
supporterHello I have issue, but don't understand where send it https://dpaste.com/84LR8SW9D18:06
Eickmeyersupporter: I don't understand. You have a problem with the vscode snap?18:08
supporterEickmeyer: I have issues with vs code snap and gimp apt18:09
Eickmeyersupporter: Ok, but it appears you've sent the bug to the vs code bugtracker already, correct?18:10
supporterEickmeyer: Yes, I did18:10
Eickmeyersupporter: Excellent. For gimp, from the terminal: `ubuntu-bug gimp` will do what you need.18:11
supporterEickmeyer: Well. Thank you18:12
EickmeyerYou're welcome.18:12

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