
samuel_e ai00:00
samuel_galera do ubuntu00:00
samuel_tem uma sala de conversa aqui00:00
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samuel_e a lib papis seus lixo to sendo perseguido opr isso00:01
ravage!pt | samuel_00:01
ubottusamuel_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:01
samuel_ok sorry00:03
webchat27Hello, I saw that Ubuntu 23.10 has been released, yet none of the download links work (tried both torrent and local mirror)01:13
oerhekswebchat27, known issue; iso's are regenerated;01:13
webchat27Thanks, bummer01:14
oerheksjust one language, stay tuned01:15
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rabbitnightmarehey the download links are broken02:25
oerheks known issue; iso's are regenerated;02:26
oerheksjust one language, stay tuned02:26
rabbitnightmareall good it happens02:26
rabbitnightmaregrabbing kubuntu for now, gunna make youtube videos singing its praises02:27
oerheksdo it!02:28
rabbitnightmareoh dude hate speech? wow how sad02:28
rabbitnightmaregood looking out02:28
akikwow "hate speech from a malicious contributor"02:34
akikbut then it says they used some translation tool02:34
oerheks "Weblate is libre software web-based continuous localization system, used by over 2500 libre projects and companies in more than 165 countries."02:34
oerheksso maybe more projects are affected.02:34
webchat27rabbitnightmare does kubuntu have 23.10 already? can't see it on their site02:43
rabbitnightmarethe iso is finished but not posted to the main site02:44
guivercwebchat27, https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/23.10/release/ (ISOs using ubuntu-desktop-installer for 23.10 are not available only)02:44
guiverckubuntu uses ubiquity at 23.10 thus available02:44
webchat27is "ubuntu-desktop-installer" some new installer that is used for ubuntu 23.10?02:48
guivercubuntu-desktop-installer was used for Ubuntu 23.04 Desktop too (ubiquity was the legacy ISO installer)...   it was available as the canary installer before then but wasn't on a download button so few saw it02:53
guivercwebchat27, ^02:53
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n00b_oops whats up guys07:25
LuckyManYay 23.10 rules!07:26
respawnyeah for 9 months07:27
LuckyManrespawn, yeah but in 6 we upgrade to 24.0407:28
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n00b_do many people use irc anymore ?07:30
SwedeMiken00b_: hundreds of thousands at least. 35k on this IRC network07:31
jailbreakHello! Getting a really weird bug. Some apps (one's I know about so far) are taking multiple seconds to open. Where as other apps open instantly. Thunar, Lutris, Firefox are the one's I know about. I try and open them and they take so long to start. Ubuntu server 22.04.3...08:49
jailbreakHow can I debug this?08:49
yossarianuki - the zoom client deb package is not able to be installed on 23.1008:52
yossarianukthe following packages have unmet dependencies. - zoom : Depends: libgl1-mesa-glx but it is not installable  -  Depends: libegl1-mesa but it is not installable08:53
yossarianukwhich i imagine will break zoom client for anyone upgrading08:53
JanCyossarianuk: sounds like zoom have to update their package then; assuming they support non-LTS versions?09:02
yossarianukthey usually do (they say its for 16.04 + i think)09:05
yossarianukthe snap works in the meantime ..09:05
JanCmaybe they don't test on pre-release versions of Ubuntu...09:06
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JanCyossarianuk: seems like those packages were transitional dummy packages used for upgrading between Ubuntu releases; anything new should no longer depend on them09:16
JanCprobably because the deb was made for 16.04 and never updated...09:17
yossarianukJanC: it has been updated, had a similar issue when 22.10 came out - i imagine they will update package at somepoint09:20
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jailbreakHmm happening on a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 22.04.3...10:09
lotuspsychjejailbreak: are you using GUI on a server?10:10
jailbreaklotuspsychje: yes.10:15
lotuspsychjejailbreak: can you please mention what you installed exactly, and what your purpose is, so the volunteers can advice you best?10:16
jailbreaklotuspsychje: I already said what the problem is. What I installed is here: https://paste.debian.net/1294915/10:18
jailbreakMultiple apps are taking too long to open. They take multiple seconds whereas other apps are instant.10:18
lotuspsychjejailbreak: no what i mean is, the GUI part of using ontop ubuntu server10:19
jailbreakI'm using the latest MESA drivers and i3-wm lotuspsychje...10:22
lotuspsychjeyeah thats what i wanted to know10:22
jailbreakStill don't know what's causing it. So far I know about; pavucontrol, network manager, firefox and lutris. They *all* take multiple seconds to open.10:23
lotuspsychjeducasse: you know what could cause lags on i3^10:24
jailbreakIt's not lag on i3. It's the apps.10:24
jailbreakEverything else is working fine.10:24
djusticehtop and strace it.10:25
jailbreakAnd what it?10:26
webchat63Is there any functional difference in using the "Download 23.10 (Legacy Desktop Installer)" option as the other one isn't available yet?10:28
jailbreaklotuspsychje: same thing happes with XFCE4 too. *not* just i3...10:30
lotuspsychjejailbreak: can you dpaste your dmesg plz10:30
jailbreakdjustice: opening htop then opening the apps, htop see's it instantly, it closes (can't see it) then multiple seconds later it opens.10:32
jailbreaklotuspsychje: how? it's a very long file.10:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:32
jailbreakPlease don't.10:32
jailbreakHow can I dmesg into a txt file?10:33
UmeaboyHi! Who does one contact at the english speaking part of Ubuntu to start a open source convention in the north of Sweden?10:33
jailbreaklotuspsychje: there's no dmesg. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/261503/how-to-dump-the-dmesg-aka-kernel-logs-to-a-single-txt-file-from-the-kernel-boot10:34
jeremy31jailbreak: use sudo on dmesg10:34
jeremy31sudo dmesg|nc termbin.com 999910:35
jailbreakjeremy31: https://paste.debian.net/1294917/10:35
jailbreaklotuspsychje: you too^10:36
ice9I set specific DNS servers in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf but it's not effective when checking in https://dnsleaktest.com10:42
jailbreakI don't even know *how* to Google this issue... :-D10:45
lotuspsychjejailbreak: i see a few amdgpu lines in your dmesg, i wonder if thats the culprit10:47
lotuspsychjejailbreak: just curious, what gives sudo lshw -C video, in a paste plz?10:47
jailbreaklotuspsychje: https://paste.debian.net/1294919/10:49
lotuspsychjelooks like recognized driver there jailbreak10:49
ice9skype auto start up on system boot however it's no in Tweaks startup apps, any idea?10:51
lotuspsychjeice9: try this; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ShowHiddenStartupApplications10:52
jailbreaklotuspsychje: so what should I do... :-)10:53
lotuspsychjejailbreak: not sure, maybe other volunteers have ideas for you10:54
ice9lotuspsychje, skype has no entry in /etc/xdg/autostart/10:55
ice9it's install via snap btw if that makes difference10:57
Guest15Hello, we are having problem with ubuntu 20.04 server displaying Chinese characters as "#" with 3-4 digits. The characters are visible in some client apps, but not on the server itself10:57
Guest15the locale was set to zh.UTF-8 and we changed it en.UTF-8, but the issue seems to be unrelated10:58
Guest15Could anyone give any hints?10:59
ice9where the ntp servers domains are stored for systemd-timesyncd ?11:08
rabbitnightmaregod how long does it take to change some text and reupload a new iso11:08
rabbitnightmarejesus christ11:08
rabbitnightmareit definitely shouldnt take 24 fucking hours11:09
rabbitnightmarefucks sake people exist on schedules11:09
ComputerTechsomeone's in a hurry :D11:10
ravagealso the legacy iso works just fine :)11:17
webchat63i asked above, but no one seemed to notice11:21
webchat63"Is there any functional difference in using the "Download 23.10 (Legacy Desktop Installer)" option as the other one isn't available yet?"11:21
guivercwebchat63, when the installer is running; yes there is.. if you use the same options for both; the end result (an installed system) will be identical though.11:22
ravageyou end up with Ubuntu 23.1011:22
webchat63I mean, is there some feature in the other installer that isn't present in the legacy one?11:23
webchat63Or is it just a different UI to it, basically11:23
ravageit may have less features even :) but it looks pretty11:23
ravagei would stay it is totally safe to use the legacy iso. you wont miss anything but some shiny UI elements11:24
guivercyes; the ubuntu-desktop-installer can be updated prior to install, is built on different toolkit/libraries & caters with some hardware a little better, most of its capabilities are not used yet though.11:24
ravagei may not be the refefrence here. i still want my debian text installer back :D11:24
guivercI agree with ravage though webchat63;  currently I'm more comfortable with ubiquity as I know its quirks... but that will change I bet.11:24
webchat63ok then, i wasn't sure what the actual difference is11:25
guivercthe installer is actually rather different; the end install however is not being key.11:25
webchat63i need 23.10 to test an app11:25
ravagego with legacy then11:26
parlosGood Day! anyway to 'dump' the current storage config, into something that can be used directly in the 'user-data' for doing automatic installs?11:26
webchat63this translation snafu had me explain on a daily meeting what actually happened11:26
parlosI've done the install, I have the 'default' storage config, but after that, changes have been made, that I'd like to have replicated if I have to do a reinstall.11:27
guivercfyi webchat63, my current install (mantic) was installed with ubiquity... I trust it & thus used it.11:28
webchat63ok then, i guess i won't get to see the shiny new installer11:31
webchat63god damn that initial sound scared me11:31
Guest15does anyone know if our issue with filenames can be remedied in any wy?11:31
ravageyou see it in 23.04 :)11:31
webchat63had the monitors on full11:31
webchat63i didn't get to install 23.04, ravage11:32
webchat63is this how it should be or is something wrong on my end?11:39
ravagethis is how the designer envisioned it11:40
ravageits not my favorite choice too11:40
webchat63those designer types11:41
ice9apparmor is preventing Polari from resolving DNS:11:49
ice9apparmor is preventing Polari from resolving DNS:11:49
ice9apparmor="DENIED" operation="connect" class="file" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-*" name="run/systemd/resolve/io.systemd.Resolve" pid=18929 comm="pool-telepathy-" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=1000 ouid=99611:49
stennogood day, regarding the https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-4911 . I am not really sure how to read this table. Does that mean the vuln is _fixed_ for libc6 2.35.0ubuntu3.4 for jammy ?12:08
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A buffer overflow was discovered in the GNU C Library's dynamic loader ld.so while processing the GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variable. This issue could allow a local attacker to use maliciously crafted GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variables when launching binaries with SUID permission to execute code with elevated privileges. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-4911>12:08
stennoa german IT site linked to this page with the claim that 'a patch has been released'12:09
stennoi assume the 'Released' actually means 'this version is now _secure_'12:10
stennoSo if my installed version is 2.35.0ubuntu3.4 , i am _save_ from the exploit as there is also no link provided to any patch? please confirm12:12
Habbieyes, the version behind Released is the fixed one12:17
realivanjxanyone else thats using gsconnect on 23.10? i cant get it working from the nightly build and it says "waiting for service"12:34
jailbreakI gave up. Problem was doing my head in. Thanks anyway lotuspsychje.12:41
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BluesKajHi all13:02
ComputerTechIs it possible to set a specific app's scaling without changing the entire scaling of the OS? like maybe just make google chrome's scaling 125% but leave the rest at 100%?13:22
JanCI suppose in theory it's possible, but I don't think any DE implement that13:32
ComputerTechmmm ok13:32
leftyfbComputerTech: in google chrome, type: CTRL +13:33
ComputerTechthat just increases the page's zoom though, not the entire UI of the Browser :/13:34
leftyfbthat's about as close as you're going to get13:34
ComputerTechalright, worth a shot :)13:34
JanCFirefox has at least 2 sizes of icons you can choose, maybe Chrome has too?13:34
ComputerTechguess I'll need to get used to the 100% scaling instead of the 125% :P13:35
JanCalso, you can change the UI font size, etc. with the Tweaks (gnome-tweaks) application13:38
JanCmaybe that can help a bit too13:38
ComputerTechoh hm13:39
ComputerTechyeah, does that work with GTK apps too?13:39
* ComputerTech tried13:39
JanCit would work especially for anything Gtk I presume13:39
JanCit might or might not work for Qt or other toolkits...13:40
JanCComputerTech: did it work for Chrome?13:51
ice9where the ntp servers domains are stored for systemd-timesyncd ?13:59
leftyfbice9: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/use-timedatectl-and-timesyncd14:07
ice9leftyfb, NTP= in /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf is empty14:08
leftyfbice9: ok, so configure it to your liking14:08
leftyfbas for where it gets ntp.ubuntu.com, my guess is it's hardcoded in the package and can be overridden by configuring it as noted14:09
ice9I have netfilter-persistent but there is no /etc/iptables/rules.v4, where it should store the rules then?14:15
gerard72 5.4.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux, DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu14:24
gerard72DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu-Server 20.04.3 LTS amd6414:24
gerard72sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rock-core/qt414:24
gerard72used to work until this week14:24
lotuspsychje!paste | gerard7214:25
ubottugerard72: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:25
lotuspsychjegerard72: https://launchpad.net/~rock-core/+archive/ubuntu/qt4 looks like still active14:34
lotuspsychjegerard72: there was a launchpad down on 11 oct according to https://status.canonical.com/ but should be resolved now14:34
lotuspsychjewelcome Guest1714:53
Guest17I think I will not be very welcomed when I am going to ask a thing14:54
lotuspsychjeif its about ubuntu you can proceed Guest1714:55
Guest17do you have ubuntu for ppc64?14:58
coconut!ppc | Guest1715:02
ubottuGuest17: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture until 6.10. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ15:02
ravageGuest17: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/jammy/release/15:02
ravageppc64el is supported15:02
Guest17well, I need ppc64 for an "OPAL" (POWER8) system15:03
ravagethere is only a server image but i guess you could install desktop packages from there15:03
ravageit says power9 and power1015:04
ravageso i dont think there is an image for you15:04
Guest17unfortunately I need 6415:04
Guest17not el/le thing15:05
gerard72lotuspsychje still happening as of today. I can probably work around it by updating /etc/apt/sources.list.d manually and adding the key15:06
lotuspsychjegerard72: weird, maybe talk to the maintainer from the LP project?15:07
gerard72lotuspsychje thanks15:09
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TheWebFoxGuest17, IBM Power?15:35
TheWebFoxGuest17, https://ubuntu.com/download/server/power15:36
Guest17not el15:36
TheWebFoxthese work on IBM ppc64el15:36
Guest17I know15:36
Guest17should check if the is a sort of emulation for BE executables15:37
TheWebFoxGuest17, which power do you exactly have?15:37
TheWebFoxPower 8/9 or 7 or older?15:37
TheWebFoxthen install the ppc64el version I linked above15:38
TheWebFoxit supports power 815:38
ravageStarting with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, POWER9 and POWER10 processors are supported.15:39
ravageThe support for POWER8 ends with Ubuntu 21.10, respectively Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, which is still supported for several years.15:39
TheWebFoxwait no 20.04 LTS supports it15:39
ravageto quote the website15:39
ravagedebian still has active ports of it15:40
Guest17it would be cool to have ppc64 BE ubuntu15:40
TheWebFoxGuest17, https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/20.04.6/release/15:41
TheWebFox^ Here15:41
TheWebFoxPowerPC64 Little-Endian server install image15:42
TheWebFoxFor POWER8 and POWER9 Little-Endian systems, especially the "LC" Linux-only servers.15:42
ravagehe says he has a BE system15:42
Guest17Power8 can be BE and el too15:43
Guest17But "original" POWER is BE15:43
Guest17anyway, el is fine15:44
TheWebFoxGuest17, EL will install15:44
TheWebFoxand Little Endian applications will work15:44
TheWebFoxbut applications compiled for BE (Big Endian) Power will not work15:44
Guest17I think there should be an "easy" fix for that15:45
Guest17but I am not sure15:45
Guest17TheWebFox does the server edition come with a DE?15:45
TheWebFoxonly if you want to15:45
TheWebFoxit'll ask you15:45
ravageit does not come with any GUI preinstalled15:45
TheWebFoxravage, it asks during install if you want Ubuntu desktop and if you check it it installs it15:46
TheWebFoxGuest17, but how did you get yours hands on a Power8 mainframe?15:46
ravagei never saw that option on a recent server iso. but i dont remember 20.04 that well15:47
TheWebFoxit isn't exactly "consumer hardware"15:47
ravagethe new installer does not i think15:47
TheWebFoxravage, 20.04 is supported until 2025, it's the only thing that will work with Power815:47
TheWebFoxsince 22.04 it only supports Power915:47
ravageyes we already established that15:47
redon3_i am having issue with joystick it is working and recognized but wont work in linux ubuntu studio any hint ?15:48
TheWebFoxGuest17, if you were to install Debian you could install in Big Endian15:48
TheWebFoxand you should install that if you need to run Big Endian apps on it15:48
TheWebFoxif instead you can run Little Endian stuff, use ppc64le from Ubuntu 20.04, but do not upgrade to newer, it won't work with your processor15:49
TheWebFox20.04.6 is the last that'll work15:49
floch_forster"normal" invocation of do-release-upgrade doesn't seem to work, do I have to use -p or even -d to upgrade now?15:50
Eickmeyerfloch_forster: upgrades haven't been enabled yet without -d.15:51
tomreynfloch_forster: your question lacks relevant context: which ubuntu version do you want to upgrade from and to15:51
Guest17well Ubuntu is nicer. And I had no success with Debian. I already tried15:51
floch_forsterEickmeyer, thx15:52
Guest17thanks TheWebFox15:52
=== redon3_ is now known as redon3
tomreynsaiful: did you mean to ask a question?15:54
TheWebFoxGuest17, no problem, I find PowerPC interesting as an architecture, I've heard AIX runs on it ... I had no idea Linux still supports it16:22
TheWebFoxbut yeah, they even have MIPS16:22
ice9why would firefox open /etc/fstab file? could this be a security problem on my system? "apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" class="file" profile="snap.firefox.firefox" name="/etc/fstab" pid=3712 comm="firefox" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0"16:22
davros1Is powerpc still going, do IBM still brother?16:23
davros1Bother not brother lol16:23
AlliePOWER is still a thing, aye16:23
audiocan anyone help with my question? https://old.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1771wwi/is_there_such_thing_as_a_wireless_receiver_that/16:24
mosfetdepends on a few things16:26
mosfetwhat caliber of transmitter is the signal originating from?16:26
leftyfb!ot | audio16:26
ubottuaudio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:26
mosfetlong range point to point or multipoint (thought this was #networking)16:27
floch_forsterEickmeyer, You know when they will be?16:31
TheWebFoxdavros1, nah, PowerPC is basically dead, IBM keeps it going only cause some big corps can't replace their mainframes16:36
TheWebFoxthe real danger is ARM, by each platform having special requirements, it's gonna be like in the 70s ... when you couldn't take a binary from one mainframe and run it on another16:36
TheWebFoxsoon, 10 ARM builds at least16:37
TheWebFoxof Ubuntu, all released at once ... and having to be maintained16:37
Eickmeyerfloch_forster: It can be anywhere from a day after release to a week after release, depending on circumstances. Right now there were some issues with the .iso image that it had to be recalled.16:38
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, why not just disable the Ukrainian translation and release it without Ukrainian16:39
EickmeyerTheWebFox: Easier to fix the Ukranian translation.16:40
TheWebFoxright ... okay, but I mean, I installed the iso, one of my PC broke during install of do-release-upgrade and I had to get the iso from torrent16:41
EickmeyerTheWebFox: It was just a small subset of the installer.16:41
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, I can't even find the SHA256sum of the affected iso, I frankly feel it was an overreaction, does it begin with 444?16:42
EickmeyerTheWebFox: I couldn't tell you.16:42
=== JCM is now known as _JCM_
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, I just need someone to confirm me the hash of the ubuntu-23.10-desktop-amd64.iso file is 444c8a7b993cb6f103d7df1144954064889cbf7491b2415518d5dd0875e3a96f16:54
TheWebFoxI hope I didn't get malware :-(16:55
leftyfbTheWebFox: https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04.3/SHA256SUMS16:55
Eickmeyerleftyfb: He wants 23.10. 🤦16:56
EickmeyerTheWebFox: Not going to happen. If it's not on https://releases.ubuntu.com/23.10/ and some random stranger gives it to you, that's not secure at all.16:56
TheWebFoxthe file I downloaded is the one you pulled16:56
UnivrslSuprBoxTheWebFox: your assertions about ARM aren't entirely accurate. ARM has a stable ABI across processors, a binary built for the ABI should run on any processor. There are separate operating system distribution builds for each board because of different firmware requirements for each one. Different boards boot differently and have different ways of declaring the hardware contained in them. That's a problem solved by UEFI on x8616:57
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, i want to confirm with someone at Ubuntu that the hash of the recalled iso that they published on 12th of October ....16:58
leftyfb!ot | UnivrslSuprBox16:58
ubottuUnivrslSuprBox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:58
TheWebFoxand then quickly pulled out before I had time to check the iso16:58
EickmeyerTheWebFox: Get the legacy .iso from here, it has the older installer and doesn't have the bad Ukranian translation: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/23.10/release/16:58
Eickmeyerleftyfb: Don't be so quick to pull the !ot trigger.16:59
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, it's too late, I already installed the official, I downloaded the torrent earlier, when it was released, torrented  it later and by the time I went to check the SHA256, it was gone from SHA256SUM (Cannonical, you could have at least left the hash for the people that got it)16:59
EickmeyerTheWebFox: No.17:00
TheWebFoxok, fine17:00
TheWebFoxI don't see what so hard about providing a hash of a recalled file, it's not like I can build the file from the hash, I can just be sure I didn't install malware, but fine.17:00
EickmeyerTheWebFox: Drop it. What you're asking for isn't possible and you're just being combative at this point. I gave you a solution and now you're just being argumentative and combative which is against !guidelines.17:01
TheWebFoxokay, I drop it.17:01
realivanjxis it just me or some fonts arent rendered correctly? https://files.catbox.moe/cf3930.png17:16
eelstreborshould i use apt or synaptic or snap to install apps?17:24
TheWebFoxeelstrebor, meh, I hate snaps, use flatpak :-)17:26
leftyfbeelstrebor: I would use apt over synaptic. snap is good for apps that you want kept up with the latest version (browsers, email client, etc)17:26
leftyfbTheWebFox: flatpak is not officially supported on ubuntu17:26
jeenahI'm trying to build something with travis ci using ubuntu xenial. the package i'm having issues with is libcurl4-gnutls-dev_7.47.0-1ubuntu2.19_i386.deb17:31
jeenahi'm getting the message: Errors were encountered while processing:17:31
jeenah /var/cache/apt/archives/libcurl4-gnutls-dev_7.47.0-1ubuntu2.19_i386.deb17:31
ice9"netfilter-persistent save"  doesn't save the current rules and the file /etc/iptables/rules.v4 are not created17:31
leftyfb!eol | jeenah17:31
ubottujeenah: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:31
jeenahxenial is end of life?17:32
leftyfbjeenah: Ubuntu 16.04 went End Of Life 2 years ago17:32
eelstreborthanks, i'll try to remember17:32
jeenahthat's the last version which supports i386 though, correct?17:32
leftyfbwhich is also end of life17:33
eelstreboris it normal for plex-htpc to go full screen when launched?17:33
jeenahit should still build though, right?17:34
jeenahis that package wrong?17:34
leftyfbjeenah: the snap-htpc snap package is maintained and supported by plex.tv17:35
leftyfblooks like it's just a client though, not the full media server17:35
leftyfbeelstrebor: ^17:36
leftyfbeelstrebor: you probably want plexmediaserver17:36
leftyfbjeenah: ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 are no longer supported17:36
eelstrebornot sure if i want to do the server17:37
lubuntuim trying to install lubuntu but, i have a error installing grub17:37
jeenahwhat's the oldest LTS still supported?17:37
TheWebFoxjeenah, 20.0417:37
jeenahthank you17:37
TheWebFoxtill 202517:38
jeenahsorry for all the questions17:38
TheWebFoxno problem17:38
MuckRakerI plan on installing "KVM" but use "Protonvpn" what should i know and or change before installation. - thsnks.17:54
de-factohow can i stop pulse audio or pipewire from changing the output device during playback?17:56
de-factoi dont want it to change anything without asking me, it just does it wrong, sabotaging output17:56
de-factoit wildly changed between output devices, many times per second17:57
de-factoi want to disable that ability completely17:57
MuckRakerde-facto:  as far as i can tell - each device likes its own familirarity17:57
de-factolinux audio is a complete disaster, i only want steady playback with one device at a constant volume17:58
de-factothe most minimal scenario for audio17:58
MuckRakerde-facto:  the format your individual music/video - depends upon its own format - pipewire and or pulse can only read the permissions that said device gives it.18:00
MuckRakerFrom my experience - you need to convert your music/video - to your personal format and create your own bank and point it to that.18:02
de-factoits changing the output device on its own, it has nothing to do with playback format of media18:03
MuckRakerof course18:03
MuckRakercreate your own bank.18:04
MuckRakerubuntu is great - you cand do that.18:05
de-factolinux audio never had a stable output device logic, they try to make it automatic, but that results in the audio server rapidly changing the output device during playback by itself, if it does that many times a second it results in stuttering because playback is scrambled between output devices18:05
leftyfbde-facto: are you saying if you play audio through any application, the audio keeps switching the output device?18:05
de-factoit happens in both pulseaudio and pipewire18:05
de-factoyes, for example youtube on firefox18:06
leftyfbsounds like a hardware/driver issue to me18:06
de-factoit switches between hdmi audio and realtek analog audio18:06
leftyfbde-facto: what release of ubuntu?18:06
de-factolatest lts18:06
de-factobut that is not the issue, it always was like this, with every version of ubunut18:07
leftyfbde-facto: (cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; lspci ) | nc termbin.com 999918:07
de-factoi think its not ubuntu, its the sound server itself that is buggy18:07
de-factoleftyfb, https://termbin.com/b7zp18:08
leftyfbde-facto: have you tried disabling the onboard audio in your BIOS?18:09
de-factono because that is my main audio18:09
de-factoi dont want that HDMI audio18:09
MuckRakerpardon me: do you have a hdmi monitor hooked up ?18:11
de-factoyes a TV is my monitor18:11
leftyfbde-facto: have you tried running pavucontrol and disabling the HDMI output device?18:11
MuckRakeruse the non hdmi monitor as a escape when you point to it18:11
de-factowhich non hdmi monitor?18:12
de-factoI only have this one18:12
leftyfbMuckRaker: that will not disable HDMI as an audio device18:12
de-factoyes leftyfb it resulted in the analog audio switching to digital output, so it broke it completely18:12
de-factoits completely buggy in every way18:12
MuckRakerIt will only pick the graphics as the audio output - you are confusing it.18:12
de-factodisabling one output device re-configures another unrelated device and breaks it18:13
de-factothe horrir18:13
leftyfbde-facto: ok, hold on, can you screenshot how you disabled the HDMI output devices?18:13
de-factowith pavcontrol, clicking on the speaker18:13
de-factothen i restarted pipewire because it was completely broken18:14
leftyfbde-facto: clicking on the speaker only mutes the device18:14
de-factoi changed to pipewire and disabled the hdmi module, it did not solve it though18:14
de-factoif i could i would want to delete the kernel modules so they cant be loaded for hdmi audio18:15
leftyfbde-facto: open pavucontrol18:15
de-factoyes =18:18
leftyfbde-facto: go to the configuration tab18:18
de-factook disabled it there18:18
leftyfbde-facto: screenshot please18:18
de-factoleftyfb, https://i.imgur.com/sRKe4vX.png18:20
leftyfbde-facto: ok, now reboot, go back in and verify the setting is still the same and then check sound18:21
MuckRakerwont it stil try to point to garphics audio ?18:23
MuckRakerbeing the monitor is hdmi18:23
MuckRakerif its a laptop i bet it does18:24
de-factoleftyfb, yes it remembers that after reboot and audio still works... so far without stuttering, i will leave it like this and see if that appears again18:27
leftyfbMuckRaker: the problem is already solved18:33
MuckRakergood job lefty - sorry to interupt18:33
MuckRakerlefty - cant we just restart alsa ? and not reboot ??18:34
MuckRakerI run many monitors as well - both formats - what i found was a simple log-out.18:35
stefan_msg NickServ IDENTIFY Stefan80 Beerschot1977@18:36
MuckRakerbut then again , maybe i  just running goofey hw18:36
MuckRakerstefan_:  change your passwrd18:37
MuckRakerlog out and back in and change it18:38
p3limI've got 4 menuentries in grub, I've run `grub-reboot 0` and `grub-set-default 3`, after the 1st reboot it boots the first entry, but it doesn't change to the 4th afterwards, what gives? I've tried setting GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT to false and GRUB_DEFAULT to "saved", and verified that `grub-editenv list` shows "saved_entry=3"18:38
LuckyManhi. How long will it take until Ubuntu update shows "there is a new version of Ubuntu do you want to update" ?18:42
LuckyManhow long does that usually takes after a new version is released?18:44
leftyfbLuckyMan: "ISO / installer availability for a new Ubuntu release does not necessarily, and not usually, coincide with the availability of an upgrade path tho this very release. For non-LTS releases such as 23.10, it usually takes "not too long" until upgrades become available, though."18:45
LuckyManwhat is "not too long"? 3 days? a week? two weeks?18:46
leftyfbI don't think we have that answer18:46
leftyfbLuckyMan: mind you, the 23.10 desktop iso's have since been pulled as they need to fix a translation issue with them. So that will more than likely set them back even further18:47
MuckRakerHave a good day folks.18:48
LuckyManwhat happens to those who already installed it?18:48
leftyfbLuckyMan: you wait until the translations are fixed and will get an update as usual18:49
=== akira is now known as Guest6928
nikitosiusiswhat happened with https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ? 404 for me19:31
tomreynnikitosiusis: try #ubuntu-kernel (and bring much patience)19:36
durtI have a 4 HD raid5 but my mdadm.conf is empty, is the config somewhere else?19:41
tomreynnikitosiusis: or post at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/kernel/10819:42
tomreyndurt: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf would be the right place, if it's an md raid.19:43
tomreynthere are also dmraid and lvmraid19:44
durttomreyn: Ya, it's mounted as md0p1, I'm going to assume its dealt with automatically on boot. I need to re-install the OS as I've experimented with it too much and created a monster. A little mdadm magic should get it configured right I hope.20:09
funhousetrying to flush cache in ubuntu --> sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches20:09
funhousegetting sudo: systemd-resolve: command not found20:10
funhouseubuntu 22*20:10
ravageresolvectl flush-caches20:11
funhouseravage, thank you20:23
KXAGood Day!  Does anyone know what happened to the Ubuntu Mainline Kernel PPA ( https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ) ...?  I am suddenly receiving an HTTP 404/Not Found error.20:33
leftyfbKXA: "try #ubuntu-kernel (and bring much patience)"20:38
KXAleftyfb:  Thank you, doing so.20:40
ice9`netfilter-persistent save` is not saving the rules, any idea?20:58
DurdenSVShello world21:09
DurdenSVShi grim21021:10
rabbitnightmareso is there no longer a way to install nvidia 395 drivers?!?23:10
rabbitnightmarelike seriously????23:10
rabbitnightmarewhy does sudo apt install nvidia-drivers no longer fucking work?23:11
rabbitnightmarecan I please get some help23:11
jeremy31!language |rabbitnightmare23:12
ubotturabbitnightmare: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:12
rabbitnightmareyeah that makes the issue go away23:13
oerhekswhat does drivers list give? sudo ubuntu-drivers list23:13
rabbitnightmarewhy do you continue to release this distro in such a broken state23:13
Habbierabbitnightmare, 'we' did not do this. this is not the complaints department.23:14
oerheksi guess it is 390 or 47023:14
rabbitnightmaredoes 470 support the gtx 680?23:14
oerheksuse that one then?23:14
rabbitnightmareok how23:14
oerheksubuntu-drvers autoinstall23:14
oerheksit takes the best driver fro your card23:15
rabbitnightmareI have never had anything past 395 work with this card23:15
rabbitnightmareso fingers crossed23:15
oerheksalternative is the driver ppa, https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa23:16
oerheksbut use that on your own risk23:16
rabbitnightmaregot it23:16
rabbitnightmaregunna let this finish and if it doesnt work, then I am going back to LTS for now23:17
rabbitnightmaregunna switch all my PCs to amd gpus23:17
rabbitnightmarethank you oerheks that worked23:21
rabbitnightmareI appreciate your help23:21
oerhekshave fun!23:21
rabbitnightmaresorry for my demeanor23:22

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