[00:00] oi [00:00] e ai [00:00] galera do ubuntu [00:00] tem uma sala de conversa aqui === PasiZ7 is now known as PasiZ [00:01] e a lib papis seus lixo to sendo perseguido opr isso [00:01] !pt | samuel_ [00:01] samuel_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [00:03] ok sorry [01:13] Hello, I saw that Ubuntu 23.10 has been released, yet none of the download links work (tried both torrent and local mirror) [01:13] webchat27, known issue; iso's are regenerated; [01:14] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/announcement-ubuntu-desktop-23-10-release-image-is-being-updated-to-resolve-a-malicious-translation-incident/39365 [01:14] Thanks, bummer [01:15] just one language, stay tuned === oerheks1 is now known as oerheks === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:25] hey the download links are broken [02:26] known issue; iso's are regenerated; [02:26] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/announcement-ubuntu-desktop-23-10-release-image-is-being-updated-to-resolve-a-malicious-translation-incident/39365 [02:26] just one language, stay tuned [02:26] all good it happens [02:27] grabbing kubuntu for now, gunna make youtube videos singing its praises [02:28] do it! [02:28] oh dude hate speech? wow how sad [02:28] good looking out [02:34] wow "hate speech from a malicious contributor" [02:34] but then it says they used some translation tool [02:34] "Weblate is libre software web-based continuous localization system, used by over 2500 libre projects and companies in more than 165 countries." [02:34] so maybe more projects are affected. [02:43] rabbitnightmare does kubuntu have 23.10 already? can't see it on their site [02:44] the iso is finished but not posted to the main site [02:44] webchat27, https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/23.10/release/ (ISOs using ubuntu-desktop-installer for 23.10 are not available only) [02:44] kubuntu uses ubiquity at 23.10 thus available [02:44] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ [02:46] thanks [02:48] is "ubuntu-desktop-installer" some new installer that is used for ubuntu 23.10? [02:49] yes [02:53] ubuntu-desktop-installer was used for Ubuntu 23.04 Desktop too (ubiquity was the legacy ISO installer)... it was available as the canary installer before then but wasn't on a download button so few saw it [02:53] webchat27, ^ [02:54] gotcha === realivanjx2 is now known as realivanjx === zofrex2 is now known as zofrex [07:25] exit [07:25] oops whats up guys [07:25] clearr [07:25] grrr... [07:26] Yay 23.10 rules! [07:27] yeah for 9 months [07:28] respawn, yeah but in 6 we upgrade to 24.04 === LuckyMan is now known as SomethingElse [07:30] do many people use irc anymore ? [07:31] n00b_: hundreds of thousands at least. 35k on this IRC network [08:49] Hello! Getting a really weird bug. Some apps (one's I know about so far) are taking multiple seconds to open. Where as other apps open instantly. Thunar, Lutris, Firefox are the one's I know about. I try and open them and they take so long to start. Ubuntu server 22.04.3... [08:49] How can I debug this? [08:52] i - the zoom client deb package is not able to be installed on 23.10 [08:53] the following packages have unmet dependencies. - zoom : Depends: libgl1-mesa-glx but it is not installable - Depends: libegl1-mesa but it is not installable [08:53] which i imagine will break zoom client for anyone upgrading [09:02] yossarianuk: sounds like zoom have to update their package then; assuming they support non-LTS versions? [09:05] they usually do (they say its for 16.04 + i think) [09:05] the snap works in the meantime .. [09:06] maybe they don't test on pre-release versions of Ubuntu... === Rhys is now known as Guest9615 [09:16] yossarianuk: seems like those packages were transitional dummy packages used for upgrading between Ubuntu releases; anything new should no longer depend on them [09:17] probably because the deb was made for 16.04 and never updated... [09:20] JanC: it has been updated, had a similar issue when 22.10 came out - i imagine they will update package at somepoint === kyonsalt` is now known as kyonsalt [10:09] Hmm happening on a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 22.04.3... [10:10] jailbreak: are you using GUI on a server? [10:15] lotuspsychje: yes. [10:16] jailbreak: can you please mention what you installed exactly, and what your purpose is, so the volunteers can advice you best? [10:18] lotuspsychje: I already said what the problem is. What I installed is here: https://paste.debian.net/1294915/ [10:18] Multiple apps are taking too long to open. They take multiple seconds whereas other apps are instant. [10:19] jailbreak: no what i mean is, the GUI part of using ontop ubuntu server [10:19] What? [10:22] I'm using the latest MESA drivers and i3-wm lotuspsychje... [10:22] yeah thats what i wanted to know [10:23] Still don't know what's causing it. So far I know about; pavucontrol, network manager, firefox and lutris. They *all* take multiple seconds to open. [10:24] ducasse: you know what could cause lags on i3^ [10:24] It's not lag on i3. It's the apps. [10:24] Everything else is working fine. [10:25] htop and strace it. [10:26] And what it? [10:27] Hello [10:28] Is there any functional difference in using the "Download 23.10 (Legacy Desktop Installer)" option as the other one isn't available yet? [10:30] lotuspsychje: same thing happes with XFCE4 too. *not* just i3... [10:30] jailbreak: can you dpaste your dmesg plz [10:32] djustice: opening htop then opening the apps, htop see's it instantly, it closes (can't see it) then multiple seconds later it opens. [10:32] lotuspsychje: how? it's a very long file. [10:32] !paste [10:32] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [10:32] Please don't. [10:33] How can I dmesg into a txt file? [10:33] Hi! Who does one contact at the english speaking part of Ubuntu to start a open source convention in the north of Sweden? [10:34] lotuspsychje: there's no dmesg. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/261503/how-to-dump-the-dmesg-aka-kernel-logs-to-a-single-txt-file-from-the-kernel-boot [10:34] jailbreak: use sudo on dmesg [10:35] sudo dmesg|nc termbin.com 9999 [10:35] jeremy31: https://paste.debian.net/1294917/ [10:36] lotuspsychje: you too^ [10:42] I set specific DNS servers in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf but it's not effective when checking in https://dnsleaktest.com [10:45] I don't even know *how* to Google this issue... :-D [10:47] jailbreak: i see a few amdgpu lines in your dmesg, i wonder if thats the culprit [10:47] jailbreak: just curious, what gives sudo lshw -C video, in a paste plz? [10:49] lotuspsychje: https://paste.debian.net/1294919/ [10:49] looks like recognized driver there jailbreak [10:50] Yes... [10:51] skype auto start up on system boot however it's no in Tweaks startup apps, any idea? [10:52] ice9: try this; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ShowHiddenStartupApplications [10:53] lotuspsychje: so what should I do... :-) [10:54] jailbreak: not sure, maybe other volunteers have ideas for you [10:55] lotuspsychje, skype has no entry in /etc/xdg/autostart/ [10:57] it's install via snap btw if that makes difference [10:57] Hello, we are having problem with ubuntu 20.04 server displaying Chinese characters as "#" with 3-4 digits. The characters are visible in some client apps, but not on the server itself [10:58] the locale was set to zh.UTF-8 and we changed it en.UTF-8, but the issue seems to be unrelated [10:59] Could anyone give any hints? [11:08] where the ntp servers domains are stored for systemd-timesyncd ? [11:08] god how long does it take to change some text and reupload a new iso [11:08] jesus christ [11:09] it definitely shouldnt take 24 fucking hours [11:09] fucks sake people exist on schedules [11:10] someone's in a hurry :D [11:17] also the legacy iso works just fine :) [11:21] i asked above, but no one seemed to notice [11:21] "Is there any functional difference in using the "Download 23.10 (Legacy Desktop Installer)" option as the other one isn't available yet?" [11:22] webchat63, when the installer is running; yes there is.. if you use the same options for both; the end result (an installed system) will be identical though. [11:22] you end up with Ubuntu 23.10 [11:23] I mean, is there some feature in the other installer that isn't present in the legacy one? [11:23] Or is it just a different UI to it, basically [11:23] it may have less features even :) but it looks pretty [11:24] i would stay it is totally safe to use the legacy iso. you wont miss anything but some shiny UI elements [11:24] yes; the ubuntu-desktop-installer can be updated prior to install, is built on different toolkit/libraries & caters with some hardware a little better, most of its capabilities are not used yet though. [11:24] i may not be the refefrence here. i still want my debian text installer back :D [11:24] I agree with ravage though webchat63; currently I'm more comfortable with ubiquity as I know its quirks... but that will change I bet. [11:25] ok then, i wasn't sure what the actual difference is [11:25] the installer is actually rather different; the end install however is not being key. [11:25] i need 23.10 to test an app [11:26] go with legacy then [11:26] Good Day! anyway to 'dump' the current storage config, into something that can be used directly in the 'user-data' for doing automatic installs? [11:26] this translation snafu had me explain on a daily meeting what actually happened [11:27] I've done the install, I have the 'default' storage config, but after that, changes have been made, that I'd like to have replicated if I have to do a reinstall. [11:28] fyi webchat63, my current install (mantic) was installed with ubiquity... I trust it & thus used it. [11:31] ok then, i guess i won't get to see the shiny new installer [11:31] god damn that initial sound scared me [11:31] does anyone know if our issue with filenames can be remedied in any wy? [11:31] you see it in 23.04 :) [11:31] way* [11:31] had the monitors on full [11:32] i didn't get to install 23.04, ravage [11:38] https://i.imgur.com/KcsTI0R.png [11:39] is this how it should be or is something wrong on my end? [11:40] this is how the designer envisioned it [11:40] its not my favorite choice too [11:41] those designer types [11:49] apparmor is preventing Polari from resolving DNS: [11:49] apparmor is preventing Polari from resolving DNS: [11:49] apparmor="DENIED" operation="connect" class="file" info="Failed name lookup - disconnected path" error=-13 profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-*" name="run/systemd/resolve/io.systemd.Resolve" pid=18929 comm="pool-telepathy-" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=1000 ouid=996 [12:08] good day, regarding the https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-4911 . I am not really sure how to read this table. Does that mean the vuln is _fixed_ for libc6 2.35.0ubuntu3.4 for jammy ? [12:08] -ubottu:#ubuntu- A buffer overflow was discovered in the GNU C Library's dynamic loader ld.so while processing the GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variable. This issue could allow a local attacker to use maliciously crafted GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variables when launching binaries with SUID permission to execute code with elevated privileges. [12:09] a german IT site linked to this page with the claim that 'a patch has been released' [12:10] i assume the 'Released' actually means 'this version is now _secure_' [12:12] So if my installed version is 2.35.0ubuntu3.4 , i am _save_ from the exploit as there is also no link provided to any patch? please confirm [12:12] safe* [12:17] yes, the version behind Released is the fixed one [12:20] thanks! [12:34] anyone else thats using gsconnect on 23.10? i cant get it working from the nightly build and it says "waiting for service" [12:41] I gave up. Problem was doing my head in. Thanks anyway lotuspsychje. === sotaoverride is now known as Guest5719 [13:02] Hi all [13:22] Is it possible to set a specific app's scaling without changing the entire scaling of the OS? like maybe just make google chrome's scaling 125% but leave the rest at 100%? [13:31] No [13:32] I suppose in theory it's possible, but I don't think any DE implement that [13:32] mmm ok [13:33] ComputerTech: in google chrome, type: CTRL + [13:34] that just increases the page's zoom though, not the entire UI of the Browser :/ [13:34] correct [13:34] that's about as close as you're going to get [13:34] alright, worth a shot :) [13:34] Firefox has at least 2 sizes of icons you can choose, maybe Chrome has too? [13:35] guess I'll need to get used to the 100% scaling instead of the 125% :P [13:38] also, you can change the UI font size, etc. with the Tweaks (gnome-tweaks) application [13:38] maybe that can help a bit too [13:39] oh hm [13:39] yeah, does that work with GTK apps too? [13:39] * ComputerTech tried [13:39] tries* [13:39] it would work especially for anything Gtk I presume [13:40] it might or might not work for Qt or other toolkits... [13:51] ComputerTech: did it work for Chrome? [13:59] where the ntp servers domains are stored for systemd-timesyncd ? [14:07] ice9: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/use-timedatectl-and-timesyncd [14:08] leftyfb, NTP= in /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf is empty [14:08] ice9: ok, so configure it to your liking [14:09] as for where it gets ntp.ubuntu.com, my guess is it's hardcoded in the package and can be overridden by configuring it as noted [14:15] I have netfilter-persistent but there is no /etc/iptables/rules.v4, where it should store the rules then? [14:24]  5.4.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux, DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu [14:24] DISTRIB_RELEASE=20.04 [14:24] DISTRIB_CODENAME=focal [14:24] DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu-Server 20.04.3 LTS amd64 [14:24] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rock-core/qt4 [14:24] used to work until this week [14:25] !paste | gerard72 [14:25] gerard72: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:26] dpaste.com/ACVEHSXPN [14:34] gerard72: https://launchpad.net/~rock-core/+archive/ubuntu/qt4 looks like still active [14:34] gerard72: there was a launchpad down on 11 oct according to https://status.canonical.com/ but should be resolved now [14:52] hi [14:53] welcome Guest17 [14:54] I think I will not be very welcomed when I am going to ask a thing [14:55] if its about ubuntu you can proceed Guest17 [14:58] do you have ubuntu for ppc64? [15:02] !ppc | Guest17 [15:02] Guest17: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture until 6.10. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ [15:02] Guest17: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/jammy/release/ [15:02] ppc64el is supported [15:02] oh [15:03] well, I need ppc64 for an "OPAL" (POWER8) system [15:03] there is only a server image but i guess you could install desktop packages from there [15:04] it says power9 and power10 [15:04] so i dont think there is an image for you [15:04] unfortunately I need 64 [15:05] not el/le thing [15:06] lotuspsychje still happening as of today. I can probably work around it by updating /etc/apt/sources.list.d manually and adding the key [15:07] gerard72: weird, maybe talk to the maintainer from the LP project? [15:09] lotuspsychje thanks === kentucky4447 is now known as kentucky444 === pah is now known as pa [15:35] Guest17, IBM Power? [15:36] yes [15:36] TheWebFox [15:36] Guest17, https://ubuntu.com/download/server/power [15:36] not el [15:36] these work on IBM ppc64el [15:36] I know [15:37] should check if the is a sort of emulation for BE executables [15:37] Guest17, which power do you exactly have? [15:37] Power 8/9 or 7 or older? [15:37] P8 [15:38] then install the ppc64el version I linked above [15:38] it supports power 8 [15:39] Starting with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, POWER9 and POWER10 processors are supported. [15:39] The support for POWER8 ends with Ubuntu 21.10, respectively Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, which is still supported for several years. [15:39] wait no 20.04 LTS supports it [15:39] to quote the website [15:40] debian still has active ports of it [15:40] thanks [15:40] it would be cool to have ppc64 BE ubuntu [15:41] Guest17, https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/20.04.6/release/ [15:41] ^ Here [15:42] PowerPC64 Little-Endian server install image [15:42] For POWER8 and POWER9 Little-Endian systems, especially the "LC" Linux-only servers. [15:42] he says he has a BE system [15:43] Power8 can be BE and el too [15:43] But "original" POWER is BE [15:44] anyway, el is fine [15:44] thanks [15:44] Guest17, EL will install [15:44] and Little Endian applications will work [15:44] but applications compiled for BE (Big Endian) Power will not work [15:45] I think there should be an "easy" fix for that [15:45] but I am not sure [15:45] TheWebFox does the server edition come with a DE? [15:45] only if you want to [15:45] it'll ask you [15:45] ok [15:45] it does not come with any GUI preinstalled [15:46] ravage, it asks during install if you want Ubuntu desktop and if you check it it installs it [15:46] Guest17, but how did you get yours hands on a Power8 mainframe? [15:47] i never saw that option on a recent server iso. but i dont remember 20.04 that well [15:47] it isn't exactly "consumer hardware" [15:47] the new installer does not i think [15:47] ravage, 20.04 is supported until 2025, it's the only thing that will work with Power8 [15:47] since 22.04 it only supports Power9 [15:47] yes we already established that [15:48] i am having issue with joystick it is working and recognized but wont work in linux ubuntu studio any hint ? [15:48] Guest17, if you were to install Debian you could install in Big Endian [15:48] and you should install that if you need to run Big Endian apps on it [15:49] if instead you can run Little Endian stuff, use ppc64le from Ubuntu 20.04, but do not upgrade to newer, it won't work with your processor [15:49] 20.04.6 is the last that'll work [15:50] "normal" invocation of do-release-upgrade doesn't seem to work, do I have to use -p or even -d to upgrade now? [15:51] floch_forster: upgrades haven't been enabled yet without -d. [15:51] floch_forster: your question lacks relevant context: which ubuntu version do you want to upgrade from and to [15:51] well Ubuntu is nicer. And I had no success with Debian. I already tried [15:52] Eickmeyer, thx [15:52] thanks TheWebFox === redon3_ is now known as redon3 [15:54] ? [15:54] saiful: did you mean to ask a question? [16:22] Guest17, no problem, I find PowerPC interesting as an architecture, I've heard AIX runs on it ... I had no idea Linux still supports it [16:22] but yeah, they even have MIPS [16:22] why would firefox open /etc/fstab file? could this be a security problem on my system? "apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" class="file" profile="snap.firefox.firefox" name="/etc/fstab" pid=3712 comm="firefox" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0" [16:23] Is powerpc still going, do IBM still brother? [16:23] Bother not brother lol [16:23] POWER is still a thing, aye [16:24]