild behind a CDN, but that's not something I plan on doing pre-release :P ) [23:09] yeah well i didn't plan on making a wallpaper sooooo [23:09] #fax [23:09] #no paper [23:10] Eickmeyer: #noprinter XD [23:10] #no-dialtone [23:23] [matrix] #nomodem [23:32] Connecting QML and C++ in a way that makes sense (for the first time on an original project) is kinda throwing me for a loop, not gonna lie. [23:59] I've added some text re: `firefox` during *release-upgrade* to 23.10 release notes on discourse (in staff section; all beta references gone I believe on that version EXCEPT the manual link reminder)