
Squaregry, i did what you said. Not sure I could feel a difference.00:07
Squarenever mind. I guess I'll just go with this00:07
grySo not a user misconfiguration. Perhaps next step could be to boot from a live usb (with a wayland) and check for the issue there. This would rule out possible issues with the system install of wayland after x11 was there.00:09
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ubottuYeees! Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) is OUT! Download it at https://ubuntu.com/download01:11
mike_how are you guys?04:40
ice9is there a count down timer for releasing Ubuntu ?06:17
lotuspsychje!party | ice9 yes06:29
ubottuice9 yes: Please remember that our support channels are for technical support and not general chat. To countdown to !mantic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party. Thank you! :)06:29
dansloIf I download the daily build, will I need to change any of my apt settings later today when 23.10 officially releases? or will everything continue to work as is (perhaps requiring an apt upgrade?)06:40
guivercdanslo, if you look at `lsb_release -d` you'll note you're already running 23.10 (if you've been upgrading..)06:53
guivercthe development release name gets changed when RC is reached (it was a couple of days later this cycle; but occurred; the current FINAL/RC I'd for most will likely be the released ISO06:54
guivercie. looking at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/449/builds you can see which ISO/teams have marked themselves as READY, they won't change unless a specific reason causes them to be rebuilt (and thus ready removed & re-tested etc)06:56
dansloThanks, I remember that in the past (not sure if it was Ubuntu or some other distro), I had to update my repositories when switching from a daily build to the final. Was hoping to avoid that :)06:58
guiverci'm betting it was a different system, as Ubuntu has never required that (to my knowledge anyway)07:00
danslogreat, thank you!07:03
stuffnthingsIf I'm running in Linux, it gets an unclean shutdown, then on the next restart my ntfs drive won't mount, is there a safe, linux equivalent to booting into a WinPE and running chkdisk?07:36
ravagestuffnthings: why would you need to boot anything? just run ntfsfix on your partition?07:44
stuffnthingsravage: if i do that, is it safe? if files get truncated would there be a log?07:47
stuffnthingsnormally i would boot a winpe and do chkdisk but i am remote at the moment07:48
ravagei have no insight into the state of that tool. and i dont have anything important on ntfs. so far it at least always made the partiton mount again07:49
ravageif it is a full drive you can use a VM07:51
stuffnthingsi was thinking of booting vmw ws and mounting the whole drive, but again, im unsure of the safety07:52
alkisgYou can safely run chkdsk /f from a windows vm in a local partition as long as it's not mounted when you do that07:52
stuffnthingsim not sure how i would do that on a win vm to a real ntfs partition though, aside from mounting the whole disk to the vm07:54
alkisgVirtualbox supports that, it clones the partition table to a file and then it restricts writes to the specified partition only. I don't know about kvm/qemu.07:56
stuffnthingsonly have vmware installed at the moment07:56
alkisgCheck its docs, I don't use vmware07:56
VishI would like to reset the appearance on the desktop. i recently tried the macos appearance and did a reset by using dconf but in few applications like files, text editor the minimize,close icons are similar to that of mac. how can i reset those?07:58
stuffnthingsi might try vbox but its pretty tight for space at the moment, on here07:59
stuffnthingsthanks nonetheless, alkisg, ravage08:00
lotuspsychjeVish: gnome-tweaks has a reset gnome to defaults option if you like08:27
lotuspsychje!info gnome-tweaks08:27
ubottugnome-tweaks (42~beta-4, lunar): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-tweaks. Size 59 kB / 412 kB08:27
Vishlotuspsychje I tried that using the command dconf reset -f /org/gnome/ but still the buttons on the files are same as mac appearance which I had in the past08:31
lotuspsychjeVish: try this: gnome-tweaks/hamburger menu upper left/reset to default/logout or reboot08:33
Vishlotuspsychje it is still the same08:39
lotuspsychjeVish: you got the tutorial of your mac theme still you tried?08:40
VishI will be able to find it08:40
Vishlotuspsychje this is the one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQDhTIX4k7s08:41
lotuspsychjeVish: i think you will need to undo the git actions from the venture theme08:44
lotuspsychjeVish: uninstall.sh perhaps?08:46
Vishlotuspsychje from where do I uninstall it, i mean like what might be the command? I am kind of new to this08:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 665 in vinceliuice/WhiteSur-gtk-theme "Some things don't uninstall." [Open]08:48
tomreynyou could try these. or, if you did not use sudo to install, you could create a new user account and then move your files there, login as the new user and delete the old one.08:51
Vishtomreyn tried those but there was an error tweaks.sh was not found even though I have gnome tweaks. Also, have already removed the whitesur from themes and icons folder long back08:57
tomreynVish: okay, i was just guessing. the changes you applied are not packaged in ubuntu. downloading an running scripts from some website can have no, good and bad effects, you can never know unless you read and undertsand the code.08:59
Visha good point09:00
Vishtomreyn lotuspsychje was able to uninstall the theme09:07
Vishthank you guys09:07
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)09:08
lektorHEllo, hello I cannot upgrade my system -- whichever server from Poland I do choose, it fails with09:46
lektor>>  Error reading from server - read (104: Connection reset by peer) [IP: 80]09:46
lektorE: Failed to fetch http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_20220329.git681281e4-0ubuntu3.19_all.deb  <<09:46
lektorwhat shall I do ?09:46
TheWebFoxso when's 23.10 being released, I heard it releases today09:47
elias_alektor: Try another update server?09:47
elias_alektor: Outside Poland, that is... :)09:48
TheWebFoxokay, looks like it won't explode09:51
TheWebFoxit's gonna remove some libs that are no longer used, 8 packages09:52
blahboybazYou can "reinstall" Ubuntu which seems to mean there is an option to preserve existing files and directories (personal data) when installing. But does this option only work if you are installing the same release? What if you are coming from and earlier release (Ubuntu 20.04) and want to install a more recent release (Ubuntu 22.04) - will you find that the option to preserve your personal data is09:56
blahboybazavailable to you and will you experience any complications using it due to the fact that it isn't the same release as the one you had?09:56
lektorsudo apt-get update09:58
lektorHit:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security InRelease09:58
lektorHit:2 http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy InRelease09:58
lektorIt still depends on that .pl server although I changed the server in the software-updater service ... :(09:59
blahboybazlektor: I almost thought I was staring at my command line. I thought "what the hell is going on on my computer?"09:59
blahboybazIts all good. Imna have to crash out and come at it again in the morning. Peace out10:00
lektorUbuntu is a lame duck , I choose it only because we had already one installation of Ubuntu and I don't want to fool my colleagues by installing diffrent distros of LInux10:00
lektorwhat's IMna ?10:00
lektorblahboybaz ? what Imna ?> anyone ?10:06
lektorgreat the grub menu stopped to show up10:07
lektorwhy is that ? I removed two entries in /boot/grub/grub.conf , menuentries10:07
lektorIt's the last time I got triced into installing Ubuntu !10:10
iomari891How can I get a list of all ip/macs on my network outputted 1 per line?11:43
TheWebFoxiomari891, all up or all in general?11:57
TheWebFoxnevermind, I https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48286057/nmap-output-with-ip-and-mac-address-in-same-line11:59
TheWebFox*I found this11:59
iomari891TheWebFox: thank12:19
saint_james /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER saint_james bwySkjmcUtr02AnM13:14
geirhabetter set a different password13:18
BluesKajHi all13:29
aurolacthanks for your pass jimmy ;)13:30
jStefantwimc, afaik, there are other ways to login to nickserv, other than /msg13:41
jStefaneg: SASL13:43
=== kvn_ is now known as kvn
yes-ubuntuHello! I read somewhere that U 23.10 is being released today? Yet, I can not see ANY link to it on https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop :( ? Was the message I read online wrong?15:48
Habbiewhere did you read it?15:49
ravagethere is no offical release announcement yet15:49
ubottuFor all I know, the latest Ubuntu release is 23.04 (Lunar Lobster). You can double-check this on the https://ubottu.com/y/announce *archives* and subscribe for future release notifications.15:49
Habbieok, i see the date on several sites15:49
Habbiehttps://releases.ubuntu.com/mantic/ appears to have it, but as ravage said, if the announcement isn't out, i'd wait15:50
leftyfbyes-ubuntu: today is not over yet. Ubuntu releases are not scheduled for a specific time. They get released within the day they say they are released15:50
ravageif you want to get the iso before all mirrors are synced you can help to distribute it via torrent15:51
ravagethis way you dont slow down the mirror process15:51
leftyfbI would not recommend downloading anything until it's been officially released15:51
ravagei dont see the point not to really. but you do you :)15:52
leftyfbThe iso could change15:52
EickmeyerMirrors are still syncing (including .torrent files) so I expect it to be released within the hour15:52
* Eickmeyer has inside information15:52
ravagevery unlikely. and even if it changes thats not a big problem15:52
LuckyManIMO it's better to do it on the weekend, less problematic15:52
ravagemy VM does not really care when i install it15:54
jStefanfor 23.04 is the legacy installer the recommended option? It seems to be judging by the links on the main website15:54
ravagei dont think legacy is ever recommended15:55
leftyfbjStefan: you're going to install 23.04 when 23.10 is getting released probably within the hour?15:55
jStefanleftyfb, i didn't ask for 23.10 so that I would not get a response saying 23.10 is not out yet and 23.04 is the latest one15:56
leftyfbjStefan: I would hold off till it's released15:56
ravagejStefan: the big green button downloads the normal desktop iso. the legacy option is below it as a text link15:56
LuckyManjStefan, you don't have to wait long15:56
ravageto answer your question15:57
jStefanravage, I think I misread the links, the green button goes to the thankyou page, and then goes to the new installer, and the link below has no thankyou page and points straight to the legacy file. For some reason I thought both links were the same target and was only reading the bottom one.15:58
=== Rhvs is now known as Rhys
ComputerTechIs it possible to modify the size/font of the calendar on the top part?16:36
pinnerup23.10 is out on the homepage: https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop16:39
Guest81My ggogle foo fails to find out how to use the vim-ale package16:41
Guest81I.e. how do I load a vim plugin that I installed with apt16:42
yes-ubuntuThanks for the update everyone. Meanwhile, another question: about a year ago, I tried to install Ubuntu on Samsung Galaxy Book Go 14" (that has ARM architecture?) This laptop has Windows 11 already preinstalled. Now, after preparing a bootable USB stick, the Galaxy Book Go 14" did not boot from the USB? I tried installing other Linux16:46
yes-ubuntudistributions, with no luck. Anyone knows if the arm .iso improved at all?16:46
jStefanGuest81, read intro here: https://installati.one/install-vim-ale-ubuntu-22-04/16:47
tomreynGuest81: "dpkg -L somepackage" will list all the files installed by this package.16:47
jStefanquote: "After installing the package, you can put ‘packadd! ale’ to your vimrc file to activate the plugin."16:47
dustwhere is a desktop iso which can be burned on a 4,7gb dvd?16:50
tomreynyes-ubuntu: ARM devices are special. there are different subtypes of cpus, and even then more customizations are often needed to support new devices. if you are targeting an ARM device you don't already know works with Ubuntu, it's best to start with a web serach for the device name and "linux".16:51
tomreyn(to see whether any linux has already been made to work on it, and how)16:51
yes-ubuntutomreyn: thank you16:52
ravagedust: http://www.cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/current/mantic-mini-iso-amd64.iso16:55
ravageBut so far it never really worked for me16:56
ravageYou need an Internet connection and enough ram to download the full iso I think16:56
ravageAt least the iso itself is small16:56
jStefanI remember trying to fit a previous release unto a 4gb usb key, I had to mount the fs and remove some packages I was sure I didn't need. But that's not straight forward to do, and it may break things16:58
tomreynmaybe debirf works with ubuntu images, too? i have never tried.16:59
tomreyn!info debirf17:00
dustravage, thx found the right one http://www.cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/mantic/release/ubuntu-23.10-desktop-legacy-amd64.iso17:00
ubottudebirf (0.38, lunar): build a kernel and initrd to run Debian from RAM. In component universe, is extra. Built by debirf. Size 26 kB / 81 kB17:00
jStefandust, good observation, the legacy installer is a much smaller ISO17:01
tomreyn"You will need at least 1024MiB of RAM to install from this image."17:02
jStefan4.87 GiB vs 4.08 GiB on the legacy installer. Small enough for a DVD17:03
dusttomreyn, thats the min for all desktop installs17:03
tomreynyes, i'd think so, dust. server doesn't need a lot less also.17:04
tomreyni mean server needs less, but not much less, also.17:04
jStefanCurious why the ISO size is so different? I doubt flutter adds 0.8 GB to the ISO ?!17:18
sixecho2i see 23.10 iso download is out -- but not showing on `apt upgrade` yet -- does this usually lag? or am i missing something?17:20
Habbieuntil 23.10 is announced, don't expect anything to work17:20
ravagesixecho2: that is not how you do a release upgrade17:21
Habbiehowever, i'm not sure what you expected to see on apt upgrade17:21
Habbie23.10 has been available in apt for months17:21
sixecho2Habbie: it's on their home page17:21
jStefanlast time it took 1 day or 2 before they enabled the update via apt17:21
leftyfbsixecho2: "apt upgrade" will not upgrade to a newer ubuntu release17:21
Habbiesixecho2, ah! wasn't there a few hours ago17:21
sixecho2^ ok - thx17:21
jStefandidn't meant apt, meant to say the do-release-upgrade command17:22
jStefanand it's GUI equivalent17:22
supporterHello. I have issue. When click in right region of snap VS Code or apt GIMP window focus move to underlying window17:24
supportervs code version:17:24
supportercode f1b07bd2 143 latest/stable vscode✓ classic17:24
supportergimp version:17:24
supporterPackage: gimp17:24
supporterVersion: 2.10.34-117:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:30
tomreynjStefan: ISO / installer availability for a new Ubuntu release does not necessarily, and not usually, coincide with the availability of an upgrade path tho this very release. For non-LTS releases such as 23.10, it usually takes "not too long" until upgrades become available, though.17:40
lluboszhey guys!17:48
tomreynhello all sexes17:49
supporterto jStefan: Should I copy my own text message into Pastebin? Will you tell me then what I should do about my issue?17:50
veegeeyeah, so, canonical should never try to do things differently with their dumbass side projects like "snap"17:50
veegeeevery single time they try, it's a complete failure, an absolute garbage fire17:51
veegeelike just focus on the OS17:51
leftyfbveegee: This is a support channel. This isn't the place to rant. If you want to rant, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or make constructive suggestions in a bug report17:52
veegeethat is a constructive suggestion17:52
leftyfbnot here17:52
tomreynconstructive criticism is great and welcome - in the right place.17:52
supporterShould I write to #ubuntu_bugs? Just while I don't understand that I must do.17:56
jpmh_I'm running ubuntu 22.04 and using a container with systemd-spawn to run another version of it.  But when I try and do things like systemctl I get the message:  System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.17:59
jpmh_How do I solve this?17:59
ComputerTechWhich part of gnome-shell.css changes/affects the calendar's size/font size?18:03
ComputerTechor even background colour?18:03
Yakovtimedatectl shows bad UTC time, how to fix it?18:04
EickmeyerComputerTech: The yaru theme does that, not gnome-shell.css.18:04
ComputerTechso which theme in the yaru directory do i edit to do what i wanted?18:05
EickmeyerComputerTech: I suggest looking in https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru for your answers.18:05
EickmeyerThat's where it's developed.18:05
ComputerTechEickmeyer: Okay, cheers18:06
Yakovhow to call ./program which I always do from my terminal with ubuntu shorcuts (python syntax works and call program, c++ variant does not work)18:12
kuckleheadI am getting this error: "ERROR: failed to solve: failed to read dockerfile: error creating zfs mount: mount zroot/data/home/m0pxn7e5nrwycj62yir6y85d2:/home/nerdsrawesome12/.local/share/docker/zfs/graph/m0pxn7e5nrwycj62yir6y85d2: operation not permitted" which is odd when I already allowed my user to mount,create,mountpoint  already. I can't figure out why it's saying this? Does anyone know why? Or what should I look into to troubleshoot this18:13
Yakovquote :/usr/bin/python3 /home/supernova/Desktop/scriptName.py18:13
jStefansupporter, idk how to fix that, Just pointing out that to paste multilines of text on the chat, you need to use a website and then link the text18:16
jStefanYakov, can you put that on a pastebin ?18:17
jStefankucklehead, is it possible files on that directory are owned by root or another user?18:19
angw97Where can I get help for microstack?18:29
kuckleheadjStefan, Probably? I was thinking it could be an issue with docker itself.18:30
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kuckleheadjStefan, it will work if I run it as root, but I want to hook it up to vscode and I did not want to run docker and everything as root. So i tried the rootless way which you can get the docker.service file on the docker website18:52
jStefanif you ran it as root before, it's possible some docker files, in your home dir, are owned by root18:53
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CroranI've been watching some of the development work on getting the new intel Xe video driver into the kernel. looks pretty exciting!19:13
CroranI wonder how the version numbers on the Intel Arc linux firmware blobs (DMC, GuC, and HuC) correlate to the 'VBIOS' version numbers that GPU-Z shows in Windows -if at all.19:15
=== PasiZ5 is now known as PasiZ
EickmeyerCroran: All great discussion, but not really support/help questions. We have an #ubuntu-offtopic channel. :)19:17
=== punx is now known as DeadSide
OlegDhave .desktop file, want to call it from favorites tab19:52
OlegDhow to put it here?19:58
ravageOlegD: you can put user specific apps in .local/share/applications/20:04
ravagethen it will show in your normal application list and you can add it to your favortites20:04
OlegDsupernova@supernova-BOHB-WAX9:~/Desktop$ cp 1.desktop .local/share/applications/1.desktop | cp: cannot create regular file '.local/share/applications/1.desktop': No such file or directory20:06
OlegDhow to correct syntax?20:07
ravagecreate the folder first20:08
Habbie.local lives one dir up20:08
Habbienot inside Desktop/20:08
ravagewell yes20:08
ravageand maybe choose a better name20:09
OlegDi know20:09
OlegDits up one directory but how to copy?20:10
OlegDnever copied to that folder before...my files 1.desktop is on Desktop, im currently on desktop, how to copy it to target folder?20:10
blahboybazI used chatGPT to ask about backing up and restoring personal data when installing a newer release of Ubuntu and using tar to do the backup and here's what it said: https://dpaste.org/3qiva It's response seems to be on target but I'm hoping to get clarification on a couple things.. In its response point [2] it mentions using the -p flag with tar (which I've done) but it also mentions " When restoring,20:11
blahboybazuse the same user account as before to maintain ownership." Does that just mean to use the same user and network name in the new installation? In point [3] it says "it may not capture system settings and configurations from other locations ... or hidden files in your home directory (starting with a dot, e.g., .bashrc)." and gives .bashrc as an example. I've backed up /etc and a couple other dirs I20:11
blahboybazthought might be needed (just to be sure) but are there any concerns that should arise from this statement given in point [3]? I don't have a local copy of those archives anymore (only on google drive now) so I don't think I have a way to inspect their contents. Is it true that my tar archive may not contain any hidden files or directories (based on the form of the command I used)? Otherwise did it20:11
blahboybazmiss anything else I should be aware of? I'm about to nuke this installation so this is the time to REALLY find out - last chance (for me)!20:11
ravageOlegD: mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications/; cp ~/Desktop/1.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/20:13
OlegDi opened folder with nautilus and copied20:15
OlegDwhat next?20:15
ravageupdate-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications20:16
ravageif the file is valid you have the application in your app drawer now20:17
OlegDthere is none20:17
OlegDits desktop file which calls my sh script20:17
OlegDravage sorry, got disconnected20:26
OlegDdo we have any moves with my .desktop file which points to script20:27
leftyfbOlegD: what is the name of the application?20:33
OlegDits script ->  #!/bin/bash nohup ~/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qtcreator /home/supernova/Desktop/GUI/CMakeLists.txt &20:34
leftyfbOlegD: specifically, what does "name=" say in your desktop file?20:34
leftyfbsorry, Name=20:34
leftyfbGUI-exe is a horrible name, but ok20:36
leftyfbOlegD: hit the super/start key on your keyboard and start to type: GUI-20:36
leftyfbit should come up20:36
leftyfbOlegD: if it doesn't show up, log out of your desktop and then back in and try again20:37
OlegDyes it does20:38
leftyfbwhen it shows up, you should be able to drag and drop it to your launcher20:38
ravageor just right click and choose "add to favorite"20:38
leftyfbor that20:38
OlegDit works20:39
EverythingHi all. How is that possible? I have two boxes with Ubuntu Jammy. First has thunderbird v115, other has thunderbird v102. On both boxes, apt says it's the newest version. Here v115 is newest: https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/thunderbird . I ran apt clean, nothing changed.20:39
OlegDso what fixed my issue?20:39
leftyfbEverything: firefox is installed as a snap by default, which is version 118.0.2-220:40
ravagehe wrote thunderbird20:41
Everythingleftyfb: ah, i see. Snapshot may be involved20:41
leftyfbEverything: sorry, thunderbird, which is version 115 as snap20:41
ravagethunderbird is available as a snap too. but 115 should also be in the repos now20:41
leftyfbthe ap from jammy-updates is also 11520:42
ravageso compare your sources files20:42
ravagemaybe something like -updates is missing on one system20:42
Everythingravage: thanks for the idea20:42
OlegDwhy I can not find latest commands in my history including case above? can I refresh history20:44
leftyfbOlegD: different terminal window?20:45
leftyfbOlegD: close them all out and reopen one20:45
OlegDprev was close20:45
OlegDprev is closed*20:45
OlegDanything I can do?20:48
ravageif you want to have a shared history file you can but this in ~/.bashrc20:48
ravage*put this20:48
ravageyou need to login/logout to make it work everywhere. at least do "source ~/.bashrc"20:49
OlegDI dont understand :)20:49
OlegDwhat is syntax for terminal paste?20:49
ravagemaybe dont mess around with it at all then20:50
OlegDI need it 100%20:51
leftyfbOlegD: you need what exactly?20:52
OlegDget full history20:53
leftyfbOlegD: what does that have to do with "terminal paste"?20:53
OlegDI mean what is command20:54
leftyfbfor what?20:54
OlegDI dont understand syntax  https://p.haxxors.com/bashrcsharedhistory.sh20:54
OlegDI do history > h.txt but it misses some commands from today session20:55
leftyfbOlegD: then those commands aren't in your history20:55
OlegDi just did it one hour ago20:56
leftyfbOlegD: could be many reasons20:56
leftyfbyour terminal crash, you put a space before the command, you ran it as a different user20:57
leftyfbOlegD: if they're not in your history, they're gone20:57
OlegDi just closed it20:58
OlegDand now I dont even remember route where should I cd to make some changes20:58
leftyfbchanges to what?20:58
guitarmanDoes anyone else have problems with firefox hanging on ubuntu 22.04?21:00
guitarmannot sure if it's the snap or if it's because i'm on ubuntu studio or what.  i've had to switch to chrome because it happens several times a day.21:01
funhouseHello, using 22, trying to install sendmail --> sudo apt install sendmail --> E: Unable to locate package sendmail21:01
leftyfbfunhouse: don't, use postfix21:02
funhouseleftyfb, ok21:02
leftyfbfunhouse: but if you prefer an outdated MTA that is more trouble than it's worth, then enable the universe repo and then you can install sendmail21:03
funhouseleftyfb, just need it to work with php8.221:03
OlegDi have terminal logo on my favorites tab, can I change icon to other?21:03
funhousejust installed it, php gives me this error now --> sendmail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory21:04
aurolactransmission-gtk doesn't seem to stay docked in 23.10, anyone come across this?21:06
Eickmeyerguitarman: So, can't say I've experienced that. I suspect profile or extension corruption.21:07
xanguaBy docked you mean a notification icon? aurolac21:08
aurolacand when you minimize it, it doesn't seem to be registered as an app so to speak21:09
aurolacno option to pin to when right clicking21:09
Eickmeyeraurolac: Transmission might be set to go to the tray icon when minimized.21:09
aurolacthey actually removed that option from settings21:09
xanguaTransmission gtk no longer uses a notification icon21:09
aurolacdesign feature? :/21:09
xanguaThat's correct aurolac21:10
xanguaTransmission-qt does have notification icon21:10
ravagethe gtk one does not have a proprt icon on the dash21:11
ravagethats a little annoying21:11
ravagejust the defautl gear21:12
aurolacwhen you hightlight the settings cog in panel it shows as 'com.transmissionbt.transmission_64513_etc..'21:12
=== _miruoy is now known as miruoy
yes-ubuntuHey! I have just read that apt install dotnet6 will install .net 6 from microsoft? Does Canonical have any partnership with Microsoft?21:23
aurolacthey collbora regarding many things, wsl/wsl2 for example21:27
yes-ubuntuaurolac: yes, I read that too21:28
JedicusI just ran updates on a Ubuntu Server 22.04 and noticed the CURL patch go by, so I know that's patched.  But I'm looking for a published timeline of any patches released for CVE vulns rated 7.0 ot higher.  Boss wants proof anything over 7 in recent history has been patched.21:29
JedicusI know most software has a published list of security updates...21:30
JedicusHmm...  I get get there with a lot of clicking from here.  No dates or ratings on this list.  https://ubuntu.com/security/cves21:35
aurolacthe transmission-gtk version in 23.10 is only version 4.0221:53
aurolacapt remove it, then go into app center and install tranmission snap which is 4.04 (problem solved)21:53
=== sharperg1y is now known as sharperguy
ice9qownnotes via snap on 23.10 crash with: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/1KUqT0wV23:27
aurolacduckduckgo produced this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1311408/vlc-crashes-on-startup-qt-session-management-error-could-not-open-network-soc23:32
aurolacseems if you remove fontconfig contents23:32
tomreynice9: if you're wondering whom to report bugs in snaps to, it's best to check this with "snap info $somesnap", or on https://snapcraft.io (or on the software store GUI app), looking for the "Contact" given there.23:39
tomreynhmm what aurelac found may actually point to a bug in fontconfig, though - not sure.23:41
bray90820Is it just me or does "do-release-upgrade" currently not work?23:42
ice9when starting some kde apps, their window loads but their icon show up in the dock after some time, this has been there since 23.0423:42
tomreynbray90820: what does not currently seem to work about it?23:42
bray90820When I run "sudo do-release-upgrade" from the terminal it says No new release found23:43
bray90820I',m currently on 23.0423:43
ice9bray90820, you need to edit this file: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades23:44
Eickmeyerice9: Actually, I already reported that bug, feel free to "me too" it.23:44
Eickmeyerice9: (the qownnotes bug)23:44
ice9Eickmeyer, please share the bug link23:44
bray90820ice9: Even if I'm not on an LTS?23:45
Eickmeyerice9: https://github.com/pbek/QOwnNotes/issues/287623:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 2876 in pbek/QOwnNotes "[BUG] Snap crashes upon launch" [Open]23:45
ice9bray90820, make sure it's set to "normal"23:45
tomreynbray90820: quoting myself from some hours ago: ISO / installer availability for a new Ubuntu release does not necessarily, and not usually, coincide with the availability of an upgrade path tho this very release. For non-LTS releases such as 23.10, it usually takes "not too long" until upgrades become available, though.23:45
tomreyn(also what ice9 wrote, though)23:46
leftyfbtomreyn: sounds like that might need to be added to the bot23:47
EickmeyerUsually anywhere from one day to one week, bray90820, though in this case all upgrade test cases came back good, so it shouldn't take long.23:47
bray90820What about this issue23:48
ice9in 23.10, closing Rhythmbox only closes it's window but the music is still playing23:50
bray9082023.04 did thr same thing23:50
leftyfbice9: it's probably still running in your notification area23:51
bray90820Yeah that's my guess23:51
ice9leftyfb, it is, but that's not logical, because closing the app from the "x" button should really close it23:52
leftyfbice9: that's been a feature of applications on all desktop OS's since the 90's23:53

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