
=== JanC is now known as Guest7641
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128goood morning desktopers!07:51
ricotzseb128, good morning07:54
seb128ricotz, hey! how are you?07:55
seb128be back in 10min or so08:04
KGB-2glib Simon McVittie 433286 * commented merge request !26 * https://deb.li/3JMWy09:14
ricotzseb128, all good here :), how are you?09:15
seb128ricotz, I'm alright thanks!09:15
ricotzseb128, I have pushed a thunderbird 115.3.2 build to the ppa earlier09:16
seb128ricotz, ah, great, thanks. It will have to be a SRU or security update for mantic at this point but I will get it uploaded09:17
ricotzseb128, thanks!09:18
KGB-2gnome-control-center ubuntu/latest 5f480aa Sebastien Bacher debian/ changelog patches/ubuntu/Disable-non-working-camera-microphones-panels.patch * https://deb.li/3PxeA09:51
KGB-2* d/p/u/Disable-non-working-camera-microphones-panels.patch:09:51
KGB-2  - fix the patch to not disable the entire privacy->devices section09:51
KGB-2    and restore access to the thunderbolt and security panels (lp: #2038907)09:51
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Launchpad bug 2038907 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu patch incorrect disable the thunderbolt and security panels" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203890709:51
KGB-2gnome-control-center ubuntu/latest 1fcca3a Sebastien Bacher debian/changelog * releasing package gnome-control-center version 1:45.0-1ubuntu3 * https://deb.li/5MEe09:51

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