
=== rob is now known as Guest5076
=== Guest5076 is now known as RadioR
=== RadioR is now known as RadioGuy
=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks
=== noob is now known as noob_
yossarianukhi - the zoom client deb package is not able to be installed on 23.1008:47
yossarianukhe following packages have unmet dependencies.08:47
yossarianuk zoom : Depends: libgl1-mesa-glx but it is not installable08:47
yossarianuk        Depends: libegl1-mesa but it is not installable08:47
RikMillsyossarianuk: zoom need to fix their deb package then. those have been transitional dummy packages for about the last 6 years. zoom should depend on the real ones09:11
lolek_papugadoes any maintanter from kubuntu taking care since yesterday fucking kubuntu.org isnt updated with new release?10:30
lolek_papugaValorie ZIMMERMAN10:31
lolek_papugaIRC valorie10:31
lolek_papugaBlog Linux Grandma10:31
lolek_papugaRick TIMMIS10:31
lolek_papugaany of you?10:31
lolek_papugai need kernel 6.5 since AMDGPU has few updates like fucking keyboard does boot up from suspend10:31
lolek_papuga-4000 years behind windows10:32
=== ynkz is now known as vesre
=== vesre is now known as vebtegu
skramerlolek_papuga: Maybe you could step in and help to reduce that "-4000 years" gap? :)10:40
=== ynkz is now known as vebteggu
guiverclolek_papuga, you can download it; all images are on cdimage.ubuntu.com so navigate to what you want; eg. https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/23.10/release/10:52
BluesKajHi all13:02
Roberalzhi @BluesKaj13:03
BluesKajhi Roberalz13:05
BluesKajno need for the @13:06
Roberalzok! thanks BluesKaj13:07
=== suchinton is now known as suchinton__
rabbitnightmarehello I am trying to install nvidia 395 drivers on Kubuntu 23.10, but I cant seem to figure it out23:05
rabbitnightmareI need them because the audio was working via hdmi and all of a sudden its not23:06
rabbitnightmarewhy does Kubuntu always get treated like a 3rd world citizen ffs23:07

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