
StudioUser8does ubuntu studio support xrdp?00:48
Eickmeyerxrdp... Remote Desktop Protocol?00:48
StudioUser8yes, would like to remote desktop from windows client if possible00:49
StudioUser8i just cant find enable remote desktop in settings00:49
EickmeyerNot by default, but something can be installed to be an xrdp server.00:50
StudioUser8Eickmeyer, where could I find more info ?00:51
EickmeyerYou might try a websearch, but xrdp is available in the repositories and so is xrdesktop. 00:52
Eickmeyer!info xrdp | StudioUser8 00:52
ubottuStudioUser8: xrdp (, lunar): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Built by xrdp. Size 522 kB / 3,163 kB00:52
StudioUser8cool!! thanks you so much!00:53
EickmeyerJust remove "studio" from your search. Anything applicable to Ubuntu will work.00:53
EickmeyerYou're welcome.00:53
StudioUser8got it00:54

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