
xu-help13wI have LInux Mint KDE01:50
xu-help13wnow I must change to Xubuntu01:51
=== razorlaptop_ is now known as Razor
=== Razor is now known as Kvltist
aaronkis there anyone online??03:30
aaronkI've always had problems doing activities like mounting a second hard drive, etc03:31
korn3r Hi. I have a weird issue with latest (4.18.4 on Xubuntu) version of XFCE. Everything works smooth and nice apart from screensaver. It doesnt want to go off when i try to unlock my desktop. It shows password prompt for 1/2 second, then goes to screensaver again. i have to click keyboard and mouse many times for it to actually to stop showing me screensaver. Any ideas where to look for to resolve this issue?20:02
korn3ri even filmed a video of an issue to help understand what i meant by "doesnt want to go off", but im not sure its not against the rules to post youtube videos here20:04
tomreynkorn3r: it's not against the rules if it serves support.20:11
korn3rthis is what i have to face each time when im trying to get to my pc after screensaver started.20:13

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