=== deepSleep is now known as Guest1181 [02:12] good morning === leamas1 is now known as leamas === PowaBanga_ is now known as PowaBanga === madmax__ is now known as madmax [18:19] tomreyn: I'm impressed :) [18:20] sometimes i need to shock you [18:20] just so you don't loose all hope [18:21] JanC: it was a known troll [18:21] even then :) [18:21] but I understand limited time issues etc. [18:28] JanC: lets not have that discussion in #ubuntu [18:29] JanC: that troll has the same spiel every time. Their argument isn't valid, it's just troll content. They have zero interest in ubuntu. Only trolling [18:30] they might have zero interest in Ubuntu, but unfortunately the concerns are real [18:32] I'd rather discuss them honestly [18:32] They're doing it in multiple channels. [18:33] even more reasons to to handle them with facts :) [18:33] JanC: trolls don't care about facts, they just want annoyance [18:33] JanC: what is your private concern with ubuntu? [18:34] I mostly care about what other people see... [18:44] tomreyn: it wouldn't have been an issue if Canonical hadn't made several errors about this in the past... [18:45] so I really think a *honest* discussion about this would be very useful for Ubuntu [18:47] you can ban people in #ubuntu if you don't want to discuss this, but not in #linux or #debian or whatever [18:48] so... i assume you don't work for Canonical. I don't. Some users or volunteers might post their opinions, and then all this would be gone a day later. What would this discussion serve? Not much, I guess. [18:48] JanC: again, that person wasn't banned for their content. They were banned because the content was just part of their trolling. [18:50] and most people are not aware of that, because you failed to provide more information [18:52] JanC: I don't think it's necessary for ops to provide context every time they ban someone. That would get old real quick and certainly hinder their volunteer job [18:54] JanC: Part of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct is to always assume good intentions, and another part is that Ubuntu is a meritocracy and that leadership has to sometimes make tough decisions. tomreyn made a tough decision, but it was with good intentions, and we never assume ill intentions. [18:54] obviously if they have to provide an extensive explanation that would be a lot of work, but there is no explanation at all, which makes it look like a cover-up... [18:54] that is my concern... [18:55] JanC: What you're doing right now is against the very part of the Code of Conduct I just outlined. [18:57] Eickmeyer: I don't think expressing concerns is outside CoC. JanC has been around a long time and is not known for trolling [18:57] where did I say there wee no good intentions? you are the only one claiming that... [18:58] leftyfb: I'm not accusing of trolling, I'm accusing of not respecting the meritocracy or the decision made by a leader. [18:58] Eickmeyer: I don't think questioning equates to disrespect [18:59] leftyfb: And time isn't a thing in a meritocracy, nor is seniority. [19:01] there have been several real privacy issues in the past; a honest discussion of that seems like a good thing to refer to when banning trolls; not for the tolls (they don't care, I'm sure), but for those who are in the channel for other reasons [19:02] it should be a help for chanops really... [19:03] If someone wants to discuss a ban, they can always bring it to #ubuntu-ops, but discussing a ban here (or #ubuntu) is never appropriate. [19:04] I'm not discussing a ban... [19:04] Or the reason for the ban. [19:04] Or the optics *of* the ban. [19:04] I'm sort of discussing the way a ban happens ;) [19:05] and even then, not a specific ban [19:05] That's a discussion for #ubuntu-ops. Not here. [19:05] Even if it's not a specific ban. [19:06] this channel is about anything related to Ubuntu, including optics, I think... [19:06] It's for *quality* Ubuntu discussions, for which this is not. [19:07] And topics involving how Ubuntu Ops are operating are never appropriate here. [19:07] except when they hurt Ubuntu as a whole... [19:07] I don't think you want to go down this road. [19:08] You are on the line of a CoC violation. [19:09] sure, I have no official power any more in the Ubuntu community [19:21] so what I mean is that it would be better to have _good_ answers to refer people to on such questions, to avoid confusion etc. [19:22] and actually use those [19:27] then you can still ban trolls [23:34] Hey. I got a HP desktop system a year ago. Overall decent. Iirc, I did a standard install of Ubuntu 22.04. Today I discovered I was running X11 for some odd reason. When I switched to Wayland I feel as if its not moving as snappy as before UI wise. Just have Intel Corporation RocketLake-S GT1 [UHD Graphics 750]. [23:35] I have not installed any proprietary drivers for it. Should I? [23:36] > vainfo gives [23:36] vainfo: VA-API version: 1.14 (libva 2.12.0) [23:36] vainfo: Driver version: Intel iHD driver for Intel(R) Gen Graphics - 22.3.1 () [23:45] Square: support is on #ubuntu [23:45] oh ok [23:47] thank you :-)