
vorlonjuliank: "that's the evil option because it has no signer" yes.  maybe you want to work with rbasak to migrate us to a happy new world of git-ubuntu-driven uploads first so we work out the policies all at once00:54
=== JanC is now known as Guest7641
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
korn3rHi. This is probably not the best channel, but... Can anyone suggest general direction of digging\googling on how to start isochronous broadcast (bluetooth) on ubuntu without using libraries (like python) and preferably without using dbus? I just need to fire up broadcast of multimedia, without pairing or responses from client devices... it should be some call to bluez probably, but its not that easy to find how to do that.06:09
bryceh@pilot in16:25
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Final Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: bryceh
bandalihi folks, i'm on +1 rotation this week. i'd be happy to try and take care of specific issues if anyone pings me about them, but otherwise looking at the excuses page and considering the timing (mantic being released this week) i don't think there's much +1 work to be done now18:00
bryceh@bandali, given that, might be ok to postpone your +1 stint a week or two.  There'll be plenty of work to do once the new release opens.18:03
brycehalternatively, the non-devel releases also have update-excuses pages and sometimes have dep8 test failures that would help sru folks to work on18:04
bryceh@bandali, last time I had a +1 shift during release week, I worked on relevant docs & tooling, that may be another option if that's your cup of tea18:05
bandaliah i see, thanks bryceh. i think i too will end up doing one of those things. perhaps the first option (postponing to after opening of new devel series)18:57

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