=== JanC is now known as Guest7641 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [11:35] Hi y'all.. so.. 2 days, correct? Before 23.10 gets released. I remember being in the release channel 5-10 years ago and saw lots of activity. Is that this channel? [11:48] Dennis63: it was probably called #ubuntu+1 back then [11:48] but this channel is mostly quiet now [11:55] I noticed.. It was quite fun seeing the release being "made".. [12:01] It might get busier next cycle as some only get involved with LTS releases [12:06] ok, thanks. Good to know I'm in the right place. [12:36] Dennis63, I see this as a support channel, maybe you're thinking of the -devel channels (if you were a fly on the wall watching it all) as that's where I see all activity... even then it's not a single channel [13:49] there is a massive problem with pxe-booting ubuntu 23.10 desktop [13:49] but nobody seems to be interested at all [13:55] seems to me its a bit of an edge case. who boots with pxe with 23.10? should be fixed before 24.04. [13:56] should be fixed before 24.04 though I think. [13:59] i hope so [14:00] booting with http(s) should be ok after the dhcp problem being fixed but having the "cd" via NFS this does not work