[20:26] Heads-up, the emergency fix for the Budgie installer seems to have potentially broken things. The installer didn't appear at startup, I had to find it in the application menu where it was called "Install RELEASE". Also the slideshow is just a plain white background when installing in Ukranian (which I just did with the help of Google Translate). [20:27] Install release is expected [20:27] The install finished successfully though. [20:27] Ah, ok [20:28] Plain white background is odd. Is it the same with ubuntu itself? [20:28] ... and nice that u [20:28] Not sure, and also I used Ukranian, not English, so... [20:28] could just be a localization issue. [20:28] (On the bright side none of the text seemed problematic, so the ISO fix itself worked.) [20:29] Nice that you are looking at Ukrainian [20:29] I'll try an English install and see what happens, and also try a standard Ubuntu installation (though it may take a while for me to download that ISO). [20:58] Can confirm white slideshow with Ukrainian install on Budgie, slideshow works fine with English install, haven’t tried anything else [21:22] I'm not going to have the time to test standard Ubuntu as the download is going very slowly and I have to leave some time before 7 PM Central Time. [21:22] Unless the ISO download speeds way up pretty soon that is. [21:22] oh wow, I closed my laptop lid and suddenly it did speed way up :P [21:22] weird [21:27] * Eickmeyer blames arraybolt3_wc 's snail of an internet connection [21:28] Eickmeyer: If you want to buy me faster service I won't complain (j/k) [21:28] ERR:NEEDJOB [21:28] Donations accepted at https://ubuntustudio.org/contribute (j/k but please) [21:28] oof, sorry to hear that [21:29] heh, I would if I could but ERR:NEEDJOB over here too (plus ERR:NEEDPAYPALACCOUNT) [21:30] No worries. :_ [21:30] s/:_/:) === arraybolt3_wc is now known as arraybolt3