[09:23] Bug #1923315 opened: MaaS API ignores osystem and distro parameters [10:59] Bug #1928873 changed: MAAS Web UI doesn't allow specifying soft stop_mode [16:18] Bug #2039292 opened: Snapped MAAS backup instructions backup unnecessary items [16:18] Bug #2039293 opened: No instructions for backup/restore of HA MAAS [16:24] Bug #2039292 changed: Snapped MAAS backup instructions backup unnecessary items [16:24] Bug #2039293 changed: No instructions for backup/restore of HA MAAS [16:30] Bug #2039292 opened: Snapped MAAS backup instructions backup unnecessary items [16:30] Bug #2039293 opened: No instructions for backup/restore of HA MAAS [22:48] Bug #2039329 opened: packer-maas should clean machine-id automatically