
Guest23Garfield's Foursome with Nermal, Edna Skilton, and Jean Pierre Manikariza00:59
Guest23Garfield, Nermal, Edna Skilton, and Jean Pierre Manikariza have an orgy over lasagna!  https://justpaste.it/Garfield-Foursome-Nermal-Skilton00:59
Guest23Does anyone else jack off over Garfield?01:01
gryI've got no idea about who or what that is. Would you mind limiting your inquiries to be only about Ubuntu support and nothing else? (For other topics, the #ubuntu-offtopic channel may be more knowledgeable than I.)01:02
tomreyna ban evading spam bot harassing the network, please try to ignore it.01:04
sqiltonGarfield's Foursome with Nermal, Edna Skilton, and Jean Pierre Manikariza01:47
sqiltonGarfield, Nermal, a N11gger with a 12 inch penis, and his wife all have a hot orgy over lasagna!  https://justpaste.it/Garfield-Foursome-Nermal-Skilton01:47
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest1181
mybalzitchtomreyn: sigh. ping.01:49
EickmeyerThose scripts don't usually last long.01:49
blahboybazIs there any way to tell if `.tar.gz` completed successfully? I had to leave it overnight and I don't know if if completed properly.01:55
mybalzitchblahboybaz: echo $? as the next command in the shell that ran it01:56
=== Rahoul7 is now known as Rahoul
blahboybazmybalzitch: I'm not sure I grep what you are suggesting (I'm sorry)02:00
mybalzitchecho $? will show you the exit status of the process that was last run, if its 0 it completed successfully, if its not 0 there was an error02:01
blahboybazmybalzitch: It is 202:01
EickmeyerThat means the download was unsuccessful.02:02
blahboybazI kinda thought it did not complete successfully. And I'm getting a disc space warning. So I'm trying to figure that out. I thought I have a 2 tb disc with like 275 ish gb used. If I made a tar.gz archive of /home and a couple other small dirs it should not total out to more than double 275 which would be considerably less than 2 tb.02:03
EickmeyerThat depends on how much of /home is compressed already, but your theory seems sound.02:04
EickmeyerIt also depends on how much of the partition is actually taking the entire 2TB.02:05
blahboybazEickmeyer: Yeah, I guess I was wrong. It looks like my disc is only 474 MiB02:06
blahboybazSooo..  I guess I'm in that sitch again where I don't have enough space to make a backup.02:06
blahboybazMaybe have to go through and cull some stuff I don't need02:06
EickmeyerSounds like it, unless you have an external drive somewhere.02:07
blahboybazEickmeyer: I wish02:09
eddesomeone in there?03:09
=== zofrex2 is now known as zofrex
blahboybazIs there any way to restart a failed creation of .tar.gz ?05:31
blahboybazOr do I have to start over from the beginning?05:31
Your_Dogman i was worried that i have to install ubuntu 23.04 or kde neon to get the later version of kde but thank God Kubuntu backports exist <306:21
BobrolakHi, I guess I am yet another person with 22.10 EOL who wants to upgrade to 23.04 and gets "Broken shim-signed" dependency. I searched web, there is many open cases but I found no actual answer. Can you give me a hint how to fix it? I thought about removing shim-signed (i do not have secure boot) but apt claims its dangerous06:59
ivswhat is this?? chat?07:21
Bobrolak@ivs: yes, Internet Relay Chat, surprised?07:24
zzarrHello! I wish to grow/enlarge a disk image, how do I do this without changing the current contents of the disk?07:29
blahboybazIs there any way to absolutely keep Ubuntu 20.04 from hibernating or sleeping or any such thing by any name? It seems I have configured the settings to not do that in the past but it still did. I'm uploading a MASSIVE file to google drive and its late (sleepy time) - I need to make sure that upload doesn't get interrupted by such things.08:03
nteodosioAre you using Xorg?08:14
=== PowaBanga_ is now known as PowaBanga
nteodosioblahboybaz, if yes the brute force method is 'while sleep 30; do xdotool mousemove $((i++%10)) 1; done'. Good old Xorg days. :)08:31
illiacunninghamhi guys09:07
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lampsokXDCC SEND #73722010:44
holzkopfCVE-2023-38545 <- does ubuntu ignore this?11:01
-ubottu:#ubuntu- ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-38545>11:01
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest5082
Guest5082I have some query. Can I ask11:30
Guest5082Hello Redon311:32
Guest5082I have a query regarding ubuntu subscription ?11:33
guivercUbuntu subscription?   It's best if you just ask your question Guest5082, people will answer as/when they're able to.11:39
Guest5082We have a ubuntu vm in our infra. we need to buy service support for this11:42
guivercIf you're talking about a Canonical provided service, you're best speaking with Canonical, not the Ubuntu community.11:42
Guest5082Please suggest how to talk with cani=onical11:43
guivercI would firstly look at what part of the company you want to speak to, looking online this appears https://canonical.com/contact-us , but the best place to ask depends on where in the company the required service relates11:44
guivercSorry I'm a community member & am not affiliated with Canonical in any way (as the majority of people in this room will be, yes some work for Canonical but most are not)11:46
eth5Good morning12:41
sotaoverrideanyone know where I can get the .deb file for Microsoft Teams at?12:53
sotaoverridekeep getting 404s when I try the pages I find on google12:54
ravagesotaoverride: not supported here but look at teamsforlinux.de12:54
dTalIs there some reason for finding a native version instead of just using the web interfac?12:54
ravagefull disclosure: thats my website. but not my software. github is linked there12:54
sotaoverrideI didnt know there was a web version for it12:54
ravageits mostly convinience to have it in an extra app12:55
sotaoverridethanks ravage12:55
ravagethere is a snap of it too12:55
ravagejust saying :)12:55
DeepB|ueMy, there are many souls in this box.13:29
=== madmax__ is now known as madmax
TeridonI have a weird grub(?) issue.  When I boot the system with no keyboard attached, it automatically switches between entries every second or two, and therefore never boots automatically13:47
Teridon(grub 2.06 ; Ubuntu 20.04.6)13:48
BluesKajHi all13:49
webchat19hi, since a couple of days my Ubuntu 22.04.3.LTS shows this behaviour: mouse-clicks and keyboard input fails (can move the arrow though). 2 of my notification icons on the right-top of the screen (slack and zscaler) become dots. The after half a minute or so, the problem disappears. Is this something seen before?14:30
ComputerTechAnyone know how to enable the side click mouse scroll button, to like drag to move the page up and down thing? (not sure the name of it)14:51
jailbreakWhat's the bot called?15:00
jailbreakDon't want to spam the channel for private commands.15:01
jailbreakPretty sure it was ubutto but nope.15:01
leftyfbjailbreak: what do you need help with exactly?15:01
jailbreakleftyfb: the bot name. like I just said.15:02
leftyfbjailbreak: that's not an ubuntu support topic. What is it you want to use the bot for?15:02
ericusHowdy! Which RDP client to use for RDP on multiple monitors and with passtrough for sound/mic?15:02
jailbreak"Don't want to spam the channel for private commands."15:02
jailbreakleftyfb: !isitoutyet15:03
jailbreakSo I can message the bot and see. So it IS Ubuntu related.15:03
leftyfbjailbreak: you don't do that here. Go to #ubuntu-release-party15:03
jailbreakleftyfb: hence me asking the bot name.15:04
leftyfbjailbreak: /join #ubuntu-release-party15:04
jailbreakno. I want the bot name.15:04
leftyfbjailbreak: the bot for that is in #ubuntu-release-party15:05
jailbreakI can !isitoutyet and look for packages too. It's not a hard question to answer leftyfb15:05
jailbreakleftyfb: I know I shouldn't do !isitoutyet hence me asking for the bot. lol15:07
jailbreakGive up. Useless. Bye.15:07
lotuspsychjewelcome raddy16:36
raddyAre dry-run, simulate and assume=no all same in apt ?16:37
Guest23Hi i use void linux btw. How can i make ubuntu less comercial18:08
leftyfbGuest23: what is your technical question about ubuntu?18:09
Guest23rms said that ubuntu had some spyware features. That is true?18:10
mybalzitchdefine spyware18:11
Guest23connecting to amazon for example without my consent.18:12
Guest23or any major company18:12
Guest23that is my definition of spyware.18:13
JanCGuest23: AFAIK Ubuntu never connected to Amazon directly18:14
Guest23firefox does18:15
JanCmaybe? (mine doesn't)18:15
leftyfbGuest23: the Amazon search was removed from ubuntu 7 years ago18:15
Guest23ok. then rms is happy18:15
Guest23with ubuntu18:15
JanCleftyfb: and the "Amazon search" never connected to Amazon directly?18:15
leftyfbit did18:16
leftyfbthere was an uproar, it was removed. Problem solved18:16
JanCoh, maybe in the very early days?18:16
toddcfirefox does not by default only when google search is used18:16
JanCI thought it connected to a Canonical proxy18:16
Guest23lets have some serious talk.18:17
leftyfb!chat | Guest2318:17
ubottuGuest23: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:17
Guest23major companies take control of every user they can.18:17
Guest23ok ubottu18:17
JanCanyway, it's always an option to use Librewolf or something like that18:18
Guest23i just want to make some light to everybody in this channel. Don't trust major companies they are evile.18:18
leftyfb!ot | Guest2318:18
ubottuGuest23: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:18
JanCmaybe that's somewhat excessive18:19
EickmeyerIt was clear trolling.18:21
JanCI don't really know the history, of course, but there is a fine line between trolling & playing the devil's advocate (there have been privacy issues with Canonical after all)18:27
tomreynJanC: i did not kick them because they brought up privacy issues, but for repeat trolling over a couple days. i dislike discussing moderation here or anywhere other than in #ubuntu-ops - you're welcome to join the channel for this purpose.18:33
TeridonI have a weird grub(?) issue (grub 2.0.6/Ubuntu 20.04.6).  When I boot the system with no keyboard attached, it automatically switches between entries every second or two, and therefore never boots automatically.  I can work around it by setting the GRUB_TIMEOUT to 0 but.. I'd rather figure out WTF is going on18:34
JanCtomreyn: like I said I don't know the history18:35
JanCit might be useful to have a honest discussion of past & current privacy issues to refer to?18:36
tomreynJanC: Not on an IRC support channel, I'd say. Maybe https://community.ubuntu.com would eb a good place to discuss your concerns?18:38
JanCmore like #ubuntu-discuss or so (I don't really like web forums)18:39
tomreynTeridon: doh, that's special indeed. i'd guess on hardware issues, unless you can find, on the web, indication that this happens to others, too.18:39
JanCit was more like a remark really  :)18:39
JanCTeridon: that sounds like a hardware bug18:40
JanCand I think a honest discussion of past & current privacy issues related to Ubuntu would be a good thing to have for #ubuntu18:42
tomreynJanC: i don't. can we please drop this topic for now, please?18:43
leftyfbJanC: that's what #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic are for18:47
JanCwhich is where I took this to, but the end result of that should be acceptable here...18:48
BobrolakHi, I guess I am yet another person with 22.10 EOL who wants to upgrade to 23.04 and gets "Broken shim-signed" dependency. I searched web, there is many open cases but I found no actual answer. Can you give me a hint how to fix it? I thought about removing shim-signed (i do not have secure boot) but apt claims its dangerous19:41
tomreynBobrolak: you're late indeed! 23.10 is going to be released soon and you've been without security patches for several months now.   if you're not using secureboot then i don'T think you need the shim, but you will need to use the non-secureboot grub variant20:03
tomreynBobrolak: have you done the !eolupgrade yet?20:06
josh_Good afternoon! Does Ubuntu 23.04 work fine with all types of sdcards?20:19
toddcjosh_: I have not found any that will not work with ubuntu  but some are beeter for cameras others are better for os use20:25
josh_I tried one but it didn't work, the system didn't see it20:26
toddccheck lsblk in a terminal20:27
sybaritenhello hello, so... i'm terrible with version issues, update issues and package management issues. My lsb_release says i'm running Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS , and my curl says version 7.81.00 . The homepage of curl mentions a new nifty option in curl from 2022, which was apparently planned for 7.83.00 . What are my chances of getting that curl into my system ?20:41
ravage!latest | sybariten20:42
ubottusybariten: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:42
toddcsybariten: looks like you missed a few updates 22.04.3 is current20:45
sybaritenravage: thank you. Not sure i understand what it means though. Considered by who? Do they mean I _should_ not consider updating a program ?20:45
sybariteni mean, is it possible to do, or does ubuntu simply come with a set versionnumber for each available progam install, and that's just how it is ?20:47
toddcsudo apt update then sudo apt upgrade then sudo apt dist-update20:47
toddcedit sudo apt dist-upgrade20:47
ravagesybariten: Ubuntu does not update package versions with a few exceptions. you get the version that comes with a release. you get all security related patches for this version for the whole lifecycle of a release20:48
ravageif you want install your own software that is possible of course but it not suppoerted here20:49
toddcyou will then be current 22.04 lts  newer versions are short term support to test new features20:49
sybaritenravage: i see! The version of emacs you have with ubuntu v.2x.x when you install it, is the version of emacs you keep as long as you're running ubuntu v.2x.x20:50
ravagenot 2x.x20:50
ravagewell yes20:50
ravageof the current release20:50
sybaritenhn ?20:50
sybariteni meant, "any given ubuntu release"20:51
ravagefor some software Ubuntu uses snaps20:51
sybaritenok , interesting concept. And toddc , what does your suggestion there do? Update my 22.04 to something completely different?20:51
sybaritenravage: yes thats true, i installed glances that way....  is there any way to tell if a snap install of curl will give me a newer version? I'm guessing it won't.20:52
ravagethere is no official snap for curl20:52
ravageif you trust any of the curl packages there you can try it20:53
ravagebut i dont see any version that has all security fixes20:53
ravageis there any reason you need a newer version?20:53
sybaritenYeah like i said, v7.83 introduced a new feature (well a new command line option). At least thats what the author claimed he would do, on the blog.20:54
ravagei would not mess with curl20:55
ravageits used by a lot of installed software20:56
sybaritenReally? I actually thought i installed it myself, if you understand what i mean.... afterwards20:56
chrisbHello. Apologies if this is the wrong channel for this question. I am ready to pull the trigger on an Ubuntu Pro subscription for my company's VMware ESXi cluster. I see in the documentation that all nodes in the cluster have to be subscribed, but I can't find any details on how to subscribe an ESXi node to the service. Does anyone know how that process works?20:57
ravagechrisb: no idea. you have to contact Canonical for that. i read about that too but i could not find any documentation20:58
Bobrolaktomreyn excuse lags, non-secureboot grub variant? can you elaborate? + "!eolupgrade" - what does it mean? I saw eol upgrade ubuntu page, but it was missing problems with 22.1021:14
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:14
ravageUbuntu 22.10 is not supported anymore21:15
ravageupgrade or reinstall a supported release and come back with any problems you have with it21:15
Eickmeyerravage: Yeah, that was an earlier discussion, he needs to eolupgrade.21:15
BobrolakI know, thats why I want to upgrade, but unfortunatelly I hit this error caused by broken shim-signed dependency cycle21:16
ravagethen my suggestion is to backup your files and reinstall21:16
EickmeyerBobrolak: You want the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades, and if that doesn't work, then the suggestion ravage has of backup/reinstall is the only way.21:16
ravageand maybe choose the LTS release. or upgrade while your release is still supported21:17
Bobrolaktoo much of work, I would rather go with tomreyn advice and somehow remove shim-signed21:17
ravagegood luck21:18
BobrolakLTS is not for me, it will miss some important features after some time21:18
leftyfbBobrolak: which features?21:19
Bobrolakravage thank you. Do you maybe know something about non-secureboot variant of grub?21:19
Bobrolakleftyfb comming with new packages, and it could be anything - better performance or battery of the new kernel, better/faster DE, better audio, newer drivers etc, it could be virtually anything21:20
leftyfbBobrolak: then you'll need to upgrade every 6 months21:21
Bobrolakyes, now I see how painful it could be in case of a lag :)21:21
leftyfbBobrolak: I've been on LTS since Ubuntu 7.04. No issues here21:22
Bobrolaki still don't know why is it happening now, there is more unanswered topics like mine on the forums. Seems like something get really bad with dependencies21:22
Bobrolakleftyfb oh, I know, it really depends on what do you expect from your system21:23
leftyfbnot worrying about EOL upgrades21:23
Bobrolakthen sure, however I was never touched by any problem caused by EOL that I could not fix easily, till now ;)21:24
BobrolakI would really like Ubuntu to be on the edge and support rolling updates, but oh well21:25
leftyfbBobrolak: can you pastebin or screenshot the error?21:26
Bobrolakleftyfb https://appdevtools.com/pastebin/sdkACz21:30
BobrolakI guess I should just switch to grub-efi-amd64, right?21:31
leftyfbBobrolak: sudo mokutil --sb-state21:32
BobrolakSecureBoot disabled21:33
leftyfbBobrolak: you can try removing shim-signed but I can't guarantee it's not going to cause any other issues21:35
Bobrolakleftyfb thats what I was afraid of as I don't know if it has any dependencies in signed grub, but tom gives this hint of using non-signed grub and it seems like a good way, I guess I will try to do it,  just tomorrow as I have to go sleep now21:38
Bobrolakthanks for your support, tomorrow I will leave the feedback if it worked or not, gn21:39
SquareHey. I got a HP desktop system a year ago. Overall decent. Iirc, I did a standard install of Ubuntu 22.04. Today I discovered I was running X11 for some odd reason. When I switched to Wayland I feel as if its not moving as snappy as before UI wise. Just have Intel Corporation RocketLake-S GT1 [UHD Graphics 750].23:45
Squarevainfo gives: vainfo: Driver version: Intel iHD driver for Intel(R) Gen Graphics - 22.3.1 ()23:46
grySquare: if you make a new OS user (new username and password) and try there, does it work better, or still slow?23:46
grySquare: and which particular apps are slow? or is it everything?23:47
Squaregry: its not night and day big difference. But enough to notice it. I felt hexchat, firefox and intellij at least experience this23:47
gryOkay. I'd suggest to add a new user. Log out from your current user. Log in as the new user. Open hexchat only for 20 mins or so and see how that works.23:48
Squaregry: just curious. Why would a new user help?23:49
gryMay be a misconfiguration in the existing user.23:50
Squareok, ill try it23:52
AngryTomI have severe memory leak problems. I am using IntelliJ, Java, Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04. Is that normal?23:58

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